
Her First Friend

After school like what I promise the devils yesterday. I enter the old school building that supposed to be the hideout for Rias group. In front the building I saw the most popular guy in my school waiting for me.

"Ah, Hyoudou-san. I'm about to pick you up from your class." He said with polite smile that make some of the girls in my school fall over heals to him. 'Hn. He's wearing a smiling mask. How unpleasant.' I glare him making him flinched and his smile strained.

"Call me Iva and stop smiling if you didn't felt it. How unpleasant." I said bluntly because how annoyed I'm at his mask and the I walked past him to the room where I can feel the devil gathers.

Opening the double door I saw the rest of Rias group inside along with Sona and her vice-president Tsubaki. I then read their profile.

Name: Sona Sitri

Race: Pure Blooded Devil

Rank: A-

The heiress of Sitri clan after her sister become Leviathan. A very smart person that have hobby of playing chess and currently never been defeated. The current Student Council President of Kuoh Academy.

Name: Shinra Tsubaki

Race: Reincarnated Devil

Rank: B

One of Shinra clan that famous from purifies evil spirits. Her Sacred Gear Alice Mirror have ability to call unusual being from it. Because that abnormalities she was isolated by others. Until Sona pick her up and help her control her power.

'I wonder if devil have habit to pick up a person with mess up psychology. So, it will be easy to win their loyalty because unstable mind.' That is a theory that I reach after reading the peerage of the devil in front of me. 'Well, they're devil. Being a manipulator is normal.' I mentality shrugged my shoulder and stop this analysis.

I stand in front them as I saw they finally stop bickering with each other. Kiba close the door behind me and walk towards Rias. He whisper her about my recent particular attitude towards him. I have no problem that type of preference is being known.

Seeing the unnerving silence my brother take the first step to ask me. "Um, Iva I have been wondering since yesterday. You seems to know about Devil, Fallen Angel, and Angel more than I do. Since when you know about it and how come I never realise it?"

I lift head and look at him "Since you're a toddler. I known about this world when I was 4 years old. And for why you never know about it..." I snap my finger and a dimensional tear appear in this room surprising them.

"From inside this dimensions I will be able to found any kind of mythical creature and all of them somehow very hostile toward other who enter their territory. From this place I learn to fight." With that I snap my finger again and make the dimensional tear vanish.

"So, that's how you somehow able to disappear and appear so suddenly." Mumble my brother while probably remember few episode of my disappearing act in home.

"Then how you manage to return Ise-kun back to human after I turn him into a devil? And how you could heal him in a night after that fatal blow?" Rias took the opportunity that my brother open in his first question.

I stared at her before sigh "I promise my brother to explain a bit at least. Fine, my dimensions is a bit unique. All the enemies in there somehow drop an item after they destroyed."

I then look up at their disbelief face and sigh again. "Maybe showing all of you will be more efficient." I raise my hand to the sky and said "Break." The room shook a little as all of us can hear a glass being broken all around us. The room become red blood.

The devil immediately tense thinking I trap them somewhere strange. "Wait." They look at me confused before all of them can hear low growling from the hallway towards our room. Kiba open the door to see the source of the sound. "That's impossible!" He said loudly. "Zombies!" My brother shriek as he saw the walking corpse walking toward our direction.

"Calm down and move away from the door." I walk towards Kiba and pull him away from the door. The zombies tried to enter the room but seems to stop at the door like there a wall that stop them.

"I already set up a barrier in this room they will never be able to enter and beside a zombie only chase someone who currently alive. In this room their only target is me as a human. Devil is classified as an undead." I said as I walk left and right to show that the zombies move to follow my direction.

"Now, see carefully." I use a simple fire magic with tiny holy attribute and burn the zombies. They shriek in pain before vanish in red particles of light. Under their position there are tooth, some money, and rarely a bone.

The devil open their mouth in surprise at unrealistic power I have. "To simply put my dimensions act like a RPG video game. Where when we defeat the enemies we get item according to the monster class."

I ignore how they tried to touch the drop item to check if they are real. "Now to your question, I use this reverse card item to return the time of someone or something for an hour in the past. The condition to use this is once per year and only available to use once per card." I took the reverse card and give it to Sona who looking at it very curiously.

"Then I use this liquid to heal my Nii-san injuries." I put a bottle of golden liquid on the table. Sona become still and drop the reverse card. She took the bottle very carefully while her hand shaking like crazy.

"T-this, this.." She shutter as she can't believe what she saw. "Hn. A bottle of Divine Phoenix's tear." Her hand finally slacked and almost drop the bottle. Using my instinct and from what I read from her emotion I predicted her action and catch the bottle and store it away safely.

