
Chapter 1


I scream and sit up rubbing my head from the sudden pain shooting through it. I open my groggy eyes to see my sweet older sister grinning, her seafoam green eyes twinkling with mischief. Of course, she has a frying pan in hand. "Starla what in the fuck was that for?!?!?!?" She holds in a laugh and covers her mouth."Well, mom has been calling you for 4 hours to get up its already 2 pm. Also, watch your mouth you have a cute young niece hiding somewhere."

I carefully sit up then rise to a standing position from my bed. I grip my head as a wave of dizziness hits me so hard I fall face first onto the hardwood floor. Starla just grasps her gut and bursts out into laughter, she continues to laugh until she starts crying and gasping for air. "Alright, that's enough." I stand up again and walk out of my room and walk down the stairs to  to find my mother giving me the stink eye. "Look mom I....." "I don't want to hear any of your lame excuses right now I need your help. *sigh* but before that I need to know you will be home tomorrow."

I roll my eyes "Why would I not be home for my sweet little nieces 6th birthday mom be serious." A loud bang alerts everyone to look at the now wide-open bedroom door with a cute little Ella standing there. As usual, wearing her big poofy rainbow princess dress with her unicorn horn and little black wings exposed. She is just adorable, blonde wavy locks just reaching her shoulders, wide excited seafoam green eyes, and a big smile. She looks like a younger version of Starla although Starla has pastel rainbow hair and she is full Unicorn while Ella is half Dark Angel.

"Why Ella is that a new dress you look like a sweet little angel!" She giggles and runs to hug my leg "I'm glad you noticed Uncle Dwaven, but I'm a unicorn not an angel" she shakes her head and giggles"Gamma bought it for me, she says it looks super beauful on me so I should wear it a lot." "Well she is absolutely right I can't wait to take you and Mommy to dinner tomorrow night. I think you need to wear that dress for it." Her ocean blue eyes twinkle excitedly and she starts bouncing in place making her curly blonde hair become a mess, I carefully lift her up so I don't get stabbed with her unicorn horn headband and do my best to give her a big hug, the tulle from her skirts kesp getting in my mouth so I spit it out. she giggles and laughs while trying to jump out of my arms "I am so excited uncle!" "Oh what for?" "For my birthday I can get maybe get my very own necklace for the first time! I want one like mommies!!!!" Starla has a saddened expression, but she tries to hide it with a smile "Just wait pumpkin you will get one."

I sigh deeply to myself knowing why she is so upset, the necklace was a gift from Wayne on their 16 year anniversary, he bought a second one for Ella when she was 2 months old, the necklace is being saved for her 16th birthday along with a letter from Wayne. I look at Ella who thankfully doesn't get discouraged and is now wiggling to get away "Miss Ella what are you doing?" "I want to play with Mimi!" I laugh and let her down so she can grab Mimi, her stuffed unicorn I bought about 2 years ago.

I look over at Starla her expression tells me she is ready to collapse on the ground into a puddle of tears. "Starla..." "It's just so hard, he isn't here to watch her grow up it's just me.... all alone..." She sniffles and sheds the tears she was holding back. As her tears drip onto my shirt I hold her tighter to comfort her. "I know... it will be hard but you have us. We obviously can't replace him or bring him back but we can do our best to support you." Mom walks over to hold us both "Honey we all loved him but he is truly gone. It's the sad truth we have to accept and move on from. Only then can we raise Ella to be a good woman her mommy will be proud of." "Time is hard for us supernaturals. Unlike humans we live so much longer, for 50 years you loved and cherished him. For some humans that's an entire lifetime for you it seems painful and lonely to spend the next several hundred years without him. Despite the struggle of being alone you are raising Ella, remember him and tell her your love story with Wayne so she will know how much he loved her."

Starla weeps into my shoulder for a long while when she gets up and wipes her tears. "I need to clean house... I'll see you later." She leaves the room slumping over still sniffling. I sigh deeply and look into my mother's eyes. "Mom I don't know what to do for her." "Honey I know... honestly neither do I. Though I admit I'm am more concerned with you." I sigh deeply here we go again "You could settle down with a nice lady and give me some grandbabies." "Moooooom you already have one leave me alone!" "No, I won't because I only have 1! Besides maybe if you had a steady relationship you'd stop ruining your reputation sleeping around with all those hussies at the parties and the bar every night." "Mom! Come on now I'm just having fun like any other young man would." She rolls her eyes "If it was only that simple."

 She rubs her temples as if she has a headache, I give her my cheeziest smile "love you, mom." Her eyes water a bit "I love you too, but we need to talk..." "What's the deal mom?" "I think its time for you to get a home of your own, you have a mansion already at your disposal just waiting for you... the only stipulation is you can't get it until your next birthday." I stare at her in stunned silence, my jaw dropping to the floor. "Mo-" "hush now and go set up some decorations we have to be ready for tomorrow."

