
Chapter 268

By this time she was already done with the makeup. She wasn't pleased with Steve's relationship at all. She just bought them the ticket, because she wants to introduce the girl to her children as a plaything. Her own three girls would really have a lot of fun playing with the human child. Who said bad parenting is bad? It isn't, it's fun. She allows her children have as much fun as they likes. Though she was guilty of what Clara had accused her of but apart from that she wasn't guilty of anything else.

"You don't like Eva?"

"Is that her name? Yes Darling I don't like her and looking at you it seems you don't like her as well. You are just doing the fake smile and forcing those words out of your mouth because of your son. It's already so obvious his wedding is barely in two months time and here you are. I am sure you haven't told him of your plan of going back to the Heavenly realm.

"And from the looks of things you are not planning to? Anyways that's where I step in because you are very confused without me being around, if you do tell him I am sure he would agree to it after all Selom is his sister and he would want the best for her"

"So how does this help?" Clara asked

(Laughing) "you didn't even try to deny what I said. I knew you had zero likes for that young lady. Darling it would help because your son would push the wedding date forward. He would have a wedding ceremony without you been there you know? So problem solved, you can now leave Eva to our girls, if she is good and it turns out that we misjudged her then you can be rest assured. But you know me darling, my instincts are always right "

"When did you get to meet her?"

(Sigh) "What a question! Steve brought her to me and just at the sight of her, I disliked her. But I hate jumping into conclusion that was why I am leaving it to the girls to decide. (Smiles) I am sure you know what they are capable of doing. Just like Roselle was capable of getting Selom pregnant and we don't know who the father of the child is. (Sigh) I know, don't give me such a look, it's all thanks to my bad parenting. Roselle worries me so much, she reminds me so much of her father and it seems she took after him. She worried me a lot. Thank God there's Lylic who is always there to keep that girl in check."

"So where did they run off to? The house is so Quiet without them" Clara said sounding depressed

"Indeed, I am already used to the peace and quiet. Anyways, How's your preparation for the journey back to the heavenly realm?"

(Sigh) " I don't need to take anything alongside with me"

(Laughing) "I know you would be so careless and forgetful. You wouldn't be able to get into the palace without the invitation or an entrance seal. You should know that better than anyone else"

"We don't even know how the war turned out. Who knows, it might be a new rule system "

"(Laughs) If it was Ken and Tina would be back by now and my husband would have visited. I am sure he is locked up somewhere or maybe even dead" It was true that Immortals couldn't die, but that's of the true form isn't destroyed. They were weapons designed by the Ancient immortal that could destroy all kinds of Immortality except theirs. This weapon was created for the purpose to do good rather than evil. It was made to wipe off Demons who are adamant and destructive. Many other immortals who knew about the Weapon forged it but it couldn't be perfect as the ones the first Immortals did . They could only slow one's ability to heal and being constantly pierced with the Weapon, an Immortal finally turns human losing all his or her immorality and is then killed.

"So what do you mean by this?" Clara asked if there was someone among the sisterhood who had the ability to deeply think it was Beatrice. It is a trait she was born with, she had to be strategic, in planning anything that has to do with the weather. Beatrice is born with an observant nature, she could tell everything about anything just by looking at it. That was why she never argued with Beatrice about things concerning Eva.

Clara had to admit, she was afraid of reading Eva thoughts, she was every afraid of digging through her backgrounds. This was because she knew how much her son was in love with Eva and she didn't want to find something she wouldn't like. That was why she took her mind off such things and tried all her best to trust her son's decision and help him follow his love. He was all she had, she didn't want to mess up her relationship with her son just because of a woman, so she just played along. Now she was rest assured, it was better he gets to find out about Eva on his own accord but Clara prayed and hoped hers and Beatrice's instinct were wrong. She just hoped the girls wouldn't find any fault . She also had this thoughts in mind, since Steve didn't tell her anything about being different than it only means he doesn't trust her enough.

After Beatrice and Clara were done with their differences, they went downstairs. It was already time for dinner, indeed time flies. Walking down the stairs was quite stressful for Beatrice, Clara felt a little weird if it was when they had no human visitor, they would have appeared right in the dinner room. (Sigh with sadness) " I hate walking down the stairs most" Beatrice said looking at Clara like she was the reason she had to walk down the stairs

"Don't give me such a look, I wasn't the one who booked the flight on their behalf" Clara said glaring at her.


Arriving at the dining room each of them sat at the spot they felt more comfortable. Few minutes later, Steve and Eva came down as well. Steve had a bright smile on his face and he held Eva's hands lovingly, like a gentleman he brought out a seat for the young lady "Thank You" she said with a smile.

"It's my pleasure lady," Steve replied.

Now they young couple came to realize and important fact "Good evening aunt" they both said looking at Beatrice

(Smiling)"Good evening darlings, how was your flight" she said looking specifically at Eva

"It was awesome, we got the best treatment" she replied

(Smiles) "That's good to know, I was worried you would get so bored since the journey was very long"

"No Aunt, you don't have to worry about me, I am just fine. Whereas I had Steve beside me, so I wasn't bored at all. But Aunt I have a question?" She said looking round the room like she was looking for something

"Go on"

"Stave said he had three little sisters and I don't see them anywhere "

"Little sisters?They must be in the playroom, playing with their dolls," Beatrice replied. Her answer was filled with scorn but only those who knew her very well would be able to detect it. No wonder the young lady was looking all over the place, it seems she believes the sisters in question were toddlers.

"Speechless "

"Speechless "

If the words 'speechless' had a special meaning attached to it then it would be the right statement which would be used to describe Clara and Steve's reactions. Eva on the other hand didn't see anything wrong with it.

"Do you mean, Steve didn't tell you who his sisters were?"

