
Best friend

I must say, living as a commoner isn't what I always wanted but I was born into a family that no one even knows, this might sound funny or weird to you but I've always wanted to be part of a royal family, always wanted to be dressed and addressed as one. I wonder what it is like in the palace, I really would love to be called Princess Aria just like my best friend Elena would call me.

"Would you stop day dreaming Aria" Elena said hitting me with the fake sword we made ourselves with cartons

"Well that will come to an end if I happen to go into the palace even just once" Aria told her attacking her with her own sword "I could tell you need a break from home, why don't we try going to the party at the city market?" Elena tired to use her sword to hit Aria by the leg but she seems too slow for Aria

"You seem too slow for a sword fight Elena, I could have killed you if this happened to be a real fight" Aria told her as she fell on the grassy flour "I would love to attend the party but you know I need to be home before dawn to help my mama cook and make her hair for church tomorrow and you know Peter is of no use at home" Aria said looking at Elena right in the eye "come on Aria it wouldn't be long I promise you, we would get you home before dawn"Elena said giving her cute face which works on Aria every time. Aria looked at Elena and smiled "you really know how to get what you what Elena, let's go to the party then" Aria told Elena "thank you Aria, you are the best I just say." Elena said hugging Aria "But then you must do my hair and make me look good for john, I can't allow him see me like this" Elena added giving the same cute little face "hmm, now I know why we need to be that the party, John it is" Aria said as she laughed out so loud holding her stomach

"What's so funny Princess Aria"

"Nothing, just John….you know" Aria looked like she was about to say something that might piss Elena off "he hasn't even looked at you, not even for once Elena, why are you pushing so hard?" And boom she did piss Elena off but Elena didn't want to ruin the chances of going to the party with Aria "well he will soon enough" Elena replied keeping her cool

They both headed to Arias' home and decided to stop by the bakery to get few butter bread for Arias' parents

"Good day Mr jay"

"Good day girls" Mr jay responded to both girls "butter bread yeah?" He asked as if he already knew what they would want. "Yes please" Aria said putting on a bright smile on her face.

"What if we tied our hair up just like sarah in the movie?" Elena asked Aria as she sat on the table right in front of Mr jay's oven which was burning hot "Sarah was a real Princess in the movie Elena, we ain't one"

"But you never know Aria, one of us might be the lost princess just like Sarah"

"Wake up Elena, life is no movie and we are princess in our fathers home"

"Look who's talking reality now" Elena said as she laughed

"Here you go Aria, I added two more loaf just for you two"Mr jay said as he handed the bag of bread over to Aria

"You're the best Mr little Jay"Elena said as she paid him for the bread "Thank you Mr jay" Aria said with a smile on her face

You look so beautiful when you smile" he told her

"No, she looks more like a princess" Elena also said

The both left the bakery and headed for Arias' home

"Good day Maria" Elena greeted

"Good day to you too Elena" Maria said waving to Elena right from the kitchen

"Hello mama" Aria greeted her mother as she headed to the kitchen to give her a kiss on both cheeks

"Where have you been Aria? You know we need to make dinner for your papa" Maria said as she returned the kiss

"Was at the bakery to pick up your favorite butter bread" Aria replied placing the bag of bread on the table right beside the cooking stove in the kitchen

"You know your papa wanted rice and not bread so why did you…"

"Can we please go to the party at the city Market"Elena said as she cut into Maria's word

"Party?" She said looking like she didn't understand what Elena had just said

"Yes Maria"Elena said looking at Maria with those cute charming eyes

"Don't give me those eyes Elena, you know so well they don't work for me" Maria said as she looked away "and you Aria, better get to work and wash the rice in the pot before your father gets back from work or you will end up getting punished by him not me"she said as she chopped the onions

"Mama please, just this once" Aria said placing her hands together as she pleaded with her mother

"Aria… you…."

"Mama please, I promise to wash the bag of rice, just let me go this once"

"Please Maria" Elena begged

"Okay then" Maria said as she poured the chopped onions into the pot of boiling soup "but you must be home before your father gets back from work,I don't want him getting upset for no reason"she added

"Sure mama, thank you so much"Aria said as she gives Maria a warm hug from behind

Both the girls got all dressed up and did their hair up just as Elena suggested earlier, Aria wore her old Christmas dress which her father had given to her last year while Elena was dressed in a brand new dress which Aria didn't know about "where did you get this from Elena?" Aria asked out of curiosity

"Oh this?" Elena like she cared less "I forgot to tell you, my sister got me this during the clothing market festival last Tuesday" she said as she pulled up her zip

"Elena you never forget to tell me things like this you know?" Aria said as she looked upset "I can see you planned the party out well without me, and all for what? John?" Aira said as she walked toward the window

"I'm sorry Aria, it must have skipped my mind" Elena said

"It's fine, I just don't like it when we hide things from each other you know right?" Aria told her placing her hand on there wooden flower vase by the window side

"Yes I know Aria, I promise this would never happen again"

"Let's get going now, John must be waiting" Aria said as she laughed out loud

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