
02 | Exe.// Aoide_System Host #2

He couldn't describe his feelings seeing himself lying on the ground, blood pooling out from his numerous wounds, his face unrecognizable to even be human anymore.

"No hard feelings, right?" A burst of shrill laughter rang out in the night as multiple footsteps moved away from him and faded into obscurity.

He supposed this was the consequences of his naivety, trusting people to a fault. Fake cops outfits ... more like they were real cops.

Thinking to his life was the only thing that rang through his head, unloving parents that he has never seen before, orphaned at a young age, bullied for having dreams of exploring space as an astronaut or even wanting to travel the world to find hidden treasures! Since he was little, he was an easy target thus the Orphanage Mistress turned a blind eye to his suffering as the children from then onwards began to take away any little pleasures he had, till he had enough of being the victim.

Turning around and ruthlessly striking the person that was abusing him, to make it all go away and leave him alone, only for himself to become known as a growing violent psychopath that had attacked the so-called innocent … That made things already difficult to be adopted leading him to be kicked onto the streets once he had turned 18. The Orphanage couldn't afford to give the children schooling, let alone a higher education teaching or so that was what was told to him. With what he had on his back, he set off to carve his mark on the world … That was the plan until interferences followed him.

Applying for a job was a job in itself when labeled by society as vicious without secondary education. Dare he says, these people would describe him as more animal than human if it came down to it.

Even if he had managed to succeed in the interview for the selected job, maintaining his steady work-flow was much harder, more so when others wish to advance in a competitive workplace.

Busking was always the way to go ... Dancing and singing were the some of the skills that helped him get by in life but the days were long and rough, most without any sort of results, others with minimal payment and some days with his hard work being taken as a "security fee".

Perhaps, this was the reason why he was unaffected by the cruelty of society. He was used to being treated at the bottom of the scale, moving from alleyway to alleyway, living under highway bridges in small tents till he could find enough money to debate whether he wished to pay for food or a motel to stay in for the night.

Could that also be another factor to why he chose to do something so risky?

Choosing to become part of the night scene ... Initiating himself of the crime ring as a lowly thug.

Only to end up like this with three bullets in his body— two through his legs and another through his chest— lying dead on the ash pelt floor.

No —this was HIS own fault— He would not blame anyone for his own inaction to his life and his submissive behavior to the obstacles in his life.

Perhaps fate wanted to be cruel to him once more by having him watch flashes of his unsatisfying life in his last moment of life.

If he had a chance to pick the lucky ticket of the draw, He would definitely not waste his second life as he did in his first. At least he would live his life to the fullest, achieve his dreams of reaching the pinnacle of life's blessings instead of lying around like a deadbeat at the bottom, blaming everyone around him for his mistakes, his acceptance to life obstacles and him being just lazy to change his life.

Aoide_System First INPUT FOUND ...


Exe.// Aoide_System Reconfigure

Reconfiguring and Fitting Host #2 to Aoide Specifications ...

'This again? I am going insane again even in my last moments ...'

Something appeared in front of him as his consciousness began to black out.

Two options — Yes and No were the only ones he could make out in front of him ...

What does this even mean? He had no idea if his hallucinations were getting worse as he was dying.

He could feel his life trickle away as the seconds slipped away from him, if this was a hallucination then the option didn't matter to him or rather it shouldn't affect him.

He reached out with his bloody hand that was clutching his stomach wound in a pitiful attempt to stop the bleeding and press on the option glowing YES.

Aoide_System Second INPUT FOUND ...

Exe.// Aoide_System Loading SECOND LIFE

Aoide_System Third INPUT FOUND ...

Exe.//Aoide_System Connection | TRANSFERRING HOST #2

Exe.//Aoide_System Functions | TRANSFERRING HOST #2

Exe.//Aoide_System Knowledge | TRANSFERRING HOST #2

Exe.//Aoide_System Missions | TRANSFERRING HOST #2

Exe.//Aoide_System Dimension_Build | TRANSFERRING HOST #2

Exe.//Aoide_System Guardian | TRANSFERRING HOST #2


He didn't understand what was going on in his head and didn't care to think too much of it as he dropped his hand and lost his consciousness, his heart rate slowed down and breathing coming to a halt.

Exe.// Aoide_System Startup | Taking HOST #2 to Life Rift ...

hehe, an early update ... i have been stressed out a lot during this week so letting my frustration out in writing is kind of motivating in a way? ah, whatever ... hope you enjoyed this chapter.

vivvicreators' thoughts
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