
Chapter 139 The BFF

"Gear up, Hirano," I said as I grabbed the sword bag that was hanging on the side of the tabble.

"Okay, boss," he grabbed the duffle bag and took out the content. A sheathed Bowie knife, a utility belt, the CZ P-10F that was holstered and several magazines. He immediately took off the belt that he was using and wore the utility belt and started to fill the pouch with magazines.

Saya stood up from her desk and walked towards us. I ignored her and took out my katana from the sword bag. I inserted the scabbard to my left waist, under the belt. The sharp edge of the katana was facing upwards rather than downwards.

After that I tied the strings that were attached unto the scabbard to the belt I was wearing.

"Hey, don't pretend that I'm not here!" Saya shouted. Hirano, who had feelings for Saya, wanted to help Saya when she was like this, but he was my subordinate now, not a high schooler anymore.

"What do you want?" I said as I looked over to her.

"I know you two have weapons, give me one!" she said as she reached out her hand for a weapon.

"Why should I? You're just staying here because Hirano and I. Aren't you too naive, to think I will give you a weapon." Saya frowned at my statement, as I mocked her.

"I can help," she said as she tried to hold her anger back.

"Pft~, right, a pampered, arrogant princess could help. Takagi-san, use that smart ass brain of yours and think. Do you think we need you to help us?" she gritted her teeth together and stomped the ground.

"Fine! I'll go by myself then!" she shouted as she walked to the door. Hirano wanted to stop her, but I stopped him. Then there was a zombie appeared on the door and reached his hands out to Saya. Saya was busy thinking, so she didn't notice there was a zombie right in front of her.

"Graahhh~," the zombie groaned. The groan snapped Saya out from her thoughts. Saya fell on her butt and just kept looking at the zombie. I cursed inwardly as Saya just sat there, doing nothing to evade the zombie. I sprang to the zombie and flicked my right little finger. A blade appeared from my wrist, and I stabbed the blade onto the head of the zombie.

The zombie instantly died, and I yanked my hand from the zombie's head. I flicked my right little finger again and the blade retracted to my sleeve. I looked over to Saya who was still fear-stricken and had blood on her face and uniform.

"Follow my order if you want to live," I said. Saya nodded absentmindedly. Hirano immediately ran to Saya and helped her to stand up.

"Hirano, use the handgun optimally, use the knife more than the gun,"

"Okay, boss," he replied as he was holding Saya's shoulders, helping her stand up. Saya pushed Hirano away and glared at me.

"Don't tell me what to do, I'm smart, not like those guys who ran out of the class," Saya said as she walked away from Hirano.

"We're going to the infirmary, I'll lead the way," I said as I peeked over to the hallway. There were students who were still alive and running and zombies that were either chasing or eating the unlucky students.

"Agghh! Help me, please!" one of the student shouted as he was being ravaged by the zombies. The zombies clawed his innards and bit his body parts and face. The student screamed in pain, and the zombies just kept eating him alive. After a while, the zombies dispersed from the student, revealing a corpse with missing flesh on his face, limbs, and innards all over his stomach.

I sighed and looked back at Saya and Hirano.

"Be calm at all time, don't hesitate nor puke, let's go," I said as I walked out of the class. The zombies that were in the hallway immediately walked towards me. I flicked both of my little fingers and blades came out from my sleeves.

I jumped to my right and stabbed the zombie in the head. Hirano then sprang to the left side and started killing the zombies there. Saya was in the class, as she knew she couldn't help in any way possible.

After a while, Hirano and I cleared the hallway. Hirano walked over to me and saw the students that died because of had been eaten by the zombies. He was shaken, but got a hold of himself and continued to walk over to me.

Saya peeked over and walked toward us, but when she saw the corpses, she 'acted' tough and just kept walking. I nodded at their action and ran to the infirmary. Hirano and I cleared our way through the hallway, as we were going to the infirmary.

Then we encountered the girls who were clearing the hallway as well.

