
Not Alone? Huh.

An hour later, I returned from my run, half-expecting to find two girls in the middle of adulterous activities. With Bella, it was always a possibility. To my surprise, and relief, I found her peacefully sleeping, while Olivia was in the middle of cooking breakfast for three.

"Welcome back," my girlfriend greeted me and waved her hand. "Breakfast will be ready after your shower. Oh, and wake up our sleeping beauty."

I nodded, acknowledging her words, and went to the shower. Five minutes later, I felt refreshed and hungry, instead of just hungry. 'Our' sleeping beauty, huh? Something to think about later.

"Bella, wake up," I said and gently shook her shoulder. "Breakfast is ready."

"Dun wanna," she refused to comply. "Kiss me."

I shook my head at her spoiled behavior and obliged, giving her a quick peck on the lips. This made Bella open her eyes, and, a moment later, entwine her arms around my neck, trying to bring me into a deeper kiss. I put my finger on her lips, denying the notion, only for my special woman to start sucking on my finger.

"Bella," I called out. "Breakfast."

She smirked at my words, but stopped, instead arching her back, to stretch after the sleep. I felt how my self-control took another hit, as the sheet that was covering her figure slipped onto the floor.

"Stop tempting me, wench," I told her off.

"Oh, is it working then?" She clearly found what I said amusing.

"Obviously," I confirmed. "It's you."

My words, for some reason, made her blink in surprise.

"Wow, so you also learned how to be honest," the temptress drawled.

"Yes," I acknowledged. "But now it's time for breakfast."

"Yes, yes," Bella laughed off my attempts to hurry her. "Let's go."

She stood up, clearly intending to walk around naked. Not that I found the notion unwelcomed, but, as I said previously, it wasn't the time. Yet.

"Wear something," I told her off again.

"Why?" The wench sounded genuinely confused.

"Bella, please," I pleaded.

"Fine," she graced me with compliance. "What should I wear, though? I don't think you have any clothes of my size, and I would rather not risk messing with one outfit that would fit me, the one I came here wearing."

A surprising thought of dressing her in my t-shirt, with nothing underneath obviously, came to my mind. Am I awakening a new fetish here? The visions of Olivia, and, not that surprising, Claire, flashed in front of my mind's eye.

"How about my shirt?" I asked, bracing myself for her biting remarks.

"Have you awakened another fetish?" And she didn't disappoint.

"I think so," I acknowledged.

"Give me something with buttons. As you know, I prefer my tops not to be too clingy." Bella said, sparing me from further comments. Receiving the requested piece of clothing, she donned it, somehow managing to actually keep her modesty and look even more sinful at the same time. "How do I look?"

"Like a dream," I gave her a well-deserved compliment.

Bella smirked at my words, even if I could easily read, from her eyes and body language, that she was genuinely happy to receive my honest praise. Then she sashayed past me and towards the kitchen, the swaying of her hips, combined with the glimpses of her bare skin from under the t-shirt's lower hem, completely enthralled my weak self. I could bet a hundred to one, the fact my eyes were glued towards her bottom half was completely calculated by this temptress. And then she bent over, picking up something from the floor.

Two could play this game, my dear. With a quick motion, I caught up to her, and gave her posterior a tight slap, eliciting a surprised shriek out of my special woman. Ah, having an unfair advantage felt so great. I knew exactly how much I needed to push her, while she was operating on the outdated intel. Keeping my palm on her shapely glutes, I started massaging them in an exact way that would get maximum reaction out of Bella. After noticing, once again via both her eyes and body language, that she was riled up just enough, I stopped.

"Bella," I repeated myself. "Breakfast."

She snorted and gestured for me to kiss her.


"I was starting to think you will never come," Olivia's words greeted us upon our arrival.

"Everything is his/her fault," Bella and I chorused, pushing the blame on the other person.

My girlfriend rolled her eyes at our words and put our plates on the table, choosing, by tradition, to nest on the windowsill herself. For a while, all three of us ate quietly. Hm, I need to buy a third chair. I made a mental note. Seeing Olivia distancing herself like that… It just felt wrong.

But then again, not like this table was big enough for three people either. And the kitchen was too small for a bigger table. Should I up the priority of searching for a new place? Moving to another part of the city would mess up my plans for Claire, though. Why is everything always so complicated?

"Something on your mind, dear?" Despite my previous words, Bella was quick to read me.

"Honey?" Olivia followed.

"Just thinking about finding a bigger place. This one is somewhat cramped with more people than just me," I explained.

"But moving will mess up your nefarious plans for Claire." Am I so easy to read?

"Huh? Who is Claire?" asked Bella.

"Bombshell counter girl I almost slept with," I reminded her.

"Oh, now it's almost?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I, kind of, cock blocked him yesterday," intervened Olivia.

"And I'm thankful for that," I voiced my gratitude. "My self-control really slipped. If you didn't stop me, that would've been a truly messy situation."

"You are welcome." My girlfriend wasn't quite sure how to react, or so it seemed.

"It looks like I'm out of the loop here," Bella sighed. "So, who will tell me the whole story?"

Olivia and I exchanged glances, and then we started talking.


"You are working fast, dear," chuckled Bella. "Well, at least she didn't find you making out with redhead twins, or it would've been a record."

Ah, yes, that happened. It was such a faraway memory, I kind of forgot about that.

"What are your intentions with this, Claire?" My special woman continued her inquiry.

"Hm. Well, I am not quite sure myself." Seeing the once more raised eyebrow on Bella's face and skeptical expression on Olivia's, I decided to go into details. "I feel attracted to her, and not just in a sexual way, but I'm not sure yet if she is… interesting, for the lack of better term, enough to even try something long-term. And, obviously enough, she isn't all that hyped about throwing herself into something so complicated either."

"And what are your thoughts?" Bella turned to Olivia.

"Hm, I think she could be a good friend. I don't think she is interested in girls, though. And, I also don't think she is the kind of person to try and ruin the entire thing for selfish reasons," my girlfriend responded. "It's hard to say anything more at this point, but if I was asked to vote for or against her inclusion, I would lean towards the positive answer."

"You sound a lot more confident about this whole thing than last time we spoke, Olivia." My special woman sounded genuinely surprised by my girlfriend's response.

"Well." Olivia turned her gaze to the side. "Honey helped me understand a few things. And, erm, I decided to put in more efforts to meet his expectations as well."

"Good for you," Bella concluded. Then she turned her attention back to me. "Dear, knowing you, I can't really feel surprised. I am also certain that nothing I could say would change your ultimate decision either. But keep in mind that your choices affect all of us. Be it the three of us right now, or however many people there would be later on. It's no longer just you. You are not alone."

Her words were quiet, but they hit me like a bag of sand.

"I will keep it in mind," I promised.

Not alone? Huh.

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