3 A Whole New World(2)

Redwood Secondary School was certainly huge.The canteen was comparably smaller than the girl's primary school one, though. But the new dishes presented invigorated the girl. It was still early in the morning, many students stood around in the canteen. A few were mingling around with primary school friends that had enrolled in the same school. Envy swelled in the girl's heart. Others were standing idle in corners, slouching against the red pillars. She did the same, but was uncomfortably aware of the crowd and felt embarrassed for no reason. Looking out at the seniors, she wondered if she would ever be like them.Such a happy crowd. Boys and girls were mingling in harmony. She felt like an idiot just standing there and silently cursed the school for being so unspecific and not stating where the secondary 1s should go on the first day of school. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a short girl with a short black ponytail and petite figure. She had a flat nose, big eyes with feathered eyelashes. She seemed to look lost and radianted a melancholy that the girl was familar with. "Why shouldn't I approach her?" The girl thought. Mustering up her courage, she wmet over to the other girl. "What's your name?"

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