

"Mom,dad and aunty Thank you for loving and care me" a sentence that i can say in my last breathe of my life in earth where i die cause virus where spread in my country in 2020

My name is Ryan 26 years old 177cm 72kg with slim mascular body straight black hair with mandarin haircut scar in my left eyebrow with asian typical face.i born in southeast asia where tropical climate is only you can feel,born in poor financial family but with warm and caress family. My parent always teach their children with all heart and attention where you can feel warm and blessed,from kid i do all what parent said and in my teenager ages is rebellion state where i spent my time always in outdoor with my friend where you go to anime event concert metal band street race street fight and bike gang sometimes you argue with parent cause you never back home or listen to what parent said,i spend more time in my father friend bike workshop i help and try to learn bike machine engine. And in highschool I choose to go to famous mechanical engineering vocational school in student city where you will learn more in what you want to learn like machine engine electro and many more speciality.

I move to Mary aunty house in student city,she single mother in early 30's with kindergarten kid,she is to busy with her business and her ex-husband cant understand her feeling and making their child in bad situation where you can see is arguing parent, that why she choose to divorced,i move here to befriend and take care my niece,like everyday highschool student where you spend with friend and girlfriend sometimes i go to my father friend workshop too. I graduated from highschool with decent average grade 8 and choose to apply in japanese bike and cars company and got 2 years contract,

End contract i try to go to japan cause i want to feel what in anime slice of life and school genre look like (usagi drop,hdxd,seikano)and i want to see and feel 4 deferent season too, i dont really like go to school that why i didn't go to college prefer to work, i choose to use intern training way to go to japan and study japanese and norm in japanese school for 1 year, and accepted in ironworking factory in kyoto near katsuragawa river.

In japan i try all thing that i want to try and go from food drink famous tourist spot and event kansai female taste like,I back to home country and buy land and build bike workshop and restaurant and try to marry my girlfriend from japan but fate said different,well i cant said that i dont have regret in my life but if i can have another change to live i want to live without regret.

That what i thought until i wake in blank space where all can see is white colour and nothing more,and all memories from i'm kid until i die is appear in my head like you do it second minutes ago,all happy excited and sad feeling all mix and make you feel more regret with choices you choose and make you feel like to faint i dont realy know how long i spent in this place until angel like appear in front of you i dont really know that female or male but all i can see is figure like human and light around him/her with pair wing and he/she said -well why are you here-

"What do you mean?,and are you God or something ?"

-No, i'm not God,if i'm God you can't see me you know, well in your world we are like angel maybe-

"What do you mean i can't see God ?"

-do u want really know the truth ? Maybe it will spend alot of times if want to know,will you ? I will explain in simple way ok, if God is you,than you is like amoeba ok ? You get it right ?-

"Hmmm, ok,, that why sometime we pray but never come true,ok i get it,than why i'm here you say? I dont know all i know is i'm dead."

-No, it's not like your pray is ignore by God but your pray is not reach God yet,why ? Cause before you born in earth your soul is in heaven,God and your soul is make a contract and as soon as you born you will forget your memories in heaven, ahh forget it,it will spend so much much times if i explain to you, like angel human devil satan and all existence duty and all,if you know adam eve stories maybe you will little bit know what i mean,Now the trouble is your soul is went to between your world and soul world and you can't back to soul world either your world that is earth,and make it error will lead you isolated in this place.-

"Wha-what,that why adam stories never exceed of time,than what should i do now ?"

-hmmm,you have 2 choose that is you stay here until doomday come or you reset your karma and live in another world cause you can't reincarnated/resurrect in earth anymore,wait a minute ,hhhmm your karma deed is good,you do alot good thing and did human duty do,and you did bad thing to bad its ok, it' like 65% good and 35% bad, if you stay here it's guarantee you will be back to heaven but if you choose second option you have bad news and good news,bad news is your karma deed will reset and good news is you can request skill,strong body,or many option you can choose.-

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