
sleeping beauty

you have no idea how beautiful she is looking when she is in sleep. ...

i enter in her room so I can wake her up for morning exercise but i was amazed to look at her beauty...

she lay on her bed very peacefully and wearing her black silk night suit her face is looks like a tomato red her body looks like a smooth butter...i can't believe i stand at her room .... it's like my childhood dream came true..

if i explain her beauty in just one word i can say she look like a sleeping beauty..but unfortunately i am not her Prince..i am just a normal guy who work under her dad's order... her dad..Mr Salvatore is world's richest business man..and she is an only child of MR and MRs Salvatore..her name is kara Salvatore...and my name is John who like her since childhood but our world never mean to connect..i try my best to achieve every thing so one day i can be her boy friend..but life didn't give me a chance to achieve anything.. and after the death of my parents i start working in a small company which provides guards to people...

today Morning i received a call from my boss that someone hire me as a bodyguard to her daughter and give me address to the place where I have to work to my shock. it's a Salvatore mansion..when i came here a servent greet me and send me to the room to meet the girl whom i have to guard..and here I came and saw a sleeping beauty...