
n o t e f i v e


I can tell that you're having difficulties trying to figure out who I am.

Too bad I cannot help you.

You seemed genuinely flabbergasted when you received the fourth note. You glanced around the hallway, trying to pinpoint a figure out of the hundreds of students that go here.

I felt sorry for you, in all honesty.

Your best friend, Drew, walked up to you and conversed with you. You gave vague answers, your attention clearly focused elsewhere. You were still looking for 'Secret Heart', were you not? It was obvious. You only watched the girls.

But what did I notice?

You did not see me. You looked straight through me and the rest of the crowd as if we were air. Your eyes--forever mesmerising--pierced through mine. You saw me, but you didn't see me.

Laura Parker was behind me. She felt your stare, whipped her head around, her blonde locks flying. Her crystal-blue orbs found yours. Your gazes connected. Her rosy lips parted, before she looked away. It was quick--it almost disappeared as it came--but I saw her blush.

Didn't you?

Rage, Ashton. Pure rage was what I felt.


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