
Chapter 1:

I'm standing in a deserted school hallway, what school, I don't know nor do I know how I got here in the first place. The place is pitch black except for the light from the moon illuminating in from the windows, helping me adjust to my surroundings. The last thing I remember before ending up here was reading a book in my bed, barely able to keep my eyes open. "Ah I see, this is a lucid dream then", I whispered to myself, oddly relieved.

Suddenly I'm hit by a gust of wind coming directly from behind me and I swing around frantically, my heart beating fast. None of the windows are open. A figure appears from thin air. It's a tall, narrow looking woman, but with the distance between us I can barely make her features out. "Hello there, Susan" says the woman, her voice pleasent yet eerie in a sense.

I freeze on the spot, looking directly at her. We are standing quite a distance apart but I can hear her as if she's right next to me. Even more frightening is the fact she knows my name. I try not to freak out, but then she starts walking painstakingly slow towards me. Closing my eyes I repeativly tell myself that she must be a figment of my imagination and try not to let my fear seem to obvious. When I open them again she's right in front of me, close enough for me too see her face.

From this distance I could tell that she's not a woman but a girl, maybe around seventeen years old but even so her features are striking. With high, elegent cheekbones, slanted eyes and plump red lips, she looks like a model. The whole image would be perfect if not ruined by the messy pixie haircut the black punk clothes and the heavy eyebags that she had. Although it clashed, the combination weirdly suited her.

"Who are you?", I say to the mysterious girl. The girl smirked and responded, her voice sickingly sweet," You can call me Manon". She paused and bent down so that her face was level with mine, her eyes shining ,"Now on another note," she said, wickedly smiling,"Why don't we make a deal."


Hi readers, hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I know it is short but as the story progresses the chapters will get more in depth. So far you've met Susan, our main character and the protagonist of the story as well as Manon, the mysterious girl that appeared in what Susan thinks is a lucid dream..continue to learn more!!!

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