
Chapter 1: System Gained

The power was off again Seth noticed as he walked through the front door trying to click on the lights, sighing he walked further in shaking his head at it. Seth was currently eighteen and just graduated he was just now trying to come out into his own in the world, unfortunately his past kept him from getting a job.

At the moment he lived in the house alone, his mother took off with her boyfriend and his older brother is states away at college at the moment he was the only person there. After his brother took off to college his mom had moved them back to her boyfriends home city in New York, he came at the last two months of school so he didn't even have friends.

Moving further in a roach scurried across his foot which he crushed soon after, since no one was here it was like living alone and it was kind of sad for him. Now with the power out and in winter he had only a couple of hours before it would be could, sighing he made his way into his room.

Hopefully his mom would show to pay the bills, if not he was in trouble.

When he got into his room he looked around and felt helpless seeing the twin sized bed and dresser, that was all he had everything else had been sold to pay rent or bills. The most expensive thing he had on his was a IPhone 6s, he needed that though to get calls and emails from potential places to work.

(A/N: The time line is still the same and the current year is 2005, things are just a little more advanced then what is known.)

After grabbing some clothes he went to take a cold shower while he could, the rent was paid but who knew when the water would be off too. Going inside he started to strip and his shaggy black hair got stuck a little as he pulled his head out of it.

Seth was mixed race of white and black, his skin tone was a beautiful mocha color, but sadly for him he hasn't kept in shape so his body is a little fatter then he wanted. His hazel eyes were dull he didn't really have much to be happy about, life was just hitting him way to hard.

If things kept going this way he would need to join a gang.

That was his nightmare though, he wasn't a tough person who could fight others instead he was actually scared to confront someone but knew that he needed to hide that fear. Letting the cold water fall on him he clenched his fist hoping something would come along to change his situation for the best, he didn't want to go that path.

Stepping out he just wrapped himself in his bath towel and walked back to his room, he was waiting for dinner cause all he had was a pack of ramen left. That was going to last him through the night then he would need to spend what little money he had left to go buy more packs.

Freezing he realized that he couldn't make ramen.... he had no power. Looks like he was going to have to eat them raw, like when he was a kid.

Going into his room he threw on his favorite pink pajama bottoms and a black T-shirt before falling into bed, he threw his arm over his eyes trying to stop from crying, 'When will this end?!?! I don't want to have to suffer like this..... why was I so stupid as a kid!' He thought to himself holding them back more.

[Congratulations Host! You have obtained the Attribute System.]

Seth was stunned hearing this in his head and sat there but the system kept going not giving him a chance to say anything.

[The Attribute System is a wonderful system that allows the host to level up anything with attribute points. The host will gain missions that allow him to gain attribute points and sometimes other things. At them moment you have a welcome package, would you like to open it?]


Seth was still stunned and it took him a moment to realize this wasn't a joke when it was repeated three more times, saying yes he waited before a bright flash of light over took him.

[The host has gained: x1 Gold Attribute point and x1 Silver attribute point]

"What is the difference?" Seth asked hoping it could explain since it seemed to be the same thing.

[Attribute points are spilt into three levels Bronze, Silver and Gold. Bronze there is a 30% chance of upgrading an item. Silver gives a 60% chance of an item upgrading and Gold gives a 100% chance of it upgrading.]

[Each item will always level up until reaching 10 points at that time it can't go further then that. A gold attribute point has the chance to also make something jump by two points automatically but there is only a 50% chance of that happening.]

The system went quiet after explaining and Seth sat there stunned, so with what he currently had he could upgrade something automatically without fail and the other had a 40% chance of failure. Sitting there he didn't know what to upgrade though since he didn't know what would be useful at the moment, though he thought the silver one should be used first.

Seth then thought about the absurdness of it all but seeing as the system answered him he had no choice but to believe it. Looking around there were still only his dresser and bed in the room, seeing as he wanted to try it out he looked at his bed, "System use the silver point on my bed please." He said then held his breath.

[.....Ding! Congratulations your bed is now a +1 evolved bed.]

After a pause the system spoke those words and Seth felt the difference, it use to be a regular bed but it was now a memory foam that molded to his body. The bed felt way better then anything he was use to, most of the time it was spring style beds which were uncomfortable after years of use.

Looking down he was shocked to see that he could see a description of the bed.

[+1 Bed- Memory Foam bed that molds to the person who sleeps on it. 20% better sleep and 10% to increase in curing injures when slept on.]

It was amazing to see that he got better sleep on it and that he could cure his injures, it would be helpful for when he finished his runs and workouts. Knowing that he now had something magical he couldn't help but smile brightly, blinded he couldn't control himself and used the gold one, this time one the phone.

[.....Ding! Congratulations your Phone is now a +2 evolved Phone.]

[+2 IPhone 6s- Advanced phone that can hack automatically 100% chance of gaining money 5% chance of gaining over a thousand dollars.]

He was stunned but not because he gained a +2 phone because he knew there was a chance of that but because he spent the attribute recklessly. He almost banged his head on the wall to call himself stupid but when he saw the gains his eyes were shinning.

This was something he needed at the moment though it seemed that he wouldn't be getting anything over a thousand dollars at the moment. Jumping from his bed he cheered loudly, "Shut the Fuck UP!!!!" His neighbor said pounding on the wall, which wasn't a surprise they were paper thin in his opinion.