"This is just odd." She always cries and throws a fit when I talk about leaving home.. what the fuck is going on in her head? I scratch my head frustrated and confused, as I walk to the table covered in rainbow happy birthday decorations my phone goes off.


"AH!" I jump a little from the sudden vibration on my ass. "Forgot it was on vibrate..." I get my phone from my pocket and check it. It's, of course, my one and only best friend Magna.

M- Yo, Draven! Do you wanna go out drinking again tonight?

I chuckle and shake my head. This is what we do just about every night, go to the same bar drink and pick up chicks, at this point I question why she'd even bother asking.

D- Sure same place as usual?

M- Duh just be dressed and ready by 7 pm I'll come pick you up.

D- Not on the damn flying broom this time please it hurts my nuts.

M- HAHA okay, I will be nice this time and pick you up in the car.

I heave a dramatic sigh and yell for Starla to come here before I head out the door. She walks outside then up to me looking confused the whole time "What do you want Draven?" "Help me pick up some birthday presents for little miss Ella pretty please?" I bat my eyelashes cutely at her and she giggles "Well I need to buy some more for her anyways so let's go I will just let mom know to keep an eye on her and make sure to tell her no sugar for Ella!" "Yeah, no repeats of the last party eh?" She sighs angrily and stamps her foot before leaving to get ready, I sit on the porch to wait and ponder what kind of woman would I even want to marry and have kids with.

I close my eyes and picture a sexy curvaceous blonde woman. She would have plenty of tattoos to appeal to my fantasies. Of course, she'd need to have a high sex drive to satisfy my needs at any time I desire and in what room and position I wish for. Eventually when I'm ready we would have several children, hopefully, the first will be a girl that looks like me but acts like her mom. A smile tugs at my lips while I picture this dream woman smiling at me while holding my child then that night when the child sleeps preparing to satisfy my every fantasy...

"HEY DRAVEN MOVE YOUR BIG FAT BUTT!!!!" I look and stand up so fast I get a bit dizzy while glaring at her. She just laughs even harder so I give her a harsher glare "never do that again" "okay *wheeze* okay let's just go." She is getting into the front seat of her car so I go ahead and open the passenger side. "Before you even attempt anything we are taking my car." I give her an innocent face "wait..... what why not my ride?" "We are not carrying birthday gifts on a freaking motorcycle." I shrug "Fair point."

I sit in the passenger seat and look at her "so where are we going to go first?" She looks over at me with a thoughtful expression "hmmm I don't know probably Party CIty" "hm probably a good way to start to get some more decorations." She looks ahead and takes off and in no time flat, we arrive at Party City, for hours we just search and buy all the rainbow unicorn cuteness decorations we can find. The car is completely full to the point we have to drop all the stuff off in the basement before we can even start looking for gifts. First stop was the Children's' place it's mostly filled with little girls' clothes. We take a long look before grabbing five super cute gold, pink and rainbow dresses, all with extra poofy skirts. The next stop was Claire's for cute headbands with flowers on them, glittery earrings, and cute necklaces to go with the dresses. The final stop was Payless to get her some adorable socks and shoes to go with her clothes and accessories. I let out a frustrated sigh as we have arms full of our purchases to carry to the car, we can barely see through all the bags we have to carry, I look at her and smile she just adores her daughter.

"She is one spoiled young lady" " you act as if you don't spoil her Draven. You bought at least half of this stuff so I don't want to hear it." I chuckle which only makes me have to juggle the bags to keep them from falling, her laugh makes her drop a bag just as we arrive at the car. "I'll put mine down and open the trunk so you can start loading" I sigh "fine, you are lucky I love you." She giggles putting her bags down and opening the trunk, I load all the purchases I can fit and go to her window. She looks confused rolling the window down "there isn't enough room in the trunk so pretty please unlock the back doors" she barely holds herself together while I finish loading everything into the backseat.

*bzzzzzz* *bzzzzz*

"AH! Goddammit" Another shock to the ass. I glare at the now laughing Starla then I grab my phone from my pocket to check my messages and of course its Magna.

M-Hey I'll be there in like a half-hour I'm just finishing getting ready.

D-That sounds good to me gives me time to finish my birthday shopping for little miss Ella.

M-Didn't think about that well I better get her something too, probably an amulet of protection.

D- Sounds like a good idea she might need it, just let me know by tomorrow I assume you'll be there.

M- I wouldn't dare miss it Ella would be so sad. you'd never let me live it down.

D-Oh no I'd never forgive you. 

M-Ha well I'll see you later have fun.

When we get home I go inside to tell dad to come help bring gifts in, while mom keeps little miss Ella distracted. He agrees and we go to the car. We each fill up our arms with bags and carry them into the basement where Ella is too scared to go so she won't be sneaky looking for her gifts. We leave the wrapping stuff out as Starla and mom love to wrap gifts all pretty, which isn't in our skillset.

