
See Us

Boom! " Run! They're coming!" She screamed. I couldn't make out her face; dust flew up into my eyes . The sound of exploding bombs made my ears ring. I got up off of the ground and rushed towards the screaming mob of people. What were they running from? My blurry vision went away quickly and curiosity got the best of me, I ran against the wave of people. I was pushed shoved and fell to the ground while the people stepped on my fingers,I screamed in pain. I couldn't take it any more I rushed to the sidelines, and I watched as they ran. I looked up and saw what look alike aircrafts and I was afraid. This was the beginning of my new life and I did not want to be a part of it. I had to take back what was mine I had to find my new memories, this... was where my journey started;also where it ended.

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