
The Beginning Of A New Life

"WTF is going on?''

I thought as I stared at the 3 suns shining in the cloudless sky through the densely covered forest as leaves landed on my white M42-style helmet and gas mask.

The biggest one was just like Earth's while the second biggest sun after the yellow one was bright red while the smallest one was orange.

"WTF didn't I get vaporized into atoms by the ICBM with a nuclear warhead?"

Suddenly an overwhelming thirst overcame me and as it did I stopped thinking and without waisting a second I unlocked my helmet strap under my gas mask covered chin.

And with my right hand tossed it to the right side producing a splash while with my left hand I grabbed my gas mask's backs strap and with it pulled off my gas mask in one go.

As I breathed in the fresh air without any toxins I felt my cells start to die and reproduce like madmen.

I looked down only to freeze from seeing my reflection in the ankle height lakes crystal clear water.

Instead of my middle-aged face, I saw my 20 years old face with unhealthy pale skin without any wrinkles though my scars from bullet and shrapnel cuts and burns were still there reminding me of my dark and sinful past.

While my hair's top tied into a small high bun with my sides and back shaven clean with my eyebrows became white and my eyes irises glowed bloodred.

I quickly took off my cold-resistant gloves, my torn webbing, and my Gortex jacket revealing my athletic and muscular top with a perfect V shape filled with scars on my unhealthy pale skin from gunshot wounds, cuts, stabs, and burns and 3 new gunshot scars.

"No fucking way..."

I thought as I touched my 3 new scars with my fingers.

As I was touching my 3 new scars trying to confirm if this is reality or a dream suddenly in my eyes retinas a holographic image appeared.

[Loading soldiers from another world military assistance system.]



[Congratulations user you have successfully absorbed the lake of life's life mana]

A genderless robotic voice sounded in my mind.

"You got to be fucking kidding don't tell me I really became a fantasy novel's protagonist?"

My dead fish face contorted into a look that neither laughed nor cried.

[As a starter pack the user's equipment shall be repaired to its perfect state and the user shall receive a universal language comprehension level 1 passive ability].

As this notification sounded in my mind I saw my scattered and damaged equipment start repairing themselves until they looked as if they were straight out of a factory.

[The equipment camouflage color and look has been changed to the user's preferences]

I looked around and found my now black large military backpack laying around soaked in the ankle-length lake's water.

I stood up, ran a few meters, and grabbed my military backpack with two smaller backpacks attached to the mains backpack's sides and a mat on the backpack's top.

I quickly opened up my backpack and took out its contents until I found my black military field uniform with a staff sergeants rank on my field uniform's shirts chest and my name over my ranks right side.

I looked at my light infantry divisions emblem on my uniform's left arm's upper part that changed into an emblem of a black 9 headed hydra with bloodred glowing eyes coiling its heads together.

And with its legs claws clutching an upside-down black cross with a white skeleton with shark-like teeth and bloodred glowing eye sockets nailed on it.

"I always wanted to get a tattoo like that on my right arm but the military regulations wouldn't allow it"

I thought as I tore off UN's emblem from my field uniform's shirts right arm's upper part with disgust on my face and tossed it into my backpack.

"Fuck the UN, and fuck all of Earth the fuckers can go and exterminate themselves with nukes for all I care."


After putting on my now black m42 style helmet camouflaged with all kinds of fantasy-looking wildlife inserted under my helmet's net and locking my helmet strap under my black NBC 95 gas mask covered chin.

I picked up my black G36 assault rifle camouflaged with different levels of green-colored clothe strips with an inserted black plastic 30 5,56 ×45 mm bullets capacity magazine.

With a tactical vertical front fore-grip with retractable bipod stand and a grenade launcher, optical and kilometer sight.

And stuck its stock between my black right sides webbing camouflaged in the same way as my helmet and my field uniform.


I quietly murmured under my breath.

[Soldiers from another world military assistance system(SFAWMAS)]

[Level: 0]

[Race: Human]

[Title: empty]

[Name: Dracula]

[Health: 1]

[Mana: 1]

[Strength: 0.9]

[Perception: 0.9]

[Endurance: 0.9]

[Charisma: 0.9]

[Intelligence: 0.9]

[Agility: 0.9]

[Luck: 0.6

[The life mana has healed all of the user's internal and external injuries and activated the user's cells current full potential]

[A human being's natural each stats limits are 1]

[An average physically unfit and mediocre human's stats are 0.3]


[Scarred: Visibly wearing the memories of battles or accidents, the user is noticeably scarred]

[Dead Heart: Due to the host's life's experiences the host is numb to everything]

[Albino: Due to the user being a human from another world and the amount of life mana the user absorbed the user's DNR mutated(With his white hair, unhealthy pale skin, and bloodred eyes the host strikes natural fear into many]

[Passive abilities:]

[Universal language comprehension level 1 passive ability: This ability allows the user to communicate with Htrae's inhabitants and to read and write in their language]

[Main mission:]

[Find Htrae's first settlement: The user can become this world Jesus Christ or its Lucifer the choice is up to you user.]

[Rewards: Deaths Eyes]

[Hint: The user is advised to go to North.]

"I can definitely tell that my height grew and my muscle mass increased while I became quite the looker if you don't pay attention to my scars"

North huh?

I thought in my mind as I murmured under my breath as I grabbed my compass which hung from my webbing smoke grenades pouches strap.

I calibrated my compass for a few seconds until my compass needle red part matched my compass rings painted red arrow.

"140 degrees..."

I thought as I started filling out my laminated route card with my black marker.

After a few seconds I placed my route card back into my webbings inner pocket and after adjusting my backpack on my back I started walking with my right hand around my assault rifles machine pistol grip while looking at my left handheld compass.

Hi there me again so the main question to you readers regarding this chapter. Should I write about how camouflaging is done or do you get the idea already? If you do should I still write about it or would it just be boring and a waste of time.

scifiisthewaycreators' thoughts
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