"Fighting with one is a chore. Please be careful with it." I said it casually. Sona finally snap and slam her hand to the table in front me. "That's impossible! The Phoenix's already extinct! All that left is the Phenex Clan!"

"Phenex? Oh, you mean that cheap imitation." I took another bottle that currently filled with said tear of Phenex clan. "This imitation is only can heal outside fatal injuries. While the real tear of Phoenix able to heal all illness, poison, fatal injury, restore stamina, magic power, mental injury, and even revive a person an hour after they died."

"Thought I suggest you never revive a person with this tear." I cover my face trying to forgot the morbid screen of a past when I used the tear to someone else. "Why?" My innocent brother ask the forbidden question harmlessly.

My face pale a bit "After drinking all of the bottle I give you to the dead. They will literally return to alive like a Phoenix. Their body will burn to ash and return back. The screaming of pain is in my head even right now. That's why I only use a drop each time I have been heavily injured. The burn at least bearable if a drop only is used."

I ignore the pale face of the devil in this place and a nervous gulping noise from them. "Well, that's all. Return." I raise my hand again and the room return back to normal colour. "Last Question." I said back to my normal temperament.

Sona who also calm down look at me "Is this a Sacred Gear power? Can you show me?" I remain silent for a while thinking about how irritating it's going to be. "Suit yourself. I won't take any responsibility." I finally said.

I put my hand to my chest as from that place glow. When the glow move to my hand I open it in front them and there lay a tiny golden cube. "This-" Rias about to said something but my idiotic brother cut her.

He laugh at the cube while pointing his finger at it "Hahaha! You're joking Iva. There's no way that tiny thing is the source of all amazing thing that just happen."

Right after he said that my cube immediately respond is glow very brightly and rush to my brother forehead knocking him down. The cube golden light is now painted with slight red. It about to charge at my brother again but I raise my hand and stop it. "Stop. That's my Nii-san. You're not allowed to injuring him." The cube stop and float slowly around me with it's golden blue light now.

I sigh "Alright, if I give you permission you may attack him." It immediately float around me happily with bright yellow golden light, jumping in front my face like a child.

"It's alive?" Rias confused. She tried to touch the cube without it's permission and it scorched her finger that touch it. It glow back to golden red while shaking madly like a mad kitten towards Rias.

"Hn. This cube have somehow able to act like a child. It won't let anyone touch it except for me somehow. It always do anything to make me satisfied to it. It's very annoying." As I said that the cube turn it's light to golden blue. A sad bell chime only I can hear ringing on my head. I sigh once again at this cube annoying cute attitude. I pat the cube with my finger while let out a defeated smile towards it "Cheer up. I will never hate you and you know it." It glow back to it's cheerful yellow golden before return inside me through my chest.

"What kind of Sacred Gear is that? I never saw one like that in any book I read about Sacred Gear." Sona ask me. But I also shake my head "I don't know. But currently I call it Exodus Cube."

Sona then look at me with strange glint in her eyes. Looking at her emotions I know what she want to said. I already predict this before I enter this place. "Hyoudou Iva become my Peerage and I will fulfill all your wish."

"Wha! Sona it's not fair I also want her to be a member of my peerage!" Rias shout while pouting at Sona. "The one who faster get it first." Reply Sona calmly.

"No." I cut their conversation as they going to bicker in front me. "Then how about m-" Rias smile brightly like she won a lottery. But I cut her too "No. I can't stop being a human."

"What did you mean by that?" Ask Sona confuse. I remain silent as the questioning session is over with the cube appearance. I refuse to said anything else even if my brother ask me. I already said to much because of him. How careless.

The devil then try to make me speak again with many way but I refuse to give them any reaction. But they're very persistent it's start getting very annoying.

I finally unable to hold the annoyance brimming under my cold heart so I immediately stand up and leave the room. They finally left me alone after that.

On my way home I met a particular scene that my brother would like. In front of me a sister lay her face on her ground while showing the world her underwear by accident when she fall.

It's seems my day of peace is really over. I immediately move and help the girl up. Then she start speaking Italian. I look at her features and it seems like I got a foreigner on my hand. "Thank you very much." She bow her head to me several time. I stop her from bowing unnecessarily and reply her back to her with Italian "I don't mind it. Stop bowing."

She gaps and tried to close her mouth with her hand to hide her surprise. She then brimming with happiness, take my hand and start to cry in happiness "You can understand me! I just come to this place and I got lost! Can you help me find the church in this town? I need to go there!"

I stared at the sister a bit while using my ability to peak others status. My paranoid nature won't satisfied if I just help unknown people without thinking that they may use this opportunity to make my guard down.

