
Chapter 1

Where it all began...

Jade's POV.

'The number you have dialed is not reachable at the moment please try again later.'

I sigh at my phone. This has got to be the seventh time I have called.

" still haven't gotten through yet?" Julian, my coworker asked me.

We had just closed from our part time work.

" Yeah " I opened my locker and brought out a box that had a cake in.

I guess I have to eat this myself.

" You sure he's gonna come? By the looks of it,it seems he's busy with something,it why he can't pick up your calls." She added.

She's right.

" I'm sure it the network or something, He's gonna come......there's no way he forgot our anniversary." I gave her a big assuring smile.

Who am I kidding?

" okay if you say so. I have to go now. " she gave me a hug and left the locker room.

After I had changed from my uniform, I wore a slim fitted short white gown just above my knee. I brushed my brunette long hair and packed it into a ponytail. I put on a lip gloss and I took my purse and my box that had the cake in and left for my house.


" Hey dad, I'm home!" I called out entering my house.

" Dad?!" I called out again.

" Yes honey?! I'm in here." He called out from the shop at the front of the main door.

" Hey dad? You still working?! " I asked entering the shop.

" Yeah, I just love baking,I can't seem to leave." He said.

" But whose gonna eat all these bread left?" I asked.

" Oh honey, do I have to stop?" He asked.

I gave him that knowing look.

" But honey you know I can't bring myself to shut down this bakery, number one, it the last memory I have of your mother and your little brother, number two, what am I meant to be busy with when you gone? Huh? You come home late and leave early. How do you think I try not to miss you?" He defends.

I sigh.

He gives me that cute old people look.

" Okay fine continue with your baking, but only if you promise to rest more." I said.

" Yes I promise. " he gives me a hug.

" By the way, I expected you to be home late, isn't today your anniversary?" He asked.

I just gave the cake box a look, turned around,headed to my bed room.

I got in and I dropped the cake.

How can he be busy on a day like today. Today was meant to be the third year of us being together.

I opened the cake, and I dipped my hand on the frosting. I began eating it with my hand. I hadn't realize that I was crying,until a tear drops onto my hand.

I smile again.

" Happy anniversary to you Jade." I ate some more.

" Honey? Are you okay?" My dad knocks on my door.

" Yeah dad, please go away." I said, trying not to sound like I was crying.

" Good, cause there's someone here to see you." He says.

" I'm not seeing anyone till tomorrow, please tell the person to leave dad." I said cleaning up the icing on my digits with my tongue.

Hmm strawberry.

" You sure honey?" He asks again.

Okay I have to admit he's sometimes annoying.

" please dad, I'm not in the mood right now! " this time I sounded annoyed.

After my outburst, I didn't hear anything again.


And then, a knock again.

" Go away! Common!" I snapped completely.

And then the door was opened and it revealed him!

" Please leave." I didn't let him enter fully before saying that.

" Please I can explain." He pleaded.

"William leave right now! " I shifted back as he moved forward.

" please common" he begged again.

He got close and then he grips my arm. Pulling me out of my room.

" I'm not leaving with you." I tried removing my hand from his grip.

My dad just stood there smiling.

Really dad?!

" Let go!" I tried again.

This time he took my shoes and then lifted me up and swung me around his shoulders and left the house.

" Ahhhh! Drop me ! " I screamed struggling.

" okay. " he says and then puts me inside my car. Closed the car door and then ran to the driver seat and drove away.

Few minutes after the drive.

" You're not gonna say anything?" He asked me.

" I'm not talking to you. " I said. Realizing that I had just spoken to him.

" starting now!" I turned away from him.

He just chuckled and continued driving.


" We are here." He announces.

I woke up from my nap. How long was he driving?

" Where are we?" I asked as he opened the door for me.

" Paradise." He says.

No way.

My eyes were swelling up with tears.

This is the restaurant we went to on our first date.

" Happy third anniversary baby" he hugs me and gave me a peck on my lips.

" You sick you know that." I told him.

" I know I'm sorry, I didn't pick up. I wanted to surprise you." He says.

" well this surprise sucks." I chuckled.

" No kidding." He held my hand.

" Common let's have dinner, there's more surprise where that came from."


Nathaniel POV.

