

some incident led two kids into becoming friends till they grew up, everyone expect them to end up together but that didn't happen. One of the friend lover frame the other friend leading this accusation to breakup their friendship not only that but he also send her to prison and ceased all her assets after all this she was torture in the prison which almost cause her death He later found out that he had been in love with his friend for so long but because of his foolishness he send his childhood friend to prison without trusting her. what will happen between the Lina and Desmond friendship. will Desmond get a second chance to be with her? let's continue this journey to found out.

Jessy_blinks · Urban
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16 Chs



Today I'm going to show the whole world whom I am and take back what rightful mine after soo many years what I am having right now is all thanks to my uncle, he bailed me from jail help me to continue chasing my dreams and now here I am , new life new person this is my motto now I am no more the old Lina. Ruth is still my assistant she never betrayed me like those people I trusted.

"Ruth , is everything set for the interview?*

"Yes madam all on set , we are waiting for you"

"Okay let's start"

I don't remember when I have been infront of camera since I came out of prison. But now I have to show the world I'm still the Lina who ranked second in fashion designer in continent X is back .

"Miss pearl can we know your story you want to share with the world?"

My bestfriend believe his girlfriend over me after she framed me and he sent me to prison , that's not what not the problem but my parents die the same day whiles there were trying to save me. I concluded my short story with my eyes full of tears and I can't let them fall .

Miss pearl can we know how you felt when your bestfriend believe his girlfriend over you and sent you to prison? The interviewer asked with a professional voice.

"No answer for that right now." I'm not ready to disclose how I felt , because that's the worst part of my memory.

" Please are ready to remove your masks"

Of course that's the purpose of this interview with a smile on my lips pulled down my golden mask.

Omg! Lina smith, the interviewer gasped as if she just saw a ghost.



The morning I have been waiting for finally arrived I quickly rushed for my phone without brushing my teeth or taking a shower.

The first thing I did was to search for Hot news and what I saw shock me to the core . I was right all this while designer pearl is my Lina. I finally find you. The word slip from my tongue . I will do anything to earn your forgiveness Lina.