

Master,did you enjoy your stay at human house??

"Adain asked Sebastian pouring him tea"

"Adain if you're asking me being a little boy?than No I didn't like it even a little bit thinking about that how powerless he was as a human make him angry

"yes master" Adain want to know anymore but looking at Sebastian mode he don't dare to ask""

it's been a week he returned from "cerent Village"but Sebastian couldn't forget about that necklace

the necklace Anne was wearing is not a normal necklace it's been a century when he last saw it .and a human to have its impossible """

did she stole it??? he thought but deny his own thought,,,she not someone who stole things from others .....Anne said it's very important like a very special person gave to her "who"??

""master a letter come from Council""

Sebastian was soo lost in his thoughts when Adian speak again "hmmm "was the answer he gave

Adain nodded and put the letter on the table and leave the room to give privacy to his master

Sebastian open the latter and start reading the content while reading it a devilish Smile appear on his lips he toss the letter on table and grab cup to take a sip while looking at distance

"Another meeting but this time the "Vampire Hunter organization members also invited "it means she's also going to be there for meeting"

he's looking forward to the meeting.....

A letter from Father have arrived Anne Josef said while handing me the latter

"stop Josef you read it I'm busy"

ok ok don't get angry dear you being like this after "Seb"leave of you miss him we can go to meet him he said while hugging me

"Josef"can I ask you something my brother? ?

Ask me anything you want Anne he said

"Did you know where Seb live? ?"I ask him sarcastically

No"he said while smiling like fool but we can find him I'm sure

"No thanks Josef we don't have time for this I said getting up from chair to go outside to check on Klein

"ok than stop being a angry grndma Anne "this time answer come from Albert he was standing near the wall "

I shoot him an angry glare 'Albert don't talk to me it's all you're fault bas**** said and left the room srsly I can't stand him even for a minute

"hy stop Anne at last libation to what father says in his letter "josep shout and that make me stop going any further

speak Josef I said looking at him annoyingly

"Father said there's going to be a meeting in two days and we have to go south land for the meeting and father going to meet us there"Josef said while folding the letter

"Hmmm "Southern land mean this time we're gona attend council meeting "alright get ready everyone we're goal leave now southern land is pretty far I hope we catchup with father in time ".....

I'll ask this now hope you have an better explanation Albert "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOING "?? when I saw him riding the horse I asked him

"what you think Anne what I'm doing"??

don't answer my question with question Albert I'm asking you very nicely you better tell now...

Anne its Father's orders to take Albert with us ...and I think we leave before it's getting dark Klein said

if it's father's order I can't do anything about that just to accept this

I look at Albert there a huge grin on his face I wish to wipe it off but ignore the fact he's grinning at me and with this we four leave the cerent village. .....

"knock knock" he heard a voice and said in sleepy voice "come in Adain how many Times I have to tell you not to knock more than 1 time"Sebastian saw Adain entered the room and said while getting up from bed he's wearing white silk loss shirt whit black troso he's black hair all messy from sleeping "

"pardon me Master but its time for you to leave for meeting "he said while bowing his head he saw a line of blood and a dead body lying there in the corner "

Sebastian note him looking at the body and said "ready the carriage I'll be there in 20 min and call someone to clean this mess "

"Yes Master"adain leave the room ,"this is the 3rd body he have to remove from last 2 days master can't control his hunger and ended up drinking more blood to satisfied his hunger he killed 3 womam just in 2 days """Adain sigh it's not something new but after coming from cerent village master behavior change he don't under stand .....

"Finally we make on time"Josef said hugging me

"