
Second-Hand Heart.

trauma; a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. "Amelia? Do you think I'll always feel this broken?" "Oh November, you may be broken but you aren't defeated. You'll come back, stronger than ever" November Sky had been through many ups and downs in her lifetime but right now in this moment she knew this would be the lowest she would ever hit. Sneaking out of her boyfriends house at 3am, tears falling down her cheeks, clothes tattered and blood dripping from her thighs and wrists. She knew what she looked like, she knew what had happened deep down inside but it seemed her body was working on auto-pilot, scampering the scene and heading straight to the one place she knew she was safe. One problem arouse that night that was larger than anyone could have predicted, in the shape of a 6 foot 3 shadowed man, stood in the corner of her boyfriends front-room, watching her flee. November hadn't seen him lurking in the darkness, if she had. Things may have gone much smoother from that night. With her new-found love of her best-friend, November is sure she can conquer the darkest part of her mind and bring herself to new beginnings, new heights in her life. She finds love along the way, both for herself and the boy with the weird obsession about helping her overcome her darkness. Will the journey be sweet for November, or will secrets turn it bitter. Once again leading her to repair the pieces of her broken heart, in the open, for all to see.

LaurenShannon · Teen
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Mystery POV.

Once I had stepped back and looked around the room that night, I had realised that I was continuously cleaning up after him. Hiding his misdeeds from the world and enabling him to become a worse and worse version of his already terrible self.

I had offically give up. It had been two weeks since that night, the night that haunts me as I struggle to sleep. Tossing and turning in the bed, wondering whether this room was the one that held all the secrets. Was this the room that had teared down my inner barrier and let loose all my fear? Was this the room in which that young girls life was ruined?

It crippled me with fear each and every time I tried to lay down, tried to get some rest. I had scoured the house for evidence early that first morning, but for once it seemed he had decided to clean up after himself and not leave it for his unsuspecting roommate to find.

He knew he had messed up big time, he knew he was guilty. The only explanation I could come up with, for him showing such vile, insane, disgusting behaviour is that he had finally gone clinically insane from all the drugs he snorted up his nose when he thought none of us were paying attention.

We were. We always were, but the confrontation was meant to happen that night. The night I had returned to the scene, a scene that I still can't think about without wanting to vomit.

I remember the next few days after the incident clearly, Logan had been complaining about his girlfriend not answering his calls. I had held it inside, stopped myself from going off on him. I had to be sure the mysterious, broken girl had come from him. There were seven other guys who lived in this mansion.

I spoke to each and every one those next few days, all but him. I left him for last, my gut knew that he was the one who did this to her. I could feel it, deep down. He was one of those guys, who took and took and took until he couldn't take anymore.

I questioned the guys, as casually as I could, about the party and where they went. Asher had told me straight away that he had fled the scene the moment the police came, went to check on a couple of his friends. When he couldn't find them, he retreated back home and settled on calling them instead.

Jace was the same, he searched for some friends. He found his though, then they headed to the after party. Sam, Lexus and Ian were at the same party as Jace, he had seen them, had photos with them. They all joked around about it the morning after, it made it pretty simple to deduce my searching's down to two people.

Alex and Logan.

Alex had left town shortly after the party to visit his Grandparents, this meant I had waited two whole weeks to confront him. It had been torture. Staring at Logan's eyes across the dinner table every night, wondering whether I was staring a rapist dead in the eye. Being friendly with the other guys, whilst may be checking their girls out for his next prey.

I felt sick, every single time I looked at him. Bile rose up in my throat and I had to resist the urge to throw my fist at his face.

That brings me to here, walking down the street towards the mall to meet Alex. I had told him I needed to speak in private about a college course I was failing. Pretended I was too awkward to say it around the other guys, he must've known something was up. All the boys knew I was on top of all my classes constantly, my parents were a big stickler for good grades. If I wanted this football scholarship I needed to stay on-top of it, but Alex had agreed to meet me in a seconds notice.

He said he had something he wanted to speak to me about too and I was wondering whether he had seen something, figured something out.

I was lost on my thoughts when a body falling caught the corner of my eye. My first instinct was to reach out and stop the cute small brown haired girl from eating dirt. I help her to stay upright and step back to take a quick look over her. She was cute, well, beautiful actually. She was wearing a cute jumper, jeans and heeled boots. Which may I just say, made her legs look insane.

I was admiring the view, until I realised she had completely flinched away from me and taken at least 3 steps away from me. Jesus, germaphobe much?

"Germaphobe?" I speak my thoughts, words holding amusement as I watch her scan my body. Huh, seems like she's interested too.

"No. Just don't like strangers putting there hands all up on me" Her voice is an angry growl, she starts running her hands up and down her arms and picking at her jumper. I was concerned as to why, she seemed so, scared of me? Was I scary? I stare at her indifferently, I just helped her from falling, why was she so, petrified?

She averts her eyes from mine the moment I met them and I frown a little at her dismissal of me. Jeez not even a thank-you?

"Ha ha" an awkward laugh sounds from next to her and my head whips over, only just realising there was another person here. "what she meant to say, was Thankyou" The blonde haired girl speaks from between gritted teeth and elbows her small friend in the side. The girl smiles widely, sarcasm dripping from each part of her face and turns to me.

"Yes, what I meant to say was Thankyou, for touching me without my permission" She grits out and smiles at me, showing her teeth, she nods to her friend to keep walking and I run a hand through my hair as I watch her saunter off. The way she carries herself is weird, like she's afraid of anything and everyone. Her eyes seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. She reminded me of someone too, but again, my brain wasn't working well today.

"Sorry! Next time I'll ask permission before stopping you from eating the pavement!" I yell out, watching her stomp her way down the street away from me. Suddenly remembering why I was here in the first place, I turn and beeline for the coffee shop to meet Alex.