
The 15th floor

"Oh, si. I was looking for you because I want to join your team," says Isabel with a big smile.

Our heroes look at each other, confused.

"Why? You don't know who we are and what do we do," says Leah.

"I know you are good people, since you helped Valzun, no[1]?" says Isabel.

They stare at her since they don't believe her at all.

"Buf! Vale[2], I'm bored. That's it," admits Isabel.

Lucien and Leah shake their heads in disbelief.

"Sorry, but we cannot help you," says Leah.

Then, they turn around, leaving her alone in the hallway, and enter the elevator. Once inside, Eva presses the button with the number 15.

"Why did you press that one?" asks Leah.

Eva raises her hand and shows them the reason for her choice: on one of the pages of the pocket version of the Book of Prixia you can read '15th floor of the Auction House in Dhismiar'.

"That's all it says?" asks Leah.

"Yes, it started to glow when you read that brochure Valzun gave us," Eva says.

"We should go see what's going on there," suggests Lucien.

The elevator stops on the 15th floor, and when the door opens, they enter a large hall. In front of them is a receptionist behind a counter. To the right and left of the counter are two large doors, which probably lead to the room where the auctions are held on this floor.

Once out of the elevator, they walk towards the door on the left, and before reaching it, a voice stops them.

"Hey! Wait! You cannot enter if you are not on the list. Tell me your names," says the receptionist.

Before the trio can say anything, a voice behind them replies, "They're not on the list, Ebon. But they have permission to enter. They are the ones who helped Valzun against the Shaktila."

The three turn to meet Isabel, who seems to have followed them.

"Eh, what's up, doc?" says Isabel, waving at them.

Leah and Lucien shake their head and Eva laughs.

"All right. Please, fill these documents to enter in the auction," says Ebon as he gives them the papers.

The papers are a simple form: you have to say the name, age, reason, which clan you belong to, where you live and whether you carry any weapon or object that could prove to be a danger.

Once the documents have been filled in, they are handed over to the receptionist. The receptionist gives them a pass and says, "With this pass, you can enter the auction, you only have to go through the door. Also, if you want to bid on an item, you have to raise the pass. Thank you very much and enjoy your time there."

"Thank you very much," Leah says as she picks up the passes and gives them to her sister and Lucien.

"Bueno[3], shall we go in?" Isabel says and turns to the left door.

The trio can only do one thing, follow her.

One by one, they go through the door and reach a huge room. Most of it is occupied by a large row of seats, some of them already occupied, facing the same direction, the stage. In the center of the stage, there is a lectern, where the auctioneer is already prepared to start the auction, and a counter where the objects to be auctioned will be placed. Long screens hang from the walls where the objects to be auctioned are projected.

"I know what you're wondering, where did that come from? Well, any technological device you find in Dhismiar comes from Lokedall's workshop," Isabel says.

"Lokedall's workshop? Here?" asks Lucien something confusing. How could a genius like Lokedall have a workshop in Dhismiar?

"Sí. You may not know, but he was born and raised here," says Isabel proudly.

"Do you know him?" asks Eva.

"Bueno, in fact—" starts saying Isabel but is interrupted.

"Oh, sh*t! I know why we are here," says Lucien pointing to one of the screens. "It's Rinmian."

Everyone turns to look at the screen that Lucien is pointing at.

"Oh no!" says Eva.

"And what's that?" asks Leah.

"It's one of the oldest papyri. It is said to be prior to the First Great War. It can predict the future," Eva says.

Everyone turns and looks at her, surprised that she knew.

"What? I've been reading the Book of Prixia. L already said the book would tell us everything we needed to know, and, well, I wanted to know more about other artifacts.

"Well done," Lucien says as he caresses his head.

"Don't touch," Eva says as she moves away. Her touch makes her feel weird, and now is not the time to think about it.

"We have to get that artifact whatever it is," says Lucien.

"I don't think it's easy. Look at how much they ask for it," Leah says as she points to the screen.

"How lucky you are to have me!" exclaims Isabel as she pulls a wad of bills out of the bag hanging from her shoulder.

Hello, I'm going to give you, my beloved readers, a mass release between today and tomorrow.

I hope you will enjoy this chapter. If you do enjoy, please, show your love and support and leave a nice feedback in the comments' section.

Thank you.

Mass release: 1

PS: words in Spanish

[1] didn't you


[3] Well

Faith_creators' thoughts
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