
We have a deal

The products I came to offer are naturally the Byakugan, but I also have some Smiles that I made to see if they work correctly and cloud furniture to get some additional ryo.

Oh, the Smiles I made are different and don't produce toxic waste, but they still have a certain level of instability due to my alterations. All of them would grant common animal Zoan abilities, but the degree of transformation won't be as exaggerated as we've seen in some cases because I also reduced their power levels.

Ears, arms, tails, horns, etc.

That will be possible, but they won't have animal heads with their own consciousness in the body; that would be too strange even for the minds of the ninjas here. Also, their children won't inherit those traits or strength enhancements, nor will they be able to replicate the effects by analyzing their blood; I made sure to take measures about that.

I met Pakura at the designated location, and we entered the restaurant together. I noticed that she had put on very light makeup, almost imperceptible, but no lipstick.

Did Ameyuri tell her I don't like it?

Well, it seems that Pakura really managed to get accepted; that's really starting off on the right foot.

We ordered some local dishes and talked while waiting for the food. It's interesting to discover that, apart from training, Pakura has some more discreet hobbies that I didn't know about until we talked.

It turns out that in the time she's been in my village, she's discovered a new passion for cooking, a luxury she couldn't afford in her previous village due to the scarcity of supplies and the little variety they got.

It's just that until now, she didn't have the confidence to present her dishes to anyone, and she would eat what she prepared herself, so I had to ask her to make me something when we got back.

She really intrigued me.

She seemed delighted by my request and happily ate the dishes once they arrived, commenting on their taste every time she tried one. It seems her interest in cooking has extended to trying to understand how others prepare dishes as well, and I must say, she has a more discerning palate than I do.

After finishing our meal and bypassing the two waiters who had passed out from delivering and clearing the plates, I paid the bill, and we left the restaurant with satisfied expressions.

Pakura reached out her hand to take mine slowly but was startled by a ninja who appeared suddenly.

"I apologize for the interruption, but Raikage-sama is available to see you now. Please follow me," he told us.

Pakura put her arms behind her back, and her face turned red, and I shot a glance at the ninja that made it clear he REALLY appeared at a bad time. Given her unease, I think she also realized it, and at least he had the decency to act embarrassed.

"Okay, let's go," I sighed somewhat irritated as some lightning crackled around my shoulders.

When we head to Iwagakure, we'll do it the other way around.

First tourism and then request an appointment with Onoki.

The ninja led us to the Raikage's office, where he was already pacing around in his restless office while Ran waited in a corner.

"Raikage-sama, I brought the guests," the ninja informed, receiving a nod from his boss and bidding us farewell.

A, the Fourth Raikage, looked at both of us for a moment before inviting us to sit down.

"I heard that your village wants to sell us Byakugan," he asked, as direct as I expected.

"That's just one of the three products I'm willing to trade, for now," I gave Pakura the same scroll I had given to Ran earlier, and Pakura understood what I wanted her to do. The Raikage observed the three items that appeared on the table for a moment before his gaze was drawn to the white eyes.

"How many do you have? Kumogakure will get them all," the Raikage declared without beating around the bush.

"Before that, perhaps you would be interested in knowing the details of the product," I took out another prepared scroll that detailed the peculiarities of these Byakugan, the effect of the Smiles, and some additional cloud furniture.

Mabui stepped forward to take the scroll and read it to the Raikage since the muscular man seemed too tired to handle paperwork. As the information was recited, A's expression became more serious, and when he understood that the seemingly useless fruit could actually strengthen his people, he looked at it in a new light. He even showed a slight interest in the cloud furniture.

"Do you mean that as long as we place an order, we can get as many of these as we want?" the Raikage exclaimed, trying not to appear too impressed and failing miserably in the attempt.

"More or less, the conditions are in the scroll that your secretary took," I pointed out, and I was about to call her charming, but something in my instinct told me this wasn't the best situation to do so.

"Conditions?" A looked at Mabui, and she handed him the scroll directly, clearly too impatient to wait to hear it.

The Raikage read the conditions and blinked, reading them two and three times to make sure there was nothing else. He even pulled on the scroll to see if there was more to open.

"Is that all?" the Raikage looked at me incredulously.

"Yes, that's all," I confirmed. "As long as these conditions are met, my village will have no problem trading these products with yours."

A stared at the scroll and thought deeply for several minutes, during which I offered apples to everyone. To Pakura, Mabui, the ANBU on the roof...

"Is this also from your village?" Mabui couldn't help but ask at the incredible taste of the apple she had just tried.

"Why do you think I decided this would be the symbol on the village headband?"

"You decided that?" A snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing me. "Are you the founder of the village?"

"And its Kage," I added.

The Raikage looked at me in disbelief while alternating his gaze between me and Pakura, clearly realizing a rather serious misunderstanding on his part.

"But you..."

"Don't have chakra?" He obviously noticed it, but I think it's necessary to show some strength or he'll have some thoughts. "I don't need chakra; I can beat anyone below Kage without it." I raised my hand and made an electric current circulate between my fingers like an extremely vivid snake.

The ninjas present tensed up (except for Pakura), as experts in lightning manipulation, I could tell it wasn't ninjutsu, and what I was manipulating between my fingers was completely natural lightning.

Their minds began to work to try to calibrate my level of strength, but they simply couldn't make an accurate estimate because I didn't have chakra!

Which is exactly what I wanted. If things go really well, they might even think I'm using natural energy or something.

Strength commands respect, but not knowing the depth of the other party's strength also imposes a bit of anxiety and fear.

"Alright, but it's imperative that we deal with what you've brought first," the Raikage declared.

With a double chapter! patreon.com/cadenadeaventuras

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