
Chapter 1

Minato - I open my eyes with has been along time i never did.what i see in front of me is a very familiar room full of blue colour and an old man with long nose and a very beautiful woman.

??? - "Ya,long time no see boy" said the old man."Do you remember me?".

Minato - "why did i woke up Igor? did the world already been destroyed.How and when,what about my friends?"

Igor - "Don,t worry boy they are all okay.It has been 300 years since you have become the seal and it is times for your reward."

Minato - " what are you talking about?"

Elizabeth - " Minato the world has change alot since you died, your team members all of it has live,teach and pass on the the will to live on for the fullest every single day to the end of their lives and believe me that has impact alot to the the whole world"

Igor - " Indeed, your friends and alot of other who has change the view of live and because of that your service as the seal of nyx is over"

Minato - " I see i am very happy to hear that" i smile while tears of happiness drip down from eyes.All i have been through...no, all we have been through all of it are not in vain.

Igor - "Now the reward you will get is a second chance, well easily speaking you will be reborn to the another world with all your persona,the power of universe and your memory as Arisato Minato."

Elizabeth - "You will be born in a world of modern magic and your persona power will be know as ancient magic,you could say your power would be one of the best in that world"

Igor - " Well, all have been told and so goodbye and have a very good life ,my best guest that i ever had."

Minato - " Thank you and i hope we will meet again someday"then my eyes been enveloped by white light then my conscious fade away.



A product of fairy tales.

At the beginning of the 21st century, it was turned into real technology.

Food was sparse during a deep freeze in 2030s.

There were many conflicts over resources. And in 2045, World War 3 broke out, lasting for 20 years.

The world population plunged down to 3 billion.

What prevented this war from turning into a thermonuclear war was the international collaboration of magic technicians.

And now, during the late 21st century, due to international instability, all countries compete and strive to raise magicians.

Year 2092 August 11

A young girl, who looks barely of 12 years, stares at a large screen in front of her.

Miyuki - "By changing into demons,my brothers went to the battlefield to fight and kill.

On the screen, a person in black skin tight suit was holding a rifle-like weapon.

All … for my sake.

Holographic projections appears from the weapon and was brought to the person's eyes. Several ships were identified through the scope and he took aim at small lights that were identified as missiles.He fire of a blast towards them, the weapon jerking back from the recoil of the blast he unleashed.

How can I repay my brothers?

Another individual in the same outfit as the first, appeared behind him. Through the helmet that said individual worn, strands of dark blue hair could be seen. Eyes that were nearly emotionless. The person swung his hand out muttering a command.


he released his hand as he let the power toward his enemy missiles.A lot of big pillars of ligthning appeared and then destroyed the missiles

Is there anything I can give them in return?

The first individual now having deemed the weapon he held useless dropped it, and instead holding his right hand in one fingered gun. Particle of light start to gather around him as he concentrates.

Even now, I owe my life to them.

He released his hand as he let the power be unleashed on the missiles. A large explosion occurs, wiping out everything, causing tsunami waves to form from the shock."

Next chapter