
Chapter 14: Meet the Bitch


I stretch out lazily like a cat when I wake up. The last time I slept this well, was when I was engaged to Wyatt. And that was all thanks to his wolf, so I do not know if it counts.

I throw my covers off me and am about to get up when my eye catches the contract that is laying on the bedside table. With a heavy sigh, I pick it up and read it for the hundredth time.

I battled an internal fight the entire night until I fell asleep from exhaustion. Arguing the pros and cons is like riding a roller coaster. In the end, I could not truthfully answer if I could live with myself if I sign it.

It is deceitfully easy to convince myself the good outweighs the bad. But will I be able to look at myself in the mirror for the rest of my days when the six months are over?

I get up, take a shower and get dressed. I fix myself a quick breakfast or sausage and eggs before I clean up.

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