" Find her now!" I shouted on top my voice throwing my coffee mug onto the floor,the sound of it shattering on the floor called my dad's mistress.

" Nathan! Stop throwing things! " she scolds.

" Don't tell me what to do! You're not my mother!" I shouted at her. I could see her face change and then she left the room immediately.

" You! Find her now!" I pointed at Jesse.

" Right away." He says with a cold face. He was about walking out when I told him.

" Don't give me attitude! " I shouted once more.

He didn't say anything but left my study.

Why would she just leave me like that?!No fucking reason! I've been chasing her for four months now. Ever since my so called mother spoke to her after I had introduced her to the family, she broke up with me and have been running away from me. Never telling me the reason for her actions.

She left the country for a month and now that she's back I'll make sure to find her and never let her go again.

The love of my life.

I sigh and sat on my chair rolling.


June POV.

I rubbed my growing bump with a smile on my face as I watched a couple eating and laughing.

Oh Nathan.

The guy goes down on his knees and brings out a box. After a few spoken words he opened the box and beheld a beautiful ring.

Oh I wish.

The girl, clearly speechless covers her mouth hanging open in awe. Screams and stretches her digit forward nodding her head more than twice.

The guy took her hand and stood up gave it a kiss before he put on the ring for her.

They hug and gave each other a long kiss.

I'm so jelly.

Everyone cheers at that moment. Just then I sighted Jesse. Nathan is on the move again!

Shit! I have to go.

Before I could leave our eyes met, that was my cue to run.

I hid and watched him run at the wrong direction. It began raining then. I took my red umbrella and opened it and ran at the opposite direction.


Jade's POV.

" ......you know I think it time, we've been together for five good years and I think we've waited enough."

What's he saying?

I watched him as he got down on his knees.

OMG! What's he doing!

I stood up from the chair.

" Jade Kaila shipman, will you do me the honors of being my wife." He says and opens the box.

I was so excited, lost for words, shocked. Everything. I definitely wasn't expecting this.

I couldn't speak I just nodded my head.

He took my hand and kissed the top of my palm before putting on the ring for me.

I dragged him into a tight hug and gave him a big kiss. I was so lost in the kiss I had forgotten where we were, until everyone had began cheering.

I shyly turned away.

" Common let's get out of here." Will dragged my hand and he took us out of the restaurant.

We got into the car and started laughing.

He got the Car started and headed to the direction of my house.

While he drove,I admire my ring. I kept touching it non stop. I smiled to myself.

" why do you keep smiling?" Will asked me.

I only smiled some more.

" What happened. Common tell me." He chuckled.

" Nothing" I blush.

He reaches for my hand and rubs it.

It felt real good.

" Then why the smiles?" He asks.

" Seriously it nothing." I smiled even more. " I'm just so happy! " I held his hand and he held it tighter.

" I love you" he said looking at our tightly held hands.

" I love you too. " I rested my head on his shoulder. " you have no idea."

" But I know I love you more." He said. I could feel him smiling.

" That was so cheesy." I got up from his shoulder. " But it me who loves you more." I smiled.

He kept glancing at me and then on the road. Each time he did, I smile.

But he stared a little longer this time.

"Okay. You need to look at the road now." I said playfully.

"But you are just too beautiful." He said with a little pout and we both chuckled at his playfulness.

We kept our playful banter going for a while and didn't notice the incoming truck.

"Look out." I yelled and he quickly swerved away from the direction the truck was coming.

We were now heading toward an uncompleted road, and then Will hits a barrel behind one of the warning sign boards or I think he did.

" What the heck was that?!" I asked very petrified.

" I don't know, let me check it out" he said coming out.

" whatever you do don't come out, Wait here for me." He said.

After few minutes, I noticed he hadn't come back yet.

I came out of the car.

" Williams?" I called out but no answer.

I moved closer to the background.

" Will?"

When I got closer I saw his figure popping out.

" I told you not to come out!" He shouted.

Just then it began pouring.

" I'm sorry! I came to check up on you. You were taking long." I said.

The rain got heavier.

" Common let's get in." He drags me into the car.

After five minutes of silence.

" What was that we hit the other time?" I asked when we were half way home.

" Nothing just an old barrel lying on the road. " he says.

" oh okay." I said.


When we got home.

" I need to get my car fixed." I said touching the brushed part of the car.

" What you need is a new car " he said getting off the car.

" No, I can't get a new one now." I argued.

" I'll just get it fixed. " I said entering my house.

He followed.

" Dad I'm home." I called out no answer. I guess he's asleep.

" Sleeping?" Williams gave me a knowing look.

" I guess." I respond.

We got into my room.

" We need to get cleaned up." I said.

" Yeah."

When we both showered and got dressed. Well more like Will was in boxers cause he didn't have any cloths to change into.

I wore my PJs.

After I got out of the shower, I began toweling my hair. Already in my PJs and ready to sleep. I sat on top of my bed still drying my hair,just then Will came in just in boxers.

He has a nice body.

I didn't realize I was drooling at his sight until he came closer and wiped the side of my lips. I dropped the towel on the floor.

" was I.....?" I was probably blushing now.

He didn't respond but crashed his lips against mine. He pushes me on the bed and climbs on top of me, switching off the light in the process.

His hands were everywhere. Exploring and finding his way. Kissing and tickling me. It felt so good. He got my PJ shorts down taking my panties along with it. I felt fully exposed but for some reason I felt confident. He got his boxers down, and removed my final piece of clothing.

" Condom?" He asks.

I couldn't even bring myself to respond.

No condom please!

It was as if he read the message, entering me with full force.



" That was really good!" I complimented.

" Yeah" he responds and then he wrapped me in his arms and covers us with the blanket.

" I love you" I told him.

" I love you more." And then he kissed the top of my head and hugs me tighter.

I drifted into a deep sleep.


June's POV.

I ran as fast as I could as soon as Jesse sighted me again. It was getting darker and it seems it going to rain soon. When it seems like I lost Jesse,I started walking.

I got close to an uncompleted road, I had to cross if I was gonna get a bus.

I started crossing the road, just then I saw a very bright light heading my way. I tried dodging it when I discovered it was the head light of a car heading my way. But it felt too late as it approached closer.

The last thing I saw were those bright light.

I was lying on the ground in pain, everywhere seemed so blurry.

Just then I saw a man approach me.

I'm saved.

" Please save me" I tried reaching out for him,but he kept staring at me.

My baby.

I held my bump.

" Please.......my baby." I tried again. It seems he isn't hearing a thing I was saying as he kept looking at me.

He didn't take any step forward,but backwards, he looked scared. Just then he ran away.

I closed my eyes.

Lord please save my baby. Just then I saw Jesse, moving closer. I felt like I was being lifted and that was the last thing I could remember.

Third person POV:



That was the sound which was heard before June opened her eyes. Jesse took her to the hospital cause she needed quick attention, and then he called Nathaniel to inform him he had found Her.

After telling him the bad news, Nathan rushed over to the hospital. He saw June's condition and threatened all the doctors to save her life if they didn't want to be fired. After hours and hours of treatment, a doctor finally called for him. Telling him her condition.

" Sir we are trying our Best here, but she's in a really bad state. " the doctor started.

" But....." Nathan tried his best to be patient and listen to the doctor.

" We were able to save her but I'm sorry we lost the baby." The doctor completed.

" Baby?......." Nathan got confused.


" But is she alright? Can I go in?" He asked.

" Yeah sure." The doctor answered.

He got into the ward and stared down at June. She looked so pale and beautiful at the same time. He got down on his knees next to the bed and held her hand tightly giving it a kiss.

Jesse walked in at the moment but quietly watched Nathan.

After the kiss on the hand which Nathan gave to June, she woke up.

" N...athan?" She struggles to call out.

" Yes...yes it me!" Nathan got excited.

" B..bay...baby...save...our..." She reaches for her growing bump once more.

" Baby...please." She pleaded already crying. " Our...baby....please" she tries to make a sentence.

" Yes. Yes I know. You and our baby will be alright. Just promise me you won't leave me. Stay, let's take care of our baby together. Just get well soon." Nathan said, tears swelling up in his eyes.

" Baby....baby " she removed her hand from the bump.

That was her last word, before the monitor that read her heart beat went beep one last time.

That was it. The love of his life had gone forever....

Next chapter