
Chapter 26

Killian did what he did to do when people are intoxicated enough to tell him nonsense--nonsense that could seriously save his life from those same people who will try to do something to him. He's accomplished it and he can prevent things like that to happen. The secrets that they keep were such a huge life savior for him too, nevertheless of what he learned from them and it doesn't matter to him if he seemed too much to others.

He left the party that was held by the person to who he didn't even bid goodbye. He was just exhausted after the draining day. He was still figuring out why the hell his student keeps on coming back into his mind and what does she mean to him. Because she affected him so much to the point that he thinks he's now a completely different person. He isn't used to being affected by just anybody. He didn't even care that much about his parents because his parents felt the same way towards him too. They didn't care enough for him and he didn't mind it at all because he only needed himself and others to use for reasons that only he knows.

He didn't felt different emotions just like others did but no matter how cold-hearted he is, people, mostly his co-workers in school, know that he cares for the well-being of his students even though he shows it differently. He cares for his students and that's why he is a great teacher despite his attitude. There are many more reasons why he is a great teacher but that is the one that's the most unexpected and the one that stands out the most especially since people are used to his cold demeanor. In simple matters, he likes kids especially when he has so many to teach them about the world and about literally almost anything. That's why he chose to be a teacher in the first place. He has so many opportunities to become anything because of his rare intelligence. But despite all of that, he never cared enough to be affected even by the simplest gesture. He's just being affected by Layla now and he doesn't know why and how is that possible. It's so foreign to him.

He wanted to know why but at the same time he just wants to let time and the moment pass and show him the answers slowly because if he's being truly honest with himself and everybody who wonders, he quite enjoys being affected by Layla. It gives him the rush he never knew could happen to him. It's very amusing to him and exciting. He also wants to help her by pressuring her because he knows that she can handle that. She can handle that as long as her intelligence is involved.

He sighed as he grips the wheel and slowly gets outside of his car after he sat there, inside for a few minutes. He walked up to his house and looked up at it. "This is the only thing that cares for me. It shelters me and everything." He says to himself, slightly chuckling while shaking his head and walked up to the doorway.

He's alone in his house yet it never made him feel lonely. He loves the silence that surrounds him when he's inside after a long tiring day. He has been alone for most of his life even though his parents died recently. If anything, his parents made him feel more lonely than he is now that they're gone. He is used to being treated indifferently by people and that's why he, even as a normal human being, doesn't show many emotions and doesn't care too much about others.

His house is close to a mountain where that mountain was owned by his parents and now came down to his after the unfortunate events. His family owns a large cabin there where he spends most of his weekend to especially get away from the civilization and if his dreams went to weird. But as of now, he wants to stay here in his house, self-isolating himself from anything really.

Much to his luck, when the time comes by fast and night time has arrived, his dreams are filled with the faceless woman who he always sees only when he's fast asleep. The night is very dark today and no stars nor the moon can be seen, only the forming grey clouds indicating there's a storm coming and the weather outside fits his dream well and it's as if his mind knew that and he dreams about the same dark sky while he's with the woman.

The woman and he are alone in a forest but every time a sound of leaves crunching or a sound that comes from an animal can be heard, they always look over their shoulder in fear especially the woman while Killian just holds her hands and tries calming her down. They are facing each other as they stopped while he comforts and reassures the woman who he loves in his dreams. But what's weird is that it's his first time facing the woman and seeing her face but her face is faceless and gone. His brows furrowed at the sight of it but did not pay any mind and continued dreaming.

"My love, please do not fear anything. You are aware that I have strong senses and I can immediately notice when someone is following us." He pulls her closer and placed a hand on her cheek, rubbing it slowly while he smiles gently. "No one knows we're here. This is our safe place, is it not?" The woman nods and he senses immediately that she is smiling even if she has no face.

"They're stronger now. Now that we have angered them." She remembers and sighs. "They may have found us again."

"No, they never did find us here. When we're here, we're nowhere to be found. They wouldn't find us." He leaned in to kiss her on her forehead but as he did, the whole scenario changes.

He looks around and frowns to see that he's alone. The place is new, he thought. He hadn't seen the place before and the place looked burnt out but even with that condition, people are everywhere, chatting and walking, minding their own business. They keep bumping him and doesn't glance at him or even apologize. It's as if he is invisible to them. He runs to the side where there weren't a lot of people passing by and sighed in relief as the situation has begun to give him anxiety and everything becomes smaller as seconds pass by.

He doesn't know why he's in the place, no one knows why but people stopped chatting and walking and they as if they rehearsed their actions together, turned at the same time, facing him and he acts on his senses, sensing the danger, went running away but a wall appeared in his back and he couldn't run away he's trapped in between the strange people and by the wall. They quickly walk towards him and pulled him in the middle of the crowd, drowning him in the sea of people and he screams, trying to get away and he last saw their red eyes, burning holes into him and he doesn't want to look at them anymore so he closes his eyes and after a few second he opens it again and found himself in a completely new place again.

He's by the sea, watching as sailors and fishermen rush their jobs at the sea so the day can quickly end and they did quickly end, leaving him and someone who he can't see or doesn't want to see, is trailing him as he walks.

"You're making a big mistake. You're ruining everything and you're ruining what he gave you. I'll have to kill you." The other man told him sternly while they walked.

"I'm not making a mistake here. I do not know what's your definition of a mistake but I can assure you that you're assuming things wrong." He says to him and stopped walking, kneeling down at the sand while facing the sea as the moon and stars reflect on the water. "Look at the sea, brother. Open your sights and see." He whispered. "Sea represents life."

"Stop with this fucking nonsense! I could kill you right now and you wouldn't even care!" The other man shouts at him but he only smiled and continues as if he couldn't hear him.

"Now that you can see you will see how sea represents life but you know spiritually, it means calmness and peace. It can bring peace to your mind and see what really matters in life. It has many meanings and purposes if you want to see it. You should see how different the world looks like to me after everything that has happened."

The man laughs hysterically. "Just because things changed, doesn't mean that you can see or feel this spiritual nonsense! Just fucking come back to your senses! You were great before this has happened and I refuse to see-"

"That is why you can't understand us. You chose not to see when we are given the chance to see, feel, and think." He looked at their reflection. "You shouldn't tell me to stop and come back to my senses because I can no longer be back to my old self again, I'm different and as much as it honestly, hurts me, I cannot run away from this. I became something that I shouldn't be and you didn't, you don't know how much I tried to change again. How I do not want this at first but I gave it a chance and accepted myself for who I am now." He tells while he became numb.

"Then I have no choice but to kill you. Be ready because everything will be a mess because of you."

He smirked. "Isn't it already a mess?" He asks but when he turns to look at the man, he is already walking away and he is left alone to be miserable. He sighs and after a few moments of staring at the sea, he got up and walks towards it slowly, letting the sea drown him and he couldn't even feel anything nor struggle.

He woke up, drenched in sweat while he gasps for air. He's left wondering why his dream is worse now and as if he really drowned, he is left gasping for air, struggling as he does in the middle of the night.

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