
Smart little piglet.

I jinxed myself. Of course. Some bullshit happened, and now I was a whopping seven minutes late. Ugh. My irritation was on an all-time high, while my self-control plummeted to the bare minimum. I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, trying to calm myself down. Which helped, kind of.

I left the car, ignoring the Su's first young lady's bodyguard, who went stiff after she had seen me. If not for my current self being on the edge already, I would've played with the jumpy girl a tad bit more. In my current state, though, that would lead to a disaster.

Otherwise, I could just use this as an excuse and tease my 'mistress' more. Yin's reactions amused me quite a lot, and the feeling of taking such a petty revenge on my ex-nemesis was absolutely exhilarating. Ugh.

I scanned the stream of high-school students pouring out of the school gates. The colorful bunch of my girlfriend's usual company was nowhere in sight. I checked my watch, ten minutes past the meeting time. Hm, this was odd, yet not exactly unheard of.

As I was about to check the messenger, a commotion at the gates caught my attention. It seems like someone was having a heated argument. With straining my ears a bit, I could hear at least three different voices shouting at each other. Two females, one male.

One of the female ones sounded a little familiar, but I couldn't really put my finger on who or why. After playing the voice a few more times in my head, I gave in and let my curiosity go. The time to check what the hell was going on over there finally came.

Finding my way through the crowd wasn't at all hard. Fighting back an urge to sigh after I finally saw the source of all this fuss was much harder. The blonde friend of my girlfriend.

What was her name again? Something starting with Pa... Pamela? No, something different.

"Patricia, stupid bitch, know your place!" Oh, that's the answer to my unasked question. "I told you already, you should stop being stubborn and choose what is good for you!"

The shouting one was a bimbo gal, with even weirder looking makeup than the one used by both Olivia and her friend… Satoko, right? Fuck. Wrong. And I even promised to remember her name… Satomi. Her name was Satomi.

"And I already told you to stick your opinion up your ass, Camilla." The blonde friend of my girlfriend shouted back. "And you, Alex, can help her in doing so."

My gaze landed on the aforementioned guy. A typical local alpha delinquent. Handsome face, decent figure, and a confident stance. Most likely has a background in martial arts, whether a pure self-defense, or there were some competitions involved as well.

Bleached hair, trendy hairstyle, piercing in both ears. The pricey accessories and ingrained arrogance in the expression and gaze. Typical rich boy who wanted to play gangster.

He was wearing the male version of the same uniform as everyone else. No necktie or blazer, and the shirt was deliberately untidy, sleeves rolled up to show off a freshly done gang tattoo. One of Diego's this time.

Hm, his mug felt really familiar, like I could swear there was someone looking just like that recently. Giving up on cracking this mystery by myself, I approached Su clan's first young lady, who stood a few steps away from the fun. Weird, I couldn't see Olivia anywhere.

"Yin. Report." I ordered the diminutive brunette.

Hearing my voice from so close, the girl in question shuddered.

"Y-Young master… The situation..." she started explaining.

"Yin. Where is Olivia?" I interrupted her, as it was the only thing that really did matter to me.

The Su clan's first young lady tried to avoid my gaze. And I felt my self-control taking another hit.

"She's in the infirmary…" I saw red, and barely caught my hand before it could clasp the neck of this useless bitch.

"I'll give you exactly one attempt to make an excuse about why my girlfriend got hurt," I growled.

"Young master, it's not…" Another conscious effort to stop myself. I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, giving the girl time to finish her words. "Satomi felt a little under the weather and excused herself after the lunch, so we sent Olivia to wake her up after school ended. I followed Patricia to intervene in case things would escalate too much."

I relaxed.

"So, what is the deal with the hoe and sissy over there?" I asked in a calm tone.

Yin stared at me. I guess, the sudden change in my behavior surprised her. Well, as long as Olivia was alright, there was no reason for me to overreact.

I made a motion to leave my conversation partner's side and join the main event in person. Let's see how much shit this arrogant peacock will be able to spout with broken teeth. The pig-tailed brunette reached her small hand out to my sleeve. Was she trying to stop me? Why?

"Young master, you still haven't heard the whole story," Su clan's first young lady tried to continue her explanation. "His background…"

"Yin, what is your official title right now?" I interrupted her again.

"Um, the mistress of Kouzuki Shinji?" She managed to half-ask this with an adorable tilt of her head in addition to a cute yet lost expression on her face. I almost started applauding. Wow, I wonder if Su's first bitch used this exact way of acting to fool people in the first round.

"Good. Now tell me, unless the sissy over there is young master Smith, which he clearly isn't, why do you even care about his background?" I mimicked her head-tilt as well. Highly doubt it was even half as cute, though.

Su clan's first young lady, who still hasn't released her grip on my sleeve, fell into a deep contemplation. Or at least this would be my best guess, judging by how she lowered her face, as if finding a sudden fascination in how her shoes looked.

"He is the favorite nephew of the regional branch chief of 'RobCo', heavily dotted upon by his childless uncle. There are rumors that they are actually a father and son, but rumors are always wild." The petite brunette started explaining the background of the peacock for some reason. Didn't she hear my words about his background being a completely moot point?

Hm. Regional branch chief of 'RobCo', isn't that the pig that offended Long Tian because of Nicole? And now his nephew wanted to use his uncle as a background to offend the second twin as well. What a smart little piglet.

"Yin." I extended my free hand and plopped it on top of her head. Which only added to the amount of 'lost' in her expression, as well as flustered her a little. "His uncle already offended Long Tian, and was dealt with last night."

My 'mistress' raised her black eyes and met my gaze. What a curious combination of emotions they were showing.

"Yin. I gave you carte blanche to use my name. I also gave the same permission to Olivia," I choose to continue. "I could guess the reason why she didn't use it. Whether it's because my silly girl simply forgot or didn't want to inconvenience me for some foolish reason, but you? Su clan's first young lady, how can you even think about meeting the time limit if you hesitate in such simple situations?"

My face was sketching the gentle smile, yet I made sure that there was enough obvious disappointment in my eyes.

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