

'Man, can't my boss just stop with his boring diallogue and end this war alrwady?'

I thought as I stood among the rubbles of the ruined city where the battle was placed, the sky was stained red, dark clouds hang over the sky and the smell of smoke filled the air.

The land was filled with corpses and only few were left standing.

I stood on the right side of my master, clutching my now dull knife that was caked with dried blood, and I tried not to put too much pressure on my injured left leg.

I glanced at my master, who, even filled with heavy injuries, was still standing tall and proud atop the mountain of broken remnants of buildings.

"Glory to the Sun empire!!!"

He shouted, and our surviving allies all cheered, the war agaisnt the dark forces that was summoned by an enemy country was finally over, though many died, their deaths were not wasted, and their names shall live through history as they braved the risk and found light to the people.

Michael den Sunday, the leader of the army, the one who aanounced our victory, my master, turned towards me and flashed me a wide smile.

I didn't know why, but even though his clothes were torn, even though his face was dirty and his whole body was stained with blood, he looked so bright like a ray of the sun was shining down on him.

I never truly understood why I always see him like this, maybe it's because he had a natural charm and charisma.

"Mary." He called to me, "After we get home, I would love to marry the love of my life, during the first day of the week."

"Oh, I see, master." I nodded, thinking of who might have piqued my master's interest.


I heared him laugh softly, I looked up at him confused and he just gave me a smile.



We just stared at each other for a moment, making me confused.

'What's up with him?'

My master was truly acting odd.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something flying at a high speed and I quickly threw myself on Michael.


Gasps were heared from the crowd as a long and sharp pole stabbed me through my stomach.

I coughed up blood, but I still pulled it out and threw it at where it came from.

It hit something, or rather someone, a dying shout was heared and everyone went to inspect it.

The magician, who started this whole war was seen with a sharp spear embedded on to his private part between his legs.

All the men frowned and covered their family jewels, while the women just raised an eyebrow and inspected the body.

"huff...huff..master... are you okay?"

I weakly called out as I clutched my stomach which had a gaping hole, when I turned to him, I could see his eyes wide in shock as he covered his mouth and nose.


"Mary.. I.."

He lowered his hand, and I too, had wide eyes at what I saw.

Purple liquid silently poured out his nose and mouth, he was poisoned. I knew it was probably from that magician.

"I'm dying..."

Even though he stated that, he had a smile on his lips.

"This... means we can die together, right?"


He reached out his hand to me, "Come here."

I obeyed and went to his side, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close.

I couldn't think clearly as I was losing a lot of blood, on the verge of death. My vision and blurry and spinning, and there was a ringing sound in my head.

Michael whispered something in my ear, I tried to hear it, but I just couldn't focus properly.

He tapped my hand and I looked down at his hands, he formed a fist, then he uncurled his pinky, he curled his fist again, then uncurled his index and thumb. He kept his thumb uncurled and curled his index, tjen extended the pinky.

After that, he closed his fist and uncurled his thumb, index, and pinky finger.

I didn't understand, but I integrated this moment in my mind.

'What could these mean?'

I wonder, as I felt death embrace me in it's arms and everything went black.



I opened my eyes to a wide space, filled with clouds and eerie silence.

"Is this the afterlife?" I muttered, as I got to my feet and walked around slowly in this endless space.

[Dear Soul, this is not the afterlife.]

I calmly looked at the floating square that contained words, I tried to poke it but my hand just went through.

"What's this?"

[ I am something called a system, dear soul.]

[The immortal being who oversees this world made me to guide you on the journey they have tasked you to do.]

"A journey? What journey are you talking about?"

[ Remember that magician who started the war on your empire?]

I nodded.

[ Well, those monsters he had were dark creatures he have summoned from a harmful dimension.]

"I see, no wonder no wizard or knight have ever encountered those before."

[ Yes, the immortal being who oversees your world, also known as your god, have blessed the empire and your deceased master so they can defeat the dark magician and close the crack]

I read the words on the floating square intently.

[After you killed the magician, his soul, along with your master's have settled in a peaceful realm.]

[Usually, this wouldn't be a problem, but the magician's soul carried it's past memories and a portion of it's powers with him.]

"That means he might open a crack and summon dark creatures again."

[ I'm glad you catch on quick, dear soul.]

"So how do we stop it?"

[ Your master's soul is still blessed, meaning he will be the one who can defeat the magician.]

"I see, but what does this have to do with me?"

[ Your master needs time to adjust his soul to his new body, which will start with infancy. So you can guess how dangerous it will be for him.]

"So I need to protect him."

[ Yes, his soul trusts you. So you are perfect for this.]

[ Would you like me to transport you to him now?]


The floating square flashed a bright light and I felt everything flip upside down.

Next chapter