Name: Asia Argento

Race: Human

Rank: E-

A girl that abandoned by her parent and raised at the church as a Holy Priestess as soon her Sacred Gear Twilight Healing being know. But she the banished from the church and labeled as a witch because she healed a devil. Right now she have no choice but to rely on the Fallen Angel to live.

'I see, she is a victim of the world cruelty. But the fallen angel mentioned here. I better get know her first before make my judgement.' I thought silently as several questions in my head is answered by her presence. "Fine. Come." I told her and start to walk toward the church.

We then walk silently but she seem to be uncomfortable with this silence unlike me. "Um, I forgot to introduce myself before. My name is Asia Argento. I just come from Italia. Thanks again for helping me." She said while fidgeting around.

"I don't mind it and my name is Hyoudou Iva. Nice to meet you." I tried to tone down my unfriendliness and speak to her. But my attitude seem only make her more nervous. "Do you live in this town, Iva-san?" She ask shyly.

"Yes, I have lived in this town with my family. Since I born. This town is my hometown." I stop walking a bit and look at my surrounding with tiny tug on my lips that indicate that I'm happy with my surrounding.

She finally relaxed a bit after I showed her the unusual side of myself. A comfortable silent finally decent on us. She probably realise that I was the type of a people who really speak unnecessarily.

We walk in casual speed until we're going to cross the four way road intersection. The light still red but this sheltered sister doesn't seems to know common sense. I'm about to lecture her about the road light but I saw a person who I know very well coming towards our direction while cycling the bicycle.

"Oh, Nii-san. How unusual of you to do workout." I said as from my perspective he look like just having a workout using the bike. His body drenched by sweat and he have been taking deep breath for a while.

"I... Not... Working.. Out.." He said brokenly while stop near us. "Are you alright?" Asia ask my brother in Italian. I thought my brother won't able to respond to her but he look up and beam at Asia. "Yes, I'm fine!" He immediately energised. Probably from seeing a girl that care for his well being is so rare.

"By the way it's also unusual for you to walk with someone home Iva." He finally snap out from his daze but having a wrong conclusion. I sigh and answer him "If you notice we currently walk opposite side to our house. I'm currently helping this sister to the church that exist in the end of this direction."

He become silent for a while before laughing nervously. I just sigh at his carelessness 'Really my Nii-san is so stupid, but he's adorable stupid.' "Um, Iva-san did you know this boy?"

"Hn. I forgot to introduce you to him. Asia meet my twin older brother, and Issei Nii-san this is my new friend." I smile a little at the end because I have the feeling that Asia can become a good first friend for me.

"Eh! Twin brother! You two don't look alike at all!" Exclaimed Asia as she start to observe our features to see if we're a twin. But it's annoying how people like to compare us. "We're a fraternal twin. A twin that don't look alike with each other. Because we're made by different egg but stay together in one womb." I decide to explain this sheltered sister as simple as I can.

"Ha..ha.., we're used to hear that. Anyway nice to meet you! My name is Hyoudou Issei and I'm Iva's twin older brother." My brother shrug her surprise and give his hand to shake with her. Asia stop being confused and shake his hand while smiling happily "Nice to meet you too. My name is Asia Argento and I just came from Italy."

I notice that somehow my brother able to understand Italy and speak one without noticing anything. This probably the skill of being a devil do.


A sudden pained boy voice come from near us. Our intention immediately went to the source of the voice. We all run towards it and found a boy laying on the ground while holding his injured knee.

He look like about going to cry from it. I then see Asia rush to him and try to calm him down. She use her Twilight Healing to heal his wound and it's quite effective for a Sacred Gear but still unsatisfying.

"So, that is her Sacred Gear." I said while using Sharingan. I analysis the potential it have but still inferior than my healing item or skill.

"How did you know that is a Sacred Gea-!? Wha!! What's happen to your eyes!?" My brother ask me a question but immediately stop when he saw me with my Sharingan.

"Oh, I never have shown you these eyes before." I look toward my brother with my basic three tomoe Sharingan. He flinch at the blazing red that painted in sadness and sorrow.

"With this eyes I can see different kinds of energy in the world. Because this eyes I can see the truth of the world. The existence of the supernatural. I knew that you'll be scared about these eyes that's why I never told you." I explain while touching my eyelid with my hand.

'Beside I don't want him to know about the burden of this almighty eyes. This blood stained cursed eyes.' I deactivate them as I saw no use for it after I finish analysing Asia's Twilight Healing.

