
1. Shirasaki Yuuki

"Father, why you- *blood vomit*"

"*sigh* It's enough.. Just rest peacefully.. Leave the rest to me.."


Yuuki: "Father!!"

Everyone: "*surprise*"

Yuuki: "Whe-where am I? *looking around*"

Naruto: "*laugh* Yuuki! Do you have a bad dream?!"

Ino: "*embarrassed* Yuuki-kun, sit up quickly! *low voice*"

Yuuki: "Ah, so-sorry.."

Iruka: "*cough* Yuuki, be careful and don't sleep in my class again. (*sigh* He still needs time to overcome his 'nightmare'..)"

Ino: "Yuuki-kun, drink water slowly! *pass a drink* Are you okay?"

Yuuki: "Ah, thank you.."

Shikamaru: "Yuuki, don't worry. Just take a deep breath and relax."

Choji: "Yuuki, you can eat my potato chips!"

Shikamaru: "*sigh* Choji, you can give your chips later. Now, just let Yuuki take a rest."

Yuuki: "Tha-thank you.."

I panicked at first but fortunately these kids helped me. I become calm and finally can think carefully about my 'condition'.

I don't know where I am now, but it seems like a 'class'. The kids around me are around 7-8 years old. They also wear a 'weird' dress.

*chime sound*

Iruka: "Okay, let's take a break now! Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, don't try to run away!"

Naruto: "Okay~"

Yuuki: "*cough* Thank you for your help! *bow*"

Everyone: "*surprise* (What happened to him?! Why he talked politely like oldman?)"

Ino: "No, it's okay! Don't worry, even Shikamaru always sleeps until class is over!"

Shikamaru: "Why you bring me-"

Ino: "*glare*"

Naruto: "Yoo, Yuuki! Did you have a nightmare when taking a nap? *cuckle*"

Sakura: "Naruto! *slap*"

Naruto: "Ouch! It hurts!"

Ino: "(This dumb blonde!)"

Yuuki: "(They are really kind.. What a peaceful day..) *smile*"

Shikamaru: "*curious* Yuuki, are you okay?"

Yuuki: "Ah, I am okay. By the way, can I ask you some questions?"

Everyone was surprised when I asked their name. The blond-haired girl shaked my body while asking about my condition. It was really scary. She is even scarier than my mother.

Fortunately, the lazy boy helped me to calm everyone. He takes the initiative to introduce himself and everyone around me.

Shikamaru: "Yuuki, did you remember anything about yourself?"

Yuuki: "I only remember- *hurt*"

Shikamaru: "Are you okay?!"

Yuuki: "Sorry, I couldn't remember anything except my fath- Father! *stand up* Sorry, I need to find my father! *run*"

Shikamaru: "Yuuki! Wait! It's bad! He got trauma! *chase*"

Ino: "*surprised* Wait! Yuuki!"

I ran quickly but unfortunately I didn't know where I was so I just chose the direction randomly.

Yuuki: "Hmm! That rock hill! I can see everything better from there!"

I ran heading to the top of a rock hill. After running for a while, I arrived at the top rock hill.

Yuuki: "*surprise* Where is it? Is it Iga village?! No, impossible! My lord has already exterminated Iga village!"

I slumped down and started to remember everything that I did before. My family is one of Oda's loyal retainers. To fulfill Lord Oda's ambition, I killed a thousand soldiers, burned hundreds villages and even exterminated many clans.

But in the end, everything is futile. My Lord has been assassinated and my family has been exterminated by the rebellion.

Yuuki: "I couldn't protect my Lord.. I couldn't protect my family.. *tears* Forgive me, my lord.. Forgive me, father.. *kowtow*"

Shikamaru: "Yuuki! What are you doing here?!"

Ino: "Yuuki-kun! Are you okay?!"

Naruto: "Oi, Yuuki! Why are you running away?! I don't know why, but please forgive me!"

Iruka: "Yuuki! Please calm down! Everything is okay! Just take a deep breath and relax now!"

Yuuki: "*wipe tears* Thank you. Sensei, can I ask one thing?"

Iruka: "Of course, what is it?"

Yuuki: "Please lend me a knife. *smile*"

Everyone: "*surprise*"

Iruka: "For what?!"

Yuuki: "Please help me to 'seppuku'. I also need sensei to become my 'kaishaku'. *bow down*"

Everyone: "No!!"

Ino: "Yuuki-kun, please calm down!"

Naruto: "Yuuki, please forgive me! *bow down*"

Yuuki: "*smile* Thank you. I'm already calm now. So, please help my 'seppuku' later. I need to change clothes first."

Everyone: "*chill heard* (He is serious!!)"

Iruka: "Please forgive me, Yuuki! *hit*"

Ino: "Iruka-sensei!"

Shikamaru: "Ino, calm down! We couldn't stop Yuuki with 'words', so just let Iruka-sensei take care from here."

Iruka: "Don't worry! I will bring Yuuki to the hospital first! *leave*"


I woke up in the 'white room'. There is nothing here except for the white wall.

Yoshimoto: "Yuuki, how's your wound? *appear suddenly*"

Yuuki: "Father! Are you okay?"

Yoshimoto: "*laugh* Don't worry, I am fine!"

Yuuki: "*relief* Father, where-"

Yoshimoto: "Yuuki, I don't have much time so just listen to me now! Our lord is already gone, our family is also already gone now. You are free to live on your own now!"

Yuuki: "*surprised* Father!"

Yoshimoto: "*smile* Yuuki, you are not Shibata Yuuki anymore! You are not Shibata's samurai anymore! So, don't dwell on the past!"

Yuuki: "Father, if I were not Shibata Yuuki anymore, who am I? If I were not a samurai anymore, what would I? I lived and fought for our lord, as samurai, for more than 25 years. Why did you ask me to throw away my 'pride' now? *sad*"

Yoshimoto: "*sigh* You already fulfilled your duty, so it's time to start your own journey. I don't ask you to throw away your 'pride' because your pride is already gone with Shibata Yuuki. *smile* You are Shirasaki Yuuki now. So find your 'pride' as Shirasaki Yuuki! Don't worry! Because I, Shibata Yoshimoto as your father and as your commander, are very proud of you! So go and start your own journey now!"

Yuuki: "*tear* Father.."

Yoshimoto: "*laugh* I never thought that my son would get a second chance! Go and make me proud again!"


Yuuki: "Father.. *tear* *wake up*"

Sarutobi: "Oh, you wake up. *smile*"

Yuuki: "..."

Sarutobi: "*laugh* It seems that you really lost your memory. Don't worry, I will help you to remember everything."

Yuuki: "*get up* Thank you, but it's okay. But if you mind, please tell me about this village. *bow*"

Sarutobi: "*surprise* (What an interesting child!) Sure, this oldman will start from this village name then.."

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