
Lady Of The Night (1)

Five black vans with no licence plates sped along an unnamed road towards the northern part of the country.

Each van was carrying precious cargo for the blood lords and the vampires driving the vehicles had happy grins on their faces.

Just from this shipment alone they would be able to increase their standing in high society as well as make a decent amount of profit.

Kidnapping humans was against the treaty signed two hundred years ago but unless they were caught by the hunter's organisation then it was merely a useless piece of paper.

Hundreds if not thousands of humans went missing every single day. 

What were a few more names to add to the endless list?

Inside the vans one could hear the sounds of its occupants trying to reason with their captors to let them go free.

"Please…I'll give you anything just let me go…"

"Mommy… I'm… I'm scared…"

"We're all going to die! We're all going to die!"

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