Shutting up he smiled and sat back down, not wasting any time he opened his phone and saw that there was an app with and eye on it that wasn't there before.

Seth clicked the app and there were only three options on it, one was a hack button while the other was a bank account where it was all going to be stored. The app described how none of the money could be tracked, it also didn't tell him who the money was coming from.

"Well let's try this out then." He said letting out a breath before clicking the icon, in the next second the hack started. On it there were a line of words that read, 'Hack Time Remaining: 59mins 55seconds.'

Remembering the pitiful $5 in his pocket he was rubbing his hands nervously, even his hunger went away while he waited. At that moment while he was waiting the system spoke up at that minute drawing his attention away from the phone in his hands.

[First Mission Found!]

[Mission: In Distress

Description: Save anyone that is in danger once within the next four-eight hours.

Reward: 1 Bronze Attribute Point]

Though it was just a Bronze point Seth eyes were happy, after using the first two points he was excited to gain anymore even if it was the lowest tier it felt amazing. Then looking at the description for what he had to do he frowned a little, Seth might be six foot two but he was a scrawny six foot, biting his nails he thought this over before deciding.

He didn't want to lose out on getting the point but at the same time he didn't know if he could save someone from danger, he hid himself from others so that he wouldn't need to be in danger. Looking back at the mission he steeled his heart and decided to do it, there was a lot of crime anyway, why not do something about it?

Well at least this once.

While nodding that since he agreed to do the mission his phone rung at that moment, the name on the screen surprised him some since it was a friend from his home state of Texas. Not wasting a second he picked it up with a smile, "What's up Luke! This a surprise call." Seth was really happy to hear from an old friend at this moment.

"Hey Seth, yeah man we just graduated so I was wondering if you want to come fly out to hang out. This will be our last time we might see each other for a long time so me and some of the guys thought it was a good idea. What do you say can you make it out here next month?" Luke asked some excitement in his voice.

Seth paused a moment, he was about to deny it but remembering that he could hack for money then he figured he could make it out there, "Sure man just send me the information and I will be there." Seth said happily while looking around the room and clenching his fist, he was going to change his life.

"SWEET!!! The guys are going to be happy to hear about that, you haven't enter the group chat in awhile and we started to worry. Anyway I will see you then I need to go and set everything up." Luke hung up without even waiting for a reply since he was just like that.

Luke was one of his best friends and the guy was insanely rich from his family, he would most likely be footing the bill for everything no matter how much everyone spent. Seth smiled, right when he went to put his phone down he saw a name in his contacts and was tempted to press it but he stopped himself and sighed before throwing his phone away.

Laying back he still had forty minutes until the hack was done so he decided to eat since his hunger came back, walking into the kitchen he took the pack of ramen and at it stale. The only sound that was going through the apartment at the moment was the crinkle of the packet and the sound of Seth crunching on the uncooked ramen.

Seth took the time eating slowly while his phone sat in front of him the hack app was open, his mind though was on the mission that he needed to do. Though it was simple he still needed to psych himself up for it, rolling his neck he thought about the places that he could walk around tonight to find something.

At the moment the biting cold of the apartment made him want to get out there, but currently the sun was still setting so he knew that not many people would be out at the moment. Plus his neighborhood wasn't near many people so it would take a moment for him to actually get into the city.

His apartment was located on the outskirts near the docks, it was low end apartments that they could afford at the moment, the only problem was how run down the place was. If you looked at the building from the outside then you would see that the place looked more like and abandoned factory then an apartment building.

Lost in thought he jumped when his phone chimed, it was a call back for an interview but instead of going in for one they directly told him that he didn't get the job. Seth frowned but remembering his new circumstances he didn't care about it much, looking at the hack it was down to the last thirty seconds before it was done.

Holding the phone like it was shiny gold Seth grinned when the number hit zero, suddenly there were two dings. One was for the bank account collecting money while the other was about some confidential information he stole, wide eyed he opened it without a thought.

Looking it over he almost threw up, it wasn't anything big, well it was but anyway, it was for a juice company whose special ingredient was Maggots to add to the flavor to make it more pronounced. Seeing that he decided to never drink this brand again and closed the file, all of them couldn't be deleted and were always filed away.

After drinking some cold water he went into the bank part of it to see how much money he got from the hack, opening it his eyes were a little wide seeing the number. $697, that is how much he was able to steal from the first hack, it was under a thousand but to Seth it was like a pile of gold since he was always broke.

Jumping with joy he smile when a black debit card appeared near his phone, this was going to be the banking card and could be used anywhere, it also couldn't be traced. Kissing it a few times he went to start the hack again, he frowned though when he saw that there was a cool down of an hour, pouting he went back into his room.

Since he had an hour he decided to head out, it was dark enough and by the time he made it into the city then it would be really dark out. He carefully chose clothes that didn't have a brand logo or image, since he was going to mess with someone who was messing with someone else he thought it was appropriate.

Before leaving he grabbed a black ski mask that was kept at the bottom of his close, he frowned seeing it but this time he was using it for good rather then doing something bad. Gripping it tightly he walked to the front door grabbing his keys along the way, time to get the first mission done.

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