"Wow that is amazing! So, can that eyes-" I immediately cut him as I can predict what he going to say by hit emotions "No, I can't see through people's clothing." I can feel my hand twitching from annoyance. Only my idiot brother would think like that. I'm glad that he don't get the Byakugan or it will be worse.

"What!! That's not fair!!" My brother yell making Asia who done with her charity act come towards us. "What are you two discussing?" She ask innocently.

"Well I just know that-" I cut his sentence again as while I trust Asia, I don't trust the one taking care her right now. I'm not going to let them know my power even a bit, after all the one controlling the information have more advantage. "By the way Nii-san aren't you on the way to somewhere just before you talk with us?"

My brother blink his eyes then close them while crossing his arm in front of his chest. "Now, that you mention it. Ahhh!!! I'm late!!!" He then yell as he remember where he going to go before. He immediately rush and ride his bike in a rather fast speed.

Asia look at my brother direction where he just cycle past us. She look very confused. "Forgive my Nii-san it's seems he had unfinished business he forgotten while talking with us." I explain to her.

"Well, let's go to the church. We also sidetracked by what just happen." I ignored the fact that Asia's face been painted by her blush from embarrassment.

Because I like her innocent I start to speak some mundane things happen in my live to distract her from what just happen. She then tell me about how her life is in Italy but it was not quite normal childhood as she was forced to be a Holy Priestess from young age.

Then we arrived in front the only church in Kuoh. "Is this the one?" I ask as I can feel the wave of negativity coming from this old building. "Yes! Thanks Iva-san!" Asia skip happily towards the gate.

I stop her by her wrist, she turn and look at me with confused face "I'm only warning you this once. Those people that your guardian right now is bad. I don't know the reason why someone as kind as you with them. But as your friend I want you to tell me if there anything you troubled with."

I can feel her shaking under my hand. "I won't ask you now. But when you're ready to tell me. Then please rely on me. You're the first friend I have in this world and I want to protect you."

I can see her eyes glimmer like she going to cry. I let go her hand and pat her head gently. "I'm going back home now. See you later." I whisper her as I turn my back to her and walk home.

After I walk away from the church, I walk towards the forest for a time alone. I clench my hand and my body was covered by Senjutsu as it's respond to my anger. I smash my hand to one unfortunate tree near me and ignore the fact that tree fly and crashed to many other tree near it. If other person see this they probably faint as I just eliminate a yard of tree by one simple action.

Under my cold fury I finally notice one person that right now here with me. "Come out." I said coldly toward to bush where she hide. I can feel her emotions filled with panic, fear, paranoia as I notice her.

I about to walk towards her but she come out first drenched with sweat from head to toe. It was Koneko one of Rias's peerage. "Why are you here?" I ask while opening my black eyes and glare at her. She started to shaking even more "I-i j-just walking around and then I saw you enter the forest. I-i got curious and followed you here." She shutter like a little bunny in front of a predator.

I can see she not lying, so I stop pressuring her with Senjutsu. She have quite a talent of Senjutsu if she can still standing from that force I put her any normal person without affinity will immediately collapse from the pressure. Not everyone can handle this power after all.

She taking many deep breath as if she just been strangled by someone. I ignore her and about to walk back home but she stop me. "Wait! How can you use Senjutsu?! It's supposed to be a unique trait that only yokai can use! Don't you know how dangerous that power is?!" She yell at me but I can see that her eyes not looking at me right now.

"You're afraid." She flinch but I ignored her "You're weak. You ran away from your natural calling." She started to cry while shaking her head to deny me but I continue "You're afraid to the negativity the Senjutsu gather along with nature chakra." She snap her eyes at me in that eyes painted her disbelief that I know the risk what I done but still using Senjutsu.

"I'm not afraid from pesky evil this world have. I have been burdened by even worse feeling than this from the moment I'm born. But I need power to protect my Nii-san and I will do anything for him." I have no reason to beat up a kitten any longer. So, I left her alone in the forest.

~~~~~~~~~~ Times Skip ~~~~~~~~~~

At home I find my brother lay on the couch like a dead body. "Nii-san tell this to Rias. I found the hideout of the Fallen in the abandoned church in this town, earlier. It's seems they also bring several exorcists with them. Also Asia is with them."

"What!!" My brother snap out from his tiredness as he took my news surprised. "There's no way Asia is in a group like that. She's too kind!" He yell at me. I sigh as he start to judge me again "Calm down, I also believe she under their protection for some reason. That's the reason why I told you to tell Rias tomorrow. Asia is the first friend I have after all."

I walk towards the stairs and turn to my brother "Don't forget it Nii-san. While I don't trust Rias after she tried manipulate you, but I trust you. Good night."

Next chapter