I head up to my room and get dressed for a night out, picking female clothes to throw in my duffel bag just in case. My alter ego Dawn thats my female form is what I use to get into the pants of people who have no interest in men. On certain occassions though I use Dawn to get information you'd be suprised how easy it is to get information just using cleavage.

 D-Hey Magna 

M-Hey I'm on the way now, just 5 mins away.

D- Okay I'm outside waiting for you.

I sit on the porch swing just waiting and considering my mother's words. I just can't wrap my brain around it why would she suddenly bring up me moving out of the house? I just don't get it... she hates that kind of talk what on earth could be going on?

Time slowly ticks by as I ponder "It can't be about my bio parents....right?" I sigh and put my head in my hands.

I love my mom, who cares about the parents who died I didn-


I jump a little frightened by the sudden noise. I look up from my hands at Magna's smug face and gave her a dirty look "you little brat!" "You know me so well" she gives me a charming grin "now get in the car slowpoke." I stand and smirk at her, I walk to the passenger door of her shiny black convertible opening the door I sit down. After getting my seatbelt on, we drive past all the fancy homes in the nice neighborhoods to the shady area of town where all the clubs and bars are. Magna parks the car at our favorite club Inferno. I look at her and throw on my most charming smile. "Lets split up we don't need to be confused for a couple again." She gives me a disgusted look "never again please! You know I only like the company of the ladies." I roar with laughter before stepping out on the street "let's just hope we don't keep going for the same girls as usual" She releases a sigh "I can't help we have the same type."

I smirk and head into Inferno before Magna to prove the statement first come first serve.Inferno is the biggest and busiest club in town. We used to go to different bars and clubs every night but when we arrived here for the first time it became our go to spot. The inside is dark with only red lights, red furnature a large dance floor and a full bar. All the staff are really sexy woman which I definately appreciate. Almost all the creatures that come here follow Lucifer, if I'm right its because one of his sons runs the place. Its not all that suprising that Magna and I chose Inferno as our hotspot, the dark atmosphere, the highest quality of booze and who can forget the wide variety of sexual partners to pick from make it just a general place filled with debauchery.

I'd bet everything I own that I'll have plenty of good luck tonight, as per usual. As soon as I sopt the bar I manuver myself through the crowd to order a drink. Finally making it I patiently wait for the bartender to come take my order, when we lock eyes I knew I'd be getting some good service. She saunters over to me and smiles "what will it be handsome?" I bite my lip and smirk "if you weren't working I'd choose you, but I'll make do with some vodka." She glances at me giving an expression that is lustful with a hint of disappointment, she turns away and I use the oppertunity to check out how sexy her ass is in the shorts she has on. She faces me once again and works her magic giving me two glasses of vodka and tells me how much I owe, after paying her I realized she only charged for one of the glasses, as I open my mouth to ask she gands me my recipt showing the back which has her number on it. Carefully I fold the recipt and put it in my wallet "I'll call you day after tomorrow, sound good?" "Yes.." she looks so confused I laugh "tomorrow I have to go to my niece's birthday party. The day after though I'm free." I drink my glasses of vodka quickly and look back at her quickly realizing she's back to work. It blows that I can't have her yet so I will keep looking I guess.

Slowly I once again push past a crowd to make my way to the dance floor, looking at all the georgeous women, waiting for one to approach or even look at me. That's when I spot her, one of the sexiest woman I have ever seen.... definately tall with long sexy lege, I'd assume she's about 5'9. Her body is absolutely drool worthy, slim and sexy hourglass figure, a really nice ass I want to squeeze. Her long wavy black hair flows over her shoulders like a waterfall just barely reaching her waist. Sadly I can't quite see her face from this angle so I sneak like a smooth criminal into a better one. Finally I see it she's breath taking, high cheekbones, lovely forrest green eyes surounded by smokey eye makeup, burgandy bow shaped lips, and flushed cheeks. Just everything about this woman calls to me. Before I can approach she moves with speed unlike any other to close in on a pretty woman with sun tanned skin, emerald green eyes and a drop dead sexy body smaller breasts but with hips that plenty make up for it. I run a hand through my hair realizing shes probably a lesbian.

I down my beer then buy another and chug it. Thats it! Before the thought has tie to run its course, I find myself quickly running back to the car to get my bag of women's clothing. I don't even care so I change into Dawn as I run. Honestly, I am relying on the drunkness of the other patrons to not notice my sudden change of gender. Upon getting to the car I retrieve the bag of clothes, then with a burst of energy I rush to the women's bathroom. In a swift mannor I change into my tight sexy black lace club dress and black heels. I may still be my usual height of 6'0 in my female form but if someone desires a tall, sexy woman with a dominant personality then I will be the one they look at first. I exit the bathroom stall and look into the mirror only to cringe at the face staring back at me as I have yet to put any makeup on.

