


The kids including Sakura heard Sawatari and rushed towards their dining room. Which Alziel saw and gave a glance to the approaching figures.

There he saw a familiar figure with the three girls he just saw from the Photograph earlier.


When the 3 girls rushed to the kitchen they saw an Unfamiliar figure wearing a white hoodie with White hair, pale white skin, and red eyes wearing his usual expression as soon as he saw the kids.


The kids immediately hide behind the approaching Sawatari due to being scared of Alziel's cold demeanor.

"Come on kids don't be scared that's your Onee-san Alziel, Just call him Big Bro Al or whatever. He may look cold but he's surprisingly kind."

Seeing the kids frightened because of Alziel's own demeanor he shrugged it off and instead offer them a sit.

"Come seat and eat while it's hot or else it'll taste like sh-"

As he was about to say sh*t a soap was about to enter his mouth surprisingly fast and immediately dodge by stepping to the side.

"-Later on.."

'Where the fuck did that soap came from!?'

"Now who the-"

As he turned around he saw a figure whom he haven't seen for a long time.. Sakura Toriumi.



There was an awkward silence till Alziel break it up.

"What you guys standing up for? Do I need to spoon feed you all?"

"HAHAHA, Come kids since your Ciel Onee-san cooked for us don't be so reserved it's been a long time since he's back here."

(A/N: For no reason I'ma just make his nickname Ciel instead of Ziel for fun.)

When Sawatari said that the three kids were surprised that this Scary guy have already been here they can't help but be surprised.

Since the three of them were curious they can't help but ask if this guy was really the one that the Old man always talked about.

So they decided to ask what they are curious about the most.. The silver haired girl then walks up to the Alziel while the two seated at the table but their eyes are hooked into Alziel.

"Ciel Onee-san... , Is it true you make music?"

Alziel looked at the small girl in front of him and image of Last Order appeared on Accelerator's mind, He just can't help but remember this kid who he treats like a daughter in his past life.

As he was thinking of that he patted the girl's hair and genuinely smiled and said.

"Of course, When I have some time I'll show you..."

At this moment the whole room suddenly got quite with Sawatari's mouth hanging open looking at Alziel and Sakura having her wide eyes while looking at Alziel.

From Sawatari's perspective, Alziel's genuine smile was that of like a Angel and he didn't expect him to smile at this kid and can't help but laugh.

"See?! I told you this Alziel Onee-san of yours is good, It's even rare for him to smile so he must've taken a liking to you kids."

"Oy old man, The way you are saying that is making me seem like a Lolicon.."

"HAHAHA Nevermind that come let's eat."

At that comment Alziel just sighed and took seat with only coffee in front of him and Sakura in his opposite seat.

Currently Sakura and the others are biting to Alziel 's cooking simultaneously.


"Haha! As always little brat your skills puts the folks of Totsuki to shame."

"Ciel Nee-san is the best."

Getting showered by praises he just nods and kept his calm composure but little did they know this former number #1 Monster of Academy City is a little embarrassed being treated like a normal person.

'Is this what it feels like to have a family?'

In Alziel's previous life throughout his life he can't help but admit that he was really misguided and results are those of gruesome things he committed in his previous life.

During World War III in his fight with Touma he complained about why him of all people took on the role of the villain? While someone's out there in the House Laughing and living in peace.. Why him?!

As much as hard as he tries.. he can't seem to solve problems with words unlike the dumb 'Hero' (Touma) and instead relies on violence. But now that he was given a second chance he came to experience what it's like to have a normal childhood and have a family.

But he himself believes that his moment of peace won't be long after learning the existence of 'Phantoms' and 'The Supernatural'.

Currently Alziel was saying his goodbyes to the folks of Little Wing. But then a certain blonde girl called on to him.

"Ciel.. Don't you want to stay here at least for tonight?"

"I can't, But I can at least visit here from time to time."

From the distance Sakura looked at Alziel's disappearing figure.


At a Restricted Area filled with Phantoms after Alziel had his quality time with his 'Family'.

He was called by Hosea Academy to scout the area that was reported to have multiple Phantoms huddling together. But in contrary he didn't follow the command and decided to do an experiment instead on his Powers.

A White haired figure with a white hoodie was standing there closing his eyes. But then, the figures mouth murmured something.

"If that fake (Rensa) managed to bring those 'wings' by fulfilling certain conditions even as a replica of my powers,

Then I also can specially that I'm now back at my full Calculation capabilities."

But no matter what he does.. He can't seem to bring those 'wings' out of him. During this experiment of his he was pissed off on how a copycat managed to access his powers freely even though he now has his former calculation ability and this Horde of Phantoms aren't helping out at all.

Alziel's patience didn't last and got pissed off by the seemingly unending numbers of Phantoms, He was supposed to wait for Mai Kawakami and the other Phantom Hunters as some of them might escaped the Area.


Due to Alziel's short tempered nature and unending Phantoms disturbing his Experiment on his powers his urge to Kill the Phantoms went to the roof.

He stretch both his hands forward and manipulated the wind and slowly formed two cyclones on both left and right of the horde of Phantoms where he followed up with rapidly manipulated both of it to close into the horde.


But he wasn't done there, As his eyes are moving uncontrollably as a two jet black ink in the form of wings sprouted from his back as he laughs like a maniac.


As both of the cyclones closed in Alziel raised his right arm and pointed at the Hordes of the Phantoms and pointed his finger downwards.


Currently Mai Kawakami was running for her life as soon as she heard that her newly appointed teammate is stalling a Horde of Phantoms surpassing the number of 500 which begs the question.

Can Alziel survived alone? Mai knew that Alziel was strong but she haven't seen the extent of his Powers.

That is why she can't help herself being nervous and paranoid that her first teammate just died doing a heroic deed of stalling hordes of Phantom for the multiple Teams of Phantom Hunters to sweep in.

It wasn't until she saw two jet black pillars in the sky where the pressure was immediately being felt as she was nearing it only to saw a familiar white-haired figure laughing like a maniac.


As both of the cyclones closed in Alziel raised his right arm and pointed at the Hordes of the Phantoms and pointed his finger downwards.

The pressure of the Wind was greatly felt at the area of the White-haired monster which soon became Plasma that rained down on the sorry Phantoms while the Gravity was multiplied not allowing the Phantoms to escape this rain of carnage produced by the 'Awakened' Esper.

Right now with the 'Black Wings', Alziel's not mentally stable but due to the wings all the calculations are being handled by wings itself automatically.


The Former #1 Esper of Academy City then looked where the sound that came from only to see a certain blonde exhibitionist.


Next chapter