5 Dangerous hints

At the end of the corridor... there's...

>>I'm sorry but who are you?<<

I was sure that he have to be dead or at least badly injured...

>>My name is Camen, I'm the chancellor.<<

Asher went a step backwards.

>>It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm the crown prince Asher Zahail Telasya. I was looking for you.<<

No one else is there, akward... he can't be Camen!

>>Who are you?<<

>>As I said, I'm the chancellor.<<

Seems like he doesn't recognize me...


One step...


Another step...

It was good to be always armed. I took my dagger and threw it at him. He dodged it. I run at him and tried to kick him but he blocked it.

>>You take the right to attack me!?<<



My magic works, no anti magic barrier...

>>You didn't tell me that you can also use magic.<<

Asher stood behind the fake Camen and pulled his sword against his neck.


He disappeared... The only thing that was left was a black smoke.

I went to the chancellor office again...

>>Why aren't you surprised? What are you doing?<<

I looked at the book shelter again.

Asher stopped.

>>This smell... it's blood...<<

I found some blood on one of the books. I opened it. On one page there was a blood circle. I don't think I can read this but I'll try it.

>>Pura... Kuoer...? H... Heroes...<<

I can't read this...

>>It's Pura Kuoer Heroles Dehalla nurah estelle. <<

Asher was looking over my shoulder. Quite impressive, I didn't know that he was good at magic circle reading.

*rums* *quiek*

A door appears and opened. You can see stairs.

>>Wow, did you know this could be possible?<<

>>No, Camen wasn't a magician... something is strange...<<

I went the stairs down. It's dark and theres blood on every step. There's no torch, I need to use my magic.

>>Who teached you magic?<<

Hm... He helped me with the circle so I should give him a reward.

>>My teacher was a dark elve, her name was Zoran.<<

>> Zoran, the Royal Star of Lunar!?<<

I knew she was popular but I didn't realized that she was also well-known in Telasya too...

>>Let's change the subject. Do you feel something akward?<<

>>The only thing that's akward is, that I can't feel your aura.<<

Wow that's really helpful... But I don't feel something either.

This feeling...

>>Who's there!?<<


Asher flustered.

>>What is there?<<

A dark shadow appears, violet gleaming eyes...


Which language is this?

>>It says: Who are you? You're forbidden to enter.<<

>>You can understand this language? You surprise me every minute.<<

Something it's odd... The walls getting closer!

>>Asher! The walls!<<

Asher seems to figured it out too, he tries to push the walls away with his magic.


>>It says: Go, you aren't welcomed.<<

>>Thanks for the translation but I think we have a bigger problem, don't you think?<<

I never tried my strength but what if I overwrite the magical circle.

>>Asher, do you trust me?<<

He looks at me.

>>In this moment yes! Do something!<<

My magic flows in the walls. I can feel a unknown antique magic circle.