I pull out my mini makeup bag and start with foundation, turning the red splotchy skin with dark circles into a flawless base, in a flurry of movement I create a flawless full face of makeup, deep garnet lipstick, brown and black smokey eyes, a perfectly contoured and highlighted face. I smile looking at how beautifully the dark makeup compliments my strong features and how it brings out the iciness to my blue eyes. I sigh at my reflection, I dont think i've ever been this thankfull Magna and Starla taught me how to properly apply makeup. I sigh deeply satisfied with my result. I grab my bag go to the car and throw it into the back seat when I return inside Dance Dance Inferno I look for that stunner of a woman from before.

I finally see her at the bar ordering herself a drink. With my tipsy brain and a last-minute decision I walk right up next to her and pay for her drink. I order my own beer and a few shots, once again I down the shots in quick succession, yet I decide against chugging and look at the woman I bought a drink for.

"Sorry about interrupting your payment I just couldn't let such a beautiful woman pay for herself. If I'm lucky I can take this oppertunity to get to know you better."

She gives me a really sexy smirk making me get a rush of heat straight to my lower half. "I don't mind, especially recieving such a kind offer from such an attractive woman." I can't help but check her out more, her body is so out of this world hot. A smirk forms upon my lips, as my body gets hotter from the look in her eyes. My mind fills with thoughts of her nude body underneath me,her voice geeting deeper from desire repeatedly telling me how good she feels from my hands and mouth on her.

Again a smirk forms while my eyes roam her from head to toe "well I want to get to know you so I'd say the best place to start would be your name." A little blush forms on her cheeks "Very fair, my name is Diana" "you have a lovely name only fit for a woman as beautiful as you." I bend and grab her hand to leave a gentle kiss as I look into her eyes. Her expression fills with a mix of desire and shy that fills me with confidence. "Well now that you know mine its only fair I get yours" "ah, yes of course. My name is Dawn."

She finishes her drink so I order her another. "I must say your lips appear to be lonely Diana, I do believe they would like to meet mine."

Diana looks at me surprised then she laughs throatily "you are so cheesy I love it! Just because of that the line might just work."

Barely handling my desire I buy and down another shot. My confidence rises to its max and I lean close to her lips so they are only an inch apart. "I don't think I can wait much longer your lips are tempting me to steal a taste. "A deeper blush rises to her cheeks, my body floods with need as I lean the rest of the way in capturing her body tight to mine, so I can plunder the depths of her mouth. She clings to me as my tongue dances with hers in the age-old dance of passion. My tongue roams around her mouth scratching itself on her fangs, she moans after tasting my blood-seeking more she pulls my tongue with hers to touch her fangs again. As our kiss gets hotter my hands roam her body groping her breasts and her ass. Diana's back arches pushing her breasts closer to me as if she can't have enough.

As difficult as it is, I force myself to pull away from her plump lips I manage and look into her eyes seductively. "Perhaps we should go to a hotel now?" She smirks her messy lipstick and desire filled eyes tempting me again, she nods. I shoot Magna a text telling her I'll be at a hotel to which I recieve no reply. I shake my head then turn to Diana "Shall we walk to the hotel or are you sober enough to drive?"

She just nods her head and takes my arm leading me to a cherry-red Lamborghini "Okay this is it... just go ahead and get in."I shake my head in disbelief clearly this chick or her family is loaded. I get into the car and hide the beer in my purse. Diana gets in the driver's seat and starts the engine "ready?" "Ready when you are sexy."

We arrive at the hotel in my buzzed state I barely remember the drive. Diana checks in then leads me to the room. I push her into the now locked door and drunkenly make out with her making sure to lick her fangs to give her blood in the kiss which always gets her to moan and grab fist fulls of my hair. Things continue to get hotter so I keep kissing her as I push her to the bed.

I climb above her, first kissing her lips passionately adding my tongue into it exploring her mouth. I remove my lips from hers and trail my lips down to her jaw then down her neck to her breasts. I remove her shirt and bra then begin my thorough exploration of her body. I take turns sucking on her hardened nipples. Her moans just manage to spur me into doing more, preparing myself to take her needs and sate them. I slowly kiss down her now exposed abdomen down to her short skirt only to rip it off with my teeth. She stares at me with her eyes getting darker as her desire mounts. My hands trail up her thighs to her thong, taking the time to slide them down her legs and throw them to the ground. I take in the sight of her glorious body.

"You are truly beautiful, your body is even more perfect than I'd imagined." A slight blush creeps up her cheeks as a sigh escapes her slightly parted lips. Her eyes sparkle in the dim light and my heart drops. I want more than just this one night stand.....