"Boss, it's your girls," Hirano said as we were running in the hallway.

"Let's go," we joined them to clear the hallway. After clearing the hallway, the girls immediately walked over to me and surrounded me.

"Are you okay, Alex?" Mikasa asked as she examined me for any injuries.

"I'm alright, but these hidden blades got into the way. I thought that using hidden blades would be cool, but it was terrible weapons to be used like this." I said as I took off the hidden blades. At first, I thought how cool it will when I wore the hidden blades to kill zombies, but... it didn't go well and it wasn't efficient as heck.

Kodai took the hidden blades and stored it in inventory. Of course, Hirano and Saya didn't see, as the girls were surrounding me. Saya was flabbergasted to see the girls were carrying 'swords' and 'daggers', but she couldn't complain, as we were the ones that protecting her.

I patted Kodai's head and thanked her. Kodai meekly nodded and was happy as well, being patted by me.

"What are we going to do now?" Momo asked.

"What else than meeting up with Marikawa-sensei and Busujima-senpai," Jiro said as she cleaned her katana.

"Let's go then," Kendo said as she raised her fist on the air.

"Wait, why are you all so calm about this?! The world is crumbling and you guys are so calm about it." Saya said as she pointed at us.

"Meh, we got nothing to lose in the first place," Himiko said.

"It's not like you can't kill all the zombies in the world, it will take a long time, but hey, that's called process after all," I said. The reason I made my people infiltrated the government and the military was because of the nuke. As you knew that the story in the anime was only in the span of 2 days. At the last episodes, the government and the military launched the nukes to eradicate the zombies.

I don't know whether the radiation caused by the nukes will evolve the zombies or not, but I don't want to gamble the chances. Plus, the nukes were like EMPs that made the world became Stone Age once again.

"But still, don't you have any people that you worry about?" Saya said.

"Of course, but they are strong, so I don't need to worry about them dying to the zombies," I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Enough with the chit-chat, let's keep moving," I said as I gripped the scabard of my katana. Then we kept walking to the infirmary. The girls and I killed the zombies that we encountered along the way. Hirano and Saya were dumbstruck, as the girls and I kept killing the zombies as if they were nothing. Hirano didn't even get the chance to use the handgun that was in the duffle bag that I gave him previously.

"Help!" a high-pitched shout echoed through the tunnel. The girls turned their heads to me, and I shrugged my shoulders, as it was an unfamiliar voice.

"What are you standing there for?! Let's help them!" Saya said as she ran to the source of the scream.

"... Let's go then," I said as I tried to catch up with Saya. The girls and Hirano then went to the source of the scream as well.

"Run faster, Toshimi!" a high-pitched voice resounded through the tunnel as we were going. It was the so called 'BFF', Misuzu and Toshimi. They were running from the zombies, which were very, very slow. But there were many, many zombies surrounding them.

"Quick, come here!" Saya shouted to them as she stopped right up ahead. The girls and I passed Saya and kept running towards Misuzu and Toshimi. I grabbed the handle of my katana with my right hand and the end of the scabbard with my left hand.

When the girls and I passed Misuzu and Toshimi, I jumped towards one of the zombies. I rotated the scabbard into 90 degrees to the left and pulled my katana halfway, hitting the zombie in the head with Kashira, which was the 'pommel' of the katana, that made the zombie stumbled back. I pulled the katana all the way through and swung the katana horizontally, killing the zombies in front of me.

The girls then joined me, massacring the zombies. After a while, all the zombies died and I sheathed my katana again. Saya, Misuzu, Toshimi, and Hirano, who stayed behind and 'protected' them, walked over.

"Thank you," Misuzu and Toshimi bowed to the girls and I.

"Don't thank us, thank that girl, Saya, she's the one that saved you. If it wasn't for her, we would have left you to die here." I said truthfully. They were supposed to die, and I don't know what to do with them. Misuzu and Toshimi immediately thanked Saya, even though she had the reputation of being a 'bitch'.

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