
The End ...or the

Where did it all went wrong..?

why did it have to be. me ..?

was there another way ?

looking down i could see the pool of blood beneath my body. and that's when i realised this was the END for me ....

it's been 6 years since these damn fucking war began ...6 years ...and everybody including me on this land has been suffering from it endlessly.

well to be honest i was suffering even before it all ....all throughout my life.

This place is known as 'Draken continent'.A land filled with opportunities,riches,knowledge ,vast unending plains,etc.but as they say with endless fortune comes along an endless trouble.

I was nothing significant.Born in a simple household ,my father 'Mark spencer' was a Teacher and my mother 'hilda spencer' was a housewife.

my childhood was peaceful to say the least.i had no trouble growing up ,no bullies to annoy me,pretty much easygoing life.

things took a turn when i was 16. My father died. or you can say killed.by whom you ask ...well that's where it gets cliche..the local overlord of the barony had a daughter and a son ,they both went to the school where my father taught.one day my father saw these two siblings bullying some kids from the school.he straightaway went to help even though he knew they were the kids of the baron.he was an honest man,in his eyes doing something wrong and ignoring while someone is doing wrong was the same thing.well,his thoughts were righteous but sadly he didn't had the strength to uphold them.

He stopped the two siblings from bullying the kids and further went on to punish them by making those two clean the whole classroom.

at the start they refused to do so but mark went on to threaten them by saying that he will make it so they are expelled from the school.afraid of being expelled they did as asked.

when the baron heard that the school teacher of his kids was bullying them and tried to molest his kids (p.s.he heard that from his kids) he went on a rampage.he ordered his men to drag mark and his family to the public square .and so they did flabbergasted by the suddeness of the whole situation my parents didn't know what to do except to pleas to the baron.while my mother was pleading ,my father went on to explain the whole situation as clearly as possible to baron.well that didn't have much effect as the baron had already come too far.

he didn't think much about the topic and considered it as one of the shenanigans of his kids. he ordered his men to execute the husband and wife and sell the kid as a slave.

i was 16 years old at that time. knowing my parents were going to die hit something inside of me ...i wanted to save them ...i wanted to fight for them...i wanted to rage at the injustice....i wanted to rage at the whole world ....and that's when i realised i was missing something....

my father and mother were executed right in middle of the square. the Baron didn't allow them burial.

i was sold as a slave to another noble who was also a baron.i was tortured, trained , humiliated,and made into a soldier later on.

i guess you the rest ...

At present

I couldn't escape from this ongoing war and suffering...no ordinary citizens could.and so here i was on the battlefield....dying .

let me tell you it's not a pleasant thing to be stabbed by a spear the reverse points of the spears just get tangled with your muscles and organs...ahh it's very painful...

while dying i was seeing my life flash in front of my eyes...i saw my parents ,my childhood,sweet memories,and lastly the execution of my parents ...and once i felt all those emotions i thought i lost long ago along with the feeling of missing something...

and while on the verge if death ...when i looked up i saw my answer ...

lying all over the battlefield were the dead bodies of soldiers from both the sides ...some faces were friendly some were not ...but they all had one thing in common ... STRENGTH.

there were also people that were standing after the battle was over ...they also had one thing in common... STRENGTH.

'haha hahah hahahahhaha'.I laughed

and laughed until i was no longer able to ..

This world had taken everything from me just because it could ...and i could not realise this simple fact.

Tears began to form in my eyes as images of my father and mother being cruelly executed right in front me started to appear in my mind...i wanted to save them so badly that would do anything for it .... anything.....

and by grieving on my weakness i died...

'Tell me child do you want strength?' an old and profound voice called out.

'huh ?'