
What did just happened!?

These four young men have a different dreams and goals but they all wished that the world would changed.

They have nicknames which is they were accustomed to: Eldrian was nicknamed Jimboy by his parents because of his birth place and he can be either called Jim or Boy, Jan Rainiel was nicknamed either Jan or Rainiel by his parents because they were too lazy to think, Darell Carlson received his nickname from his friends and he was most called Dah(In Philippines, if there is "h" in nicknames, it means a quick stop.)or simply Darell, and John Lerry's nickname also came from his parents, he was called either John or Lerry at home while on outside, he was more likely called Lerry.

Rainy day at monday. Lots of things still happens even if they were shut in their house because of the rain with strong wind.


Sunday, noon.

Somewhere, in a place with cloudy floor and a palace that seemed like made of gold as it glows.

Two godly entities were sitting at a table with chairs on its sides. Made of gold and glass, the table was so pure of gold and glass on top.

Ahem– aside from the table, the two godly entites seemed to be talking to each other.

"Hmm, it seems that my people are a little bit bored of how the world works." Said the godly entity covered fully in white robe, and have brown long hair(He will labeled as JC).

"Seems like it, indeed. Your people really are bored and they have a hard time earning money." Said the godly entity who visited another god, wearing white robe while only exposing half of his upper body(more like his right chest), white haired old man(He will be labeled as Old Z).

"Do you have any suggestions, then? If there is, tell me so I can consider it." asked JC

"You read my mind." he answered, "Actually, I suggest that you make this world available to use magic again."

"If I were to unseal the Mana Pool, monsters would be attracted from your world and come in my world to wreak havoc which I cannot stop and interfere. I am afraid that your suggestion is asking trouble." JC's speculation is good even though he live for almost two thousand years.

"Well, I'm not finished yet." he shut him up in a good manner, "Why note changed all the memories of the your people so they all know how to use magic when they all woke up."

"Well I can't just do tha—." before he was even finished talking, he saw four boys wished the same at the same time.

"See? Even your children were wishing the world would changed. As a god, and the owner of this world, you shouldn't disappoint your children."

"They might die if I were to."

"Then, why not exclude them from memory changing as their knowledge right now will helped them in their future. They love novel, animes, and such other things that are connected with magic."

"Hm... That might be a good idea, it migh–."

"It should be!" he interrupted JC and cut him off his sentence.

"..." spechless, and a little bit annoyed.

"Hey, do it now or never!"

"..." once again, speechless. He was being commanded by god who came from another world. This is his World, why would he be dictated of what he will do!

"Did you get sicked? I thought gods would never get sicked or even die. God like us are immortal, aren't we?"

"I will seek help from my angels to changed their memories except the four young men."

"Very well, then. I'll go home."

Just right after Old Z disappeared right after he opened a portal, another portal was opened near Old Z's.

"Hello, my friend." an old appeared and greeted. "Do you have a problem?"

"Yes, I do. It's somewhat worldwide. I'm turning my normal world into magical world."

"Ah, I see. Let me help you."

"No need, no need. I'll managed myself. How are you doing lately, Sir Alphon?"

"Drop the formality." he said and continued, "I just found a kid worthy to be reincarnate and picked him and threw– Ahem, gave him a second life as a ninja in a magical world that their imaginations created.

"Ah, I see."

"Let me help you with your mission, I have some suggestions." said Alphon.

"What is it?" curious is all you can see in his eyes.

"Why not make it like a cultivation and let all of them able to measure their strength and add items. If you cannot think of items, why not use the most played mobile games called MOBA, they were not called like that?"

"I might add that up." he was thinking some other things. "I guess, I'll need to trouble you, then?"

"How long is the preparation?"

"I guess, two days is enough. Let's start today since I have free time today on my schedule."


Tuesday, night, 6:00PM.

All four of them have different thing they do at their home.

Jim was cooking rice, caring at the puppies, and reading novels and writing, as well.

Rainiel was buying food, washing clothes when needed.

Darell was mostly reviewing, sometimes reading some manga.

Lerry was finished working at this hour at the Triple D Mart and after school.

They all have their works or hobbies done everyday, not a single one excluded, well except for working if the shop was closed.


"Oh? It's already 9? Time sure fly fast I didn't even notice. Well, time to sleep then. Good thing, I charged my phone at seven." this was Jim.


[ My Loves ]

[It's already night, I'll go sleep early tonight.] Rainiel

[Ok. Good night, sweet dreams.] €®¡(@

[Good night, sweet dreams.] Rainiel


"Oh, was it already night? Oh well, I'll go to sleep now, at least I have finished reviewing.


"Project finished! Alright, time to sleep."






The next day...

Jim looked out of the window saw lots stranged creatures. They looked tamed, though. Even his dog and two puppies looked different, they looked like wolves with some good breeds.

He was so confused that he shouted in his head, "What did just happened!?"

For some circumstances, the title was requested by a friend to be japanese title XD.

Phantom_Zerocreators' thoughts