"No he didn't "

"I didn't?" He asked looking at her

"Yes you didn't " she replied with a warm smile

"That's very wrong of me, I actually thought I did" Steve replied, sitting back he tried recalling if he did or not.

"That's weird, he is so very connected to his sisters that he couldn't do anything but talk about them. So darling if he didn't then who did he say I am to you?" Beatrice couldn't help but ask, she recalled that Steve was the one who had brought tye girl over to meet her and at least she should have a hint of who she was to him.

"His Aunt" Eva replied 

"I am really his Aunt" Beatrice said with a smile, she didn't want to talk about the topic any further. It was better she leaves it the way it is for now and wait her tye girls to return 

"When Steve meant his little sisters it didn't actually mean they are Little. It's just a term we use mostly for our loved ones. Anyways he is an elder brother to them" Clara explained with a smile. After they were done talking the food was served but they couldn't eat yet.

"Mom, where exactly did they go too?" Steve asked, looking at his mother. He had to say he loved his siblings very much and cared for them even though he wasn't so close to Selom like he was with Roselle and Lylic he still loved her the same way. Selom is someone who grew independent on her own,this was what she chose for herself. And this made her dependent on no one but herself.

"Were you guys waiting for us?" Lylic said with a wild smile on her face. She held more than seven shopping bags in her hands as she approached the dining room. 

"Yes Darling, we are indeed. What took you guys so long?"Beatrice said prouting like a child.

"Mom, you really are something " Lylic said walking over to where Beatrice was seated. Most of the time Lylic calls Beatrice Mom rather than Aunt. And sometimes when she feels like she calls her Aunt as well. This wasn't so strange, Beatrice had raised Lylic and She was Tina's blood sister. Moving closer to Beatrice she couldn't help but act like a child "That's a lot of bags you have there, what did you get for me?"

",You lack nothing" she responded , she didn't even glance at the young strange looking lady on the table but Eva had her eyes glued on her. She could tell, when it comes to looks, Lylic was always on top as always nobody could deny the fact that she was very beautiful. Her beauty was too exquisite to describe. Even women would find themselves staring continuously if not controlled.

Eva felt weird, the lady who just walked in didn't even notice her presence at all, it was as if she was of no importance. But on a second thought she let it go because the lady didn't acknowledge Steve's presence at all. And she was also not happy with the rule which says the family is to be complete before eating. She was already starving, the aroma of these delicious meals was making her stomach growl in pain. But what could she do? She had to wait.


"Darling, all I see is you." Clara said looking around 

"You are not happy to see me? You don't want to see me?" She asked in a surprise tone 

(Speechless)" That's not what I mean, we are having dinner and the rest of the family are yet to be here"

" Owh, I don't know what took them so long to get into a ge house. Maids come " she immediately ordered with a tone of exhaustion

On her order , Cecelia appeared. Which a smile, Lylic gave the remaining order "Take this bags to my room"

Cecilla immediately collected it and left, while Lylic sat beside Beatrice .

Steve had a warm smile on his face. "It's good to see you," he said, giving her a warm hug. She looked so exhausted, so he had to lighten up her mood

"Oh brother, it's been a while. You're welcome home" she said resting her head backwards on the seat.

After a while, Roselle, Selom and Teresa got into the house and all Clara could hear was Teresa's complaint. "Next time, when you guys are going to the mall, I refuse to come along. You guys took too much time now all my body aches badly"

Lylic hearing this couldn't help but chuckle, she was actually the mastermind behind the whole thing. After all it wasn't their fault, Teresa had insisted on going with them, it wasn't as if they had forced her to tag along with them, she followed them willingly. Even the heavily pregnant Selom wasn't complaining, she placed her hands behind her waist and had a funny look on her face. Just by seeing her one could tell that she had been laughing so hard by the expression on her face.

Getting closer to the dinner room from the sitting room, seeing Beatrice and Teresa sitting in the same room without an earthquake, Teresa was impressed. It was weird for these two people to be at the same place at the same time. "I am impressed, '' she said with a smile. Now all she needed was to go take a hot bath, she felt like the 206 bones present in her body were all dislocated. "I think I would be having dinner up stairs, these girls made me go through hell, luckily I found an escape route" she said

Eva wasn't liking this at all, Lylic had still not noticed her, Steve had spoken to his sister but he didn't bother to introduce her. Now, it was this woman as well, she didn't notice her as well. They all kept talking freely like she didn't exist.

"Aunt" Steve called out

"Oh Darling, you are here? Darling I am so sorry I didn't see you just now. My body aches a lot, your sisters made me walk round the whole mall" she said at the verge of tears 

"I know Aunt this ."

"Sorry dear, I won't be having dinner with you guys, I need to freshen up and I will be in my room. Goodnight darling " she said, giving him a light kiss on his cheeks. By this time the slow walking Selom who was held by Roselle and some other ladies approached the dining table. This got Beatrice carried away. "Come sit down honey" she said, standing up from her seat and walking towards Selom to give the girls a hand. She had a warm smile on her face "Who do we have here? Stephanie darling it's just a surprise to see you, I didn't know you were coming over'' She said giving her a hug

Looking at the other girl who had her arms around Selom's waist "This should be Suzan Right?"

"Yes ma" she replied with a smile 

"Lovely, it's nice to see you. You're welcome home" she hugs her too. Holding Selom lightly she placed her on the warm seat she had just stood up from" 

"Thanks so much ma" Suzan said, she was very happy with the warm welcome. Though she was now happier, she and Stephanie were now friends and were now more like sisters. She got to meet Selom, her role model and was surprised she was pregnant but being let in she understood everything. Now the treated her more like she was part of their family and this made her feel  warm .