
Secret Obsession

John has a secret obsession on his high school crush, Alaia, but she is oblivious to his feelings... if you can call them that. How will he take it? They hardly ever spoke in school, never hung out as friends would, never TP'd their principal's house, yet John is somehow convinced that he is in love with Alaia and that she most certainly loves him back. Years later he enters her life again, determined to make her his, and show her that they belong together, but she is in love with another man. What will he do? Ironically, the man Alaia loves has a stalker of his own, determined to test the waters between this couple and sink the ship happily floating at sea. Will they stay together through all the twists and turns, these psychos put them through? With death, pain, loss and lies lurking around every corner, Alex and Alaia are destined to break up. Right? ~ A true love is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other - Anonymous ~

Jonie_Williams · Urban
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9 Chs

How it all began

Alaia Davíd is a singer, model and actor. She has dark blue eyes with a light caramel complexion which she got from her parents. Her father has a white complexion while her mother has a darker one.

**Alaia's POV**

I had just finished watching the premiere of my new movie, so I decided to have a few drinks when a tall handsome man with dark chocolate eyes, dark skin and black hair approached me.

"Hey, weren't you in the mo- right, uhm... I thought you were amazing in the movie. I really enjoyed it." He stuttered nervously.

"Why thank you." I replied.

"My name is Jonathan Wilson, but eveyone calls me John. What's your name?" He questioned

"That sounds oddly familiar, anyway my name is Alaia Davíd."

" Alaia Davíd.... Al!!! It's been so long." He exclaimed.

"I knew your name sounded familiar." I replied.

We started talking and catching up for lost time. All of a sudden I heard Alex's voice beckoning me.


"Yes" I replied.

"You will never guess what just happened!" Alex exclaimed.

"What?! Tell me." I urged

"The company wants to make a sequel, and they want us back! So I told them to talk to our manager." Alex said excitedly.

"Who is this?" John asked slightly agitated

"John this is my boyfriend Alexander Benson, and Alex this is Jonathan Wilson my long lost friend" I joked.

Alex has grey-blue eyes and black silky hair which complemented his white complextion. He has a beard that is always trimmed perfectly and boy he is easy on the eyes.

"It was nice to meet you John, but I have to speak with the movie producer." Alex said. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before walking away, waving good bye.

John suddenly turned around, anger blazing in his eyes as he stared at me intensely.

"What?" I questioned.

"Boyfriend?!" He raised his voice.

"Yes, boyfriend. I have a alot to te- " I started with a calm voice. He grabbed my wrist and forced me to look him in the eyes.

" Owww! You're hurting me... let go!" I winced.

"I've always loved you." He said while loosening his grip. "Don't you see that?"

I quickly pulled away staring at him with wide eyes. I swallowed nervously saying " Don't you ever hold me like that again!"

I heard footsteps coming up behind me, then I felt Alex wrap his arm protectively around my waist. "If you ever put your hand on her again I will hunt you down and I will kill you." He threatened, as he slowly pulled me away glaring at John over his shoulder.

As we walked in silence my parents caught up to us.

"Are you alright dear?" My mom asked when she saw my tear stained cheeks.

"Fine mom." I replied unconvincingly.

Alex quietly explained to them what had happened. After a few minutes of stunned silence they walked off to confront John. I couldn't stop them even if I tried.

"John! How dare you put you're hands on my daughter?" Mr. Davíd demanded. His wife reassuringly squeezed his arm and he relaxed slightly.By this time the theatre was cleared out.

"Oh hi Mr & Mrs.Davíd," he said with a smile on his face.

"You guys were once so close; why would you do that to her?" My mom asked in a soft yet strong voice.

" I'm sorry, I got caught up in the moment. I got angry, I promise it will never happen again" he replied.

"You're right it will never happen again. You are forbidden from seeing her! If I see y-" but before he could finish my mom dragged him away.


The next day my parents, Alex and I went to the park near our house. We spent the afternoon talking and eating a picnic that my mom had prepared.

When it was time to go, Alex pulled me to him. He took a deep breath and got down on one knee pulling an engagement ring out of his jacket pocket as he went. Out the corner of my eye I saw my parents hugging each other waiting for him to pop the question. "Alaia, from the first time I saw you I was struck by your beauty and your compassion for others. When you spoke, your angelic voice made my heart melt and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."

After that I zoned out of what he was saying, tears were streaming down my face and my vision was blurred.

"Alaia Davíd will you marry me?" I could tell he was nervous.

By this time random people were gathered around and waiting expectantly for an answer.

I let out an involuntary sob as I screamed "Yes yes yes!"

He quickly got up and kissed me passionately. His lips moved in sync with mine and I knew that he was it for me. Everyone started clapping but we were too lost in each other to care.

If only I knew then what was about to happen. John peeped from behind a tall, wide oak tree. "You're ruining everything. But I'm always one step ahead."

My parents hugged me tightly and issued their congratulations. After we calmed down a bit we piled into our own cars and went home. Little did I know that was one of the last hugs I would get from my parents.



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