
n o t e s i x


The library is a beautiful place, is it not? The serene and tranquil peace and quiet, the atmosphere that makes you want to study or read or something that a geek would do.

Then why were you there, Ashton?

You sauntered into the library like you owned the place, your cold stare rushing towards the elderly librarian, to the computers that were situated to the next room over. You beelined towards that direction.

Curious, I followed you. From a distance. You never noticed me, Ashton.

Nobody ever does.

I was hidden in between some bookshelves. With ancient history on my right and fantasy on my left, I gazed out and eyed you carefully. You logged into the computer and clicked on a few icons. You were searching something on Google, Ashton.

I was genuinely fascinated. A view of your dark hair was not good enough for me, however smooth and soft it looked. I opened my bag and retrieved my binoculars.

You may be wondering, why does Secret Heart need binoculars?

For things like these, Ashton. For things like these.

But before I could survey what you were searching on the computer, you abruptly shut it off and bolted away, ignoring the poor librarian who was trying to tell you to stop running. You growled at her in a wolfish, threatening tone and then sprinted into the main school.

What was so worrisome that you had to act quickly like that?


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