

I know I'm not dead but I want to be.

It's dark, to the point that I don't know if my eyes are open or not. My hands and feet are shackled to the ground forcing me in a kneeling position. My wrists and ankles are stinging, they probably laced it with poison to make sure that I won't escape or at least get out of these metal bindings. It's not like I can try anyway, I'm too tired to move and too worn down to think about escaping.

I can feel them all outside, surrounding my cell (if I can call this a cell). They're already setting up traps and curses so that no one will find me and set me free.

A laugh erupted from my throat. Are they idiots? Decades of being with them and apparently they don't know me well. No traps nor curses can prevent everything from happening. They thought they know it all but they don't. They're too blinded to see everything around them.

Good luck doing all that you can in preventing your destruction!