1 C1 Transmigration

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters. https://www.patreón.com/AlienWarlord

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I'm hoping to get top three in the rankings this week, so give me some power stones please. Enjoy the chapter!)

As I open my eyes I see an unfamiliar ceiling. Looking around the room I'm met with an ornate bedroom that could only belong to someone obscenely wealthy. As I look around the room my eyes land on a mirror facing the bed. The reflection in the mirror shows a young boy maybe five or six years old with red hair and red eyes. (A/N: the cover, but as he gets older he will look like the red king from K. Just google it if you don't know.) Something clicks inside my mind as I realize this is me in the mirror, and memories come pouring into my mind.

It's like two sets of memories are in my head, but they're both me. One of Kyle Owens a man from earth, and another of this young boy from terra. The earth version of me had lived a normal life graduated high school, but never went to college. Not knowing what to do with his life he moved from one shit job to the next. Novels, manga, TV shows, movies, and FanFiction kept him sane through his crap life. Until one day he was walking home from work and a truck hit him as he was crossing the street. I distinctly remember checking both ways before crossing, so where did that truck come from?

The other set of memories I have are of Syrin Fortis the second prince of the Fortis Kingdom. Son of King Henry Fortis and his only concubine Astrid Fortis. A boy with a loving mother and a busy father. His mother Astrid is a caring and strong woman, so strong in fact that she is a well known SS ranked adventurer. His father on the other hand is caring like his mother, but truly doesn't have much time to spend with him. Syrin yearned for his fathers attention, as most of it was spent on kingly duty's. Even his elder brother Alexander Fortis the crowned prince spends more time with their father. This is due to their father teaching Alexander how to run the country.

Alexander is a member of what Syrin would call the sour half of his family. This half consists of only two people Alexander and his mother the Queen. Let's continue with Alexander first. Syrin was born when Alexander was ten years old, so the age gap didn't help their relationship much. If that wasn't bad enough Alexander seemed to hate Syrin for as long as I can remember. Syrin never seemed to understand why, but now with the mind of an adult I think I know. What most likely happened is the Queen poisoned his view of Syrin due to her hatred of Astrid. It's a well known but never said aloud that the Queen despises her husbands only concubine.

That brings me to the Queen herself Liviana Fortis. She hasn't had much interaction with Syrin, but whenever they're in the same room he would get nothing but a face full of scorn from her. Their have been many times that Syrin overheard his mother complaining about the Queen, and all he heard didn't leave a good impression of Liviana. Apparently she's the daughter of some powerful Duke, and the only reason Syrin's father married her is because he needed to solidify his rule.

When his father became king he was very young, and the former King and Queen died in a war against the Malum Kingdom. As such when his father became king things were unstable, and the easiest way to stabilize would be with the help of the aristicrats. Who better to start with than Charles Freemont the most influential Duke in Fortis, but their's a price for everything and this price was the marriage of his daughter Liviana to the King. A small price to pay for the stability of an entire kingdom. His father accepted and produced an heir with Liviana as a king should, but he never loved her as he does Astrid. At least that's what I can put together from Syrin's memories when his mother got a little to drunk and started airing her grievances.

As the memories of Kyle Owens and Syrin Fortis merge I'm just staring blankly in the mirror. For almost an hour I just sat there with a look of shock on my face as I tried to wrap my head around what's going on. Suddenly a square glowing panel appeared in front of me.

{Welcome user: 71490721 I am the system gifted to you. Please designate users name as Kyle Owens or Syrin Fortis.}

I just sat there staring at the screen not knowing what to think. Did I just get transmigrated to another world with a system? Wait a minute, a truck hit me even though I looked both ways. It was like it just appeared there out of nowhere. Could it have been Truck-sama himself or herself if trucks have genders? This definitely isn't a dream because everything is so clear and I'm definitely in control. Screw it, the more I think about my situation the more confused I'll get. I'll just go with the flow and see what happens. If this is a dream then cool, but if it's not then this is amazing and a little scary. Seeing as Kyle Owens died I'll keep the name Syrin Fortis I guess.

{Designation set as Syrin Fortis. Thank you for your cooperation. In order to use system please follow a short tutorial. Think or say status.}

'Status' I thought and the panel changed. (A/N: 'thinking' "talking" {system})


Name: Syrin Fortis

Title(s): Second Prince of the Fortis Kingdom

Fighter Rank: 0

Mage Rank: 0

Shop points(SP):




(A/N: this may change later idk. I don't want to do a system that lists strength, agility, luck, etc. because it's a lot to keep track of and I'm a lazy person. I also feel that simple is better.)

{The status page is where you can keep track of your progress and everything in your inventory. Titles show you what the populace knows you as, so if you became a master chef and spread your name and skills you would gain the master chef title. Rank is how strong you are, and since you haven't awaken battle energy and/or magic yet you aren't even level 1. Skills/Abilities will list all important skill/abilities like swordsmanship, magic manipulation, etc. you can gain skills and abilities by training in them or buying them from the system. Inventory lists everything stored in the systems storage. To use storage simply touch something with the intention of storing it, and to retrieve items you simply will that item out to either your hand or the floor near you. Shop points are the currency of the system shop, now say shop please.}

The explanation seems simple to understand, and just looking at my status makes me excited to bring up my rank and get some skills and abilities.

(A/N: give me some ideas on some skills/abilities that I can give him. They can be made up or from any fiction. Try to give me stuff that hasn't been used much. Like the Sharingan which I think is cool as hell, but I've seen so many MC's with it that I just don't want to add it.)

'Shop' I thought, and a panel with what you'd think appeared in front of me. I could buy pretty much anything you can think of. From powers, bloodlines, objects, weapons, potions, etc. Anything I could think of was there, but for a price of course. The tutorial continued with the last and most important feature..... The Summoning tab.

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters. https://www.patreón.com/AlienWarlord

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I'm hoping to get top three in the rankings this week, so give me some power stones please. Thanks for reading!)

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