
Chapter 10

After school,the Shiba siblings are on the way to go to the Student Council room.Tatsuya and Miyuki are pestering Minato about what kind of club Minato want to make which he keep saying "it's a secret" eventhough it's not even a big deal.As we arrive at our destination, Minato knock the door and the Shiba siblings go inside.After that, we take turn introducing ourselves which alert a boy looking out of window.

Mayumi:"Thanks for coming everyone," she calls out from behind her desk.

That boy moves forward to Miyuki as he passed through Minato and Tatsuya without any recognition.The boy then introduce himselves to Miyuki "I am Vice president, Gyoubu Hattori. Welcome to the Student Council Miyuki." He greeted her while ignoring

her brothers.That action bring alot of Miyuki's anger as she only nod toward Hanzou with a displeased face as a reply.

Mari:"Alright," she says gathering our attention, "Tatsuya let's move to the Moral Committee's headquarters. It's right through this door." She begins to walk to the door in question when the vice president stops her.

Hanzou:"Watanabe-senpai, please wait a moment." He asked.

Mari:"What is it, Hanzou Gyoubushoujo Hattori?"She replied which make the vice president loses his composure over his name.

Finally the man collects himself enough to get to his point.

Hanzou:"I do not approve of that first year joining the Moral Committee." He boldly sates gesturing to Tatsuya.

Minato could almost hear everyone in the room groan at his comment. Still Mari takes his comment to heart and explains her reasons to Hanzou. Her reasoning is quite sound and even Hanzou is shocked to hear about Tatsuya's capabilities such as he has the eyesight and brains to read activation sequences directly and predict which spell is about to be activated. When Mari explains further Hanzou decides to switch targets this time telling Mayumi he is against Tatsuya's recommendation.

Miyuki steps in to defend her brother."Onii-sama's practical skill assessment may be poor but that's only because the assessment wasn't suited to gauge his ability. My brother wouldn't lose to anyone in a real battle!"

Hanzou:"Shiba-san, it is us course 1 students that become magicians… you should always be composed." Hanzou counters. "You shouldn't let favoritism cloud your judgment."

Minato let out a smirk after Hanzou last comment and lose his patient. Hanzou whirls on Minato. "What is so funny?"

Minato:"You say not to let favoritism cloud you judgment, but you clearly favor course 1 over 2."He stated

Hanzou:"That's because-" Minato quickly cut him off.

Minato:"You have never seen his abilities and yet you judge him on the patch on his shoulder. You have a room full of people who all agree that Tatsuya is more than qualified for this position and yet you cling to some ideal that course 1 is superior. Forgive me, Vice president, but that seems like clouded judgment to me."

Miyuki nods to me in thanks for her brother support. "That's right if Onii-sama could use his real strength-"

"Miyuki." She is cut off by Tatsuya who holds his arm before Miyuki to calm her. Once she has calmed herself Tatsuya walks forward and faces Hanzou. "Vice president Hanzou, will you have a mock battle with me?" After Tatsuya's challenge the tension rises. The official battle was declared to take place in 30 minutes. Tatsuya,Miyuki and Minato leave and Hanzou shortly after each going to prepare for the battle.All of the Member of the Student Council and Mari also went to the practise room to look at the match.

Location: School hallways

Miyuki:"I'm sorry..."she said to her brothers.

Tatsuya:"There no reason for you to apologize." He replied while Minato nod.

Miyuku:"But once again, i have caused trouble for both of you, and it's all my fault that this happen."she said and then bowed her head in disappointment.

Tatsuya:"Didn't i tell you the day of the matriculation ceremony?"."I am happy that you are getting angry in my place, since i can't get angry myself yet and that always safe my soul and body."He said while patting Miyuki head.

Minato:"Tatsuya is right you know.Rather than telling him you are sorry, you better wish his good luck it is not Miyuki."He said while wipping hers tear and give her a warn smile.

Miyuki:"Hai" she nod toward Minato and then she look toward Tatsuya and say "Good luck Tatsuya-niisama".She said.

Minato:"Make me and Miyuki proud." He said to his brother, hearing that Tatsuya smile and then nod.

Location:Far side campus of campus,Practice Room 3

Tatsuya walk to the middle of the room,meeting eyes with Hanzou while holding a gun type CAD.Mari as the referee asked Tatsuya" are you ready?", and Tatsuya then nod and say he's ready.Mari then steps forward and explains the rules and punishment for the violation.""Are you ready?" She asks looking to each of them in turn.They both nod is affirmation. "Then begin!"

Hanzou is also ready to win, the very fact he is First Course and the latter is Second Course has already detemined the winner of this match.

Hanzou:"(In magic battle does the one who attack first win, with show that that First Course with is faster in activating their spell than Second Course, he will use a simple and fast spell so that he can blast Tatsuya to the wall before Tatsuya finish his spell and lose the match due to the impact of the spell.)He thought.

The moment the match start Hanzou already enter the active spell into his CAD to attack when suddenly Tatsuya duck his body downward a little and then run to Hanzou back very fast that as if he teleport.After that, Tatsuya shoot his spell at the back of Hanzou,making him faint.The match ends almost instantly.Everyone except Minato and Miyuki was shocked because of how easily Hanzou was defeated.

Mari ask Tasuya "did you deploy self-acceleration spell in advance?" which Minato interrupt and answer it for Tatsuya"No, that speed was purely bona fide physical technique".

Miyuki:"Minato-niisama and Tatsuya-niisama is undergoing training martial arts and practices ninjutsu under Kokonoe Yakumo."She explained.

Mari and mayumi are surprise when they heard the famous Kokonoe Yakumo is the one training Tatsuya and Monato.After that, Mayumi ask Tatsuya how he defeat hanzou which he kindly explain to everyone.The conversation ends when Honzou wakes up and apologize for his rudeness to Miyuki. She accepts his apologies and he leaves without another word.

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