
The eccentric Librarian and his mission [EDITED]

"I'm the Librarian, but my friends call me L. Who were you expecting?"

"Were you the one who send this?" Eva asked, showing him the letter in her hands. She put it on top of the table. "How did you enter our house?"

"Well, of course, it was me. If not, who else? And for the second answer, well, it is a secret between me and the Book of Prixia," L said.

He turned and went to one of the walls of the room and pass through it. Surprised, the sisters chased after him, without thinking twice. They arrived at another room, but empty except for a lectern holding a huge book.

"And what is this... this Book of Prixia?" Leah asked as she went deeper into the room.

"The Book of Prixia is were history is written. Every action, every little detail that has happened is written there," L explained while approaching to the book and pointing to it. "It was created with the blood of the first Librarian during the First Great War."

He approached the walls of the chamber, were beautiful murals were telling the story of Prixia.

"Before the First Great War, she was a banshee who assisted the Elders. She was asked to transcribe everything she saw or heard. Thus, she also is the first Scrivener. However, during the First Great War, she sacrificed herself to protect the knowledge and its power. With her blood, she bonded herself to her notebook and—

"But there is nothing written in here. It's blank," Eva interrupted, who had approached the lectern to see the book better.

"— and with her last breath, she enchanted the book so that only those who are chosen can read it. You are quite impatient, aren't you?" L finished speaking, looking to Eva.

Lucien smiled wickedly towards Eva and winked at her.

"Wait! Hold on a second! What does the book have to do with us?" Leah asked, trying to change the subject.

"Well, if you are wondering if you are the chosen, I have to say that not. You are not the chosen one. Yet. For now, the three of you, and others are candidates to become the next Librarian."

"What he is trying to say is that you will have to pass a serial of trials for the book to choose you," Darius explained.

The sisters turned and looked towards him. He was at the door, without really trespassing it into the chamber.

"And no. He doesn't know which trial each of you will have to pass. He doesn't know who else will join you."

"So, he doesn't know anything. Great! This is too much!" Eva sighed.

The room was silent, except for their breathing and their heartbeats. The loudest were Eva's and Leah's.

"Okay. Let's continue with the story. What or who is exactly is the Librarian?" Eva asked.

"He is just a guardian. Although he seems to know everything, he is just good at pretending it. He only protects the book, like us," Darius said.

"Us? And from who does he protect it?" Eva asked again.

"You're really curious, aren't you? Let me give you a piece of advice. If you really want to know something and you ask a question, make sure you're ready for the answer because many times it will be the last thing you want to know," L warned, walking towards her, step by step, until he was in front of her.

They stared at each other for a couple of minutes until Eva could not keep it longer and turned her head to one side.

She had enough. She was physically and mentally exhausted. She had to go. Somewhere. It didn't matter, but she just needed... no, she HAD to get out of here.

She ran toward the exit and kept running. She passed the hall of the Librarian and kept running. She passed some houses in the town until she arrived at her house, but she kept running. Finally, she arrived at her room and she locked it up. She was safe there. For now.


Back to the Library...

"Well, that was awkward," Darius said.

"I should go," Leah said, ignoring what Darius had said.

"Wait, before you go, please, take this. You will need it," L said as he gave her a key with a 'k' form.

She looked at the object, before looking L with confusion. Then, she nodded, turned around and went after her sister.

L gave a nod to Lucien, who went after Leah.


Back to the house, at night...

Eva was laying in her bed. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully. But she was not.

Hello, I'm the author. It's my first story in English. However, I hope you will enjoy it. If you do enjoy, please, show your love and support and leave a nice feedback in the comments' section.

Thank you.

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