
A Banshee's Pain

Chapter 11 : The silent forest

Elenor : Pierce, Stardust!

The vehicle has been torn apart but they escaped the vehicle safely.

Phoenix : What is that?

Scarlet : A Ghost!!

Elenor : Its a spectral being!

Phoenix : No way. That's the dreadful banshee from another realm, her name s Sylvannas.

Sylvannas : I'll share my pain to you poor lost souls, Hahahahah! do you think that someone is missing?

Scarlet : Huh? who?

Elenor : Are you dumb?, Lumios is missing!

Lumios : hmmm!!!!

Lumios is strangled by sylvanna's ragged spectral clothes.

Elenor : We can't use the hunted skull because Lumios have it.

Phoenix : Shit!

Elenor : Let me handle this, I trained so much.

Scarlet : Defeat that loud old hag!

Sylvannas : What did you just say?

Elenor : Oh luxrene goddess of the stars, let us be one In the name of the thirty-two Stars from the heaven! I'll end you!

Sylvannas : Hahaha! your power aren't enough, sisters finish them!

banshees : As your wish our queen.

the banshees screams so loud that It can even break glass.

Phoenix : Ahh! my eardrums are gonna bleed soon.

Phoenix : Second dance, Flame pillar!.

Third dance, Flaming sash!. Last dance blazing inferno!

The blade just pass through them and they don't seem to be hurt.

Phoenix : Not even a scratch!

Scarlet : O Nature's heart embrace me! Let me feel the natures will. In the name of the god Artemis you shall be executed in my bare hands!

Scarlet morphed into a terratopia and cuts the cloth of sylvannas so lumios can run.

Scarlet : Lumios toss me hunted hunted shull!

Lumios : Here!!

Scarlet : Phoenix, embedded it with your sword!

Phoenix : Oh flames of hell, The ether of heaven and the dread of this land combine to form the blade of a horse man that forever wanders this world! Guillotine, Headless horseman's blade!

Phoenix : Spirit's of the hell awake and kill who threatens the holder of this sacred blade! Dread, bashido!

Sylvannas is being pulled downwards until she is nowhere to be see and an item is left by sylvannas.

Scarlet : Is this a bow?

Phoenix : That's Sylvannas Emerald obsidian bow.

Scarlet : I'll take it.

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