
Chapter 9

Next morning,Minato, Miyuki and Tatsuya were walking to school at a leisure pace. Minato was listening to [Burn My Dread] on his headphones while Miyuki and Tatsuya were talking to each other.

Mayumi:"Tatsuya-kun~! Minato-kun~!" She called out.

They stopped and turned around to the sight of the Student Council President Mayumi Saegusa running up to them.

Mayumi:"Morning, Minato-kun!,Miyuki-san, Tatsuya-kun, good morning to you both too." She greeted them.

Sliding off his headphones, Minato sighed as pressed the pause button to return Mayumi's gretting.

Minato:"Morning" he greeted back.

Tasuya and Miyuki:"Good morning." They said.

Mayumi:"There's something I want to talk to Miyuki-san about. What plans do you have for lunch today?" She asked politely.

Miyuki pondered about it for a moment before glancing at both her brothers. Minato gave a nod and they agreed to meet at the student council room for lunch.

The siblings arrived in front of the room. Knocking on the door gently, Minato waited for a reply before entering the room. A muffled "Come in." was heard and Tatsuya, whose hand was on the knob, open the door to step into the room.

Tatsuya:"Excuse us."

Upon entering the room, Minato instantly recognised Mayumi and Mari sitting at the table. The other two members did not seem familiar to him so he placed them as members of the Student Council. Gently nudging Miyuki into the room, he followed after Tatsuya.

Mayumi"Welcome. Don't be shy, come on in." She invited.

Miyuki strode forward and bowed in a formal manner, saying "Excuse me." As she did that, she gave off a feeling of elegance, awing the orange haired member and Mari. The other unknown member gave a slight cough to break her fellow member out of her staring.

As they sat around the table, Mayumi gave out set bento to the people in the room with the exception of Minato and Mari, both of whom brought their own lunch.

Mayumi:"I introduced them during the entrance ceremony, but just in case… Next to me is the treasurer, Ichihara Suzune, also known as Rin-chan." She begun.

Suzune:"Only the President calls me that…" Suzune said, slightly exasperated.

Mayumi:"You know the one next to her, right? The head of the Disciplinary Committee, Watanabe Mari." She continued.

"And then, the secretary, Nakajou Azusa, also called A-chan."

Upon hearing that name, Azusa frowned before admonishing Mayumi.

Azusa:"President, please don't call me A-chan in front of underclassmen! I have a reputation to uphold too!"

As if never heard that, Mayumi continued. This resulted in Azusa letting out a sigh of defeat.

"Along with the Vice President, Hanzou-kun, these are the current members of the Student Council."

Mari:"I'm not one, though." She said, winking.

Minato:"Watanabe-senpai." He called out, looking at her lunchbox.

Mari:"What?"She asked

Minato:"Did you prepare that lunch box yourself?"He asked.

Mari:"Yes… Surprised?" She replied.

Tatsuya:"No, not in the least.It's obvious that you're used to making food… Just by looking at your hands." He spoke up.

Looking at her hands, there were many bandages on her fingers. Having been found out, Mari blushed and quickly hide her fingers.

Tatsuya:"Besides, Minato here also prepared his own food. It's very easy to tell if you got a sibling like that." He stated.

Minato:"Talking about lunch boxes, Miyuki, Tatsuya, I'll make you lunch boxes starting from tomorrow. Don't worry. I'll make your favourites." He said.

Miyuki:"Thanks Minato-niisama."

Tatsuya:"Thanks aniue."

Suzune:"You guys must be really close.It's like you guys are triplets or something." She said.

Tatsuya:"Really? Well… It's to be expected. Me and Minato love our sister too much. However if we were related by blood, I'd like me and Miyuki to be lovers." He said shamelessly, not batting his eyes.

Minato groaned at his sentence, starting to think that coming with him and Miyuki was a bad idea after all.

Whereas the rest, except Mayumi, were either shocked at his bold statement and blushing furiously, or were looking away in embarrassment.

Tatsuya:"Needless to say, I'm joking after all." He continued, without missing a beat,whereas Azusa and Miyuki went "Eh?!"

Minato chuckle a bit due to their reaction.

Noticing her stare, Tatsuya look at Miyuki, wondering why was she upset about his joke. Minato could only shake his head at Tatsuya's denseness.

Minato:("Somethings never change, eh Tatsuya?") He thought.

"No… um…" Miyuki tried to said something to cover her embarrassment, then said"it nothing".

Pharos:"Hahahahaha... he is a lady-killer like you too,Minato" He said while suddenly appearing behind Minato.

Minato want to talk back but cannot because he used to have multiple girlfriends in his past world so he could only with a wryly smile on my face.

Minato:("I truly miss them, Yukari ,Fuuka ,Mitsuru ,Aigis ,Torium i,Chihiro , Yuko and Elizabeth.") He thought while suddenly he feel want to cried.

Miyuki:"Minato-niisama, are you ok?"she asked with utmost concern.

Tatsuya:"Aniue-" He called out to his brother with the same concern as his little sister.

Minato immediately nod and gave them a reassuring smile to say that he is fine.

Mayumi said to the Shiba sibling"Ehem... now we will go to the real reason why i invite Miyuki-san here is because i did like to invite you to join student council."

"will you accept the position?"She ask.

Miyuki turn her face toward her two brothers with they give a nod of approval.Though they never expected Miyuki to ask for both of them to enter student council as well,which Suzune-senpai decline due school regulations.

Miyuki with a dissapointed face said" my apologies.Please forgive me for being so forward and so out of line".

Mayumi seeing this awkward situation hurriedly change back to the real topic and said "Let see..... then we agreed that you'll be joining us on the Student Council as a secretary this semester,is that ok Miyuki?"

Miyuki:"Yes.I will do everything i can to serve you to the best of my abiilities,so please allow me to join you."She agreed.

Mayumi:"Umm... A-chan will exlain the specifics of your duties,all right?"She asked.

Suddenly Mari hold up her hand and say that there is one spot left in the Displinary Commitee which suddenly bring chill behind Minato back.

After that, Mayumi stand from from her chair and say nice job toward Mari.

Mayumi:"Now then who shall we choose as Dispinary Commitee member?" She asked while thinking albeit her eyes looked at Minato which is the same as Mari.

Minato:("With that look there is only one way to avoid being chosen that is to sacrifi-... ehem, i mean to nominate my gifted little brother.)He thought."I am sorry as i already have a plan to create a club so please give that position to my little brother."He asked with his 'there a regret' on his face.

Tatsuya:"Wait a minute, Aniue i think you are the one most suitable for that position." He furiously disagree.

Minato:"NO, i pretty sure you are the one more suitable and i beat Miyuki want to see her most beloved Tatsuya-niisama in duty, it's not Miyuki?." He asked toward his little sister.

Miyuki:"T-that..w-well i did like Tatsuya-niisama to do it, b-but i don't want Minato-niisama to feel sad?"she said.

Minato:"It can't be help.We will settle this game Rock-Paper-Scissors.The one who lose will join the Displinary commitee."He said.

Tatsuya:"Is this okay with you watanabe-senpai?." He asked.

Mari:"Usually i will say no but because both of you have a very rare talent so i don't really care. Either way, Displinary commitee still got a win"She said.

Tatsuya:"Haaaah.... i understand.All right, Aniue are you ready?"He asked.

Minato:"Ready"He nod

Minato and Tatsuya:"Start with rock. JAN!!!!!!! KEN!!!!!!!PON!!!!!!!!"Then Minato take out paper while Tatsuya take out rock.

Mayumi:"The winner is Minato-kun!!!." She said while clapping her hands.

Minato bring out a smile after he win while Tatsuya bring a twich smile because he lose.

Miyuki grab Tatsuya sleeve and say"Tatsuya-niisama, Fight-On" to cheer her brother up with a very cute pose.Tatsuya can only sigh and agreed

Tatsuya:"Then Watanabe-senpai, please to work with you."He said.

The bell rang for the end of lunchtime

Mari nod and then Mayumi say to the Shiba siblings to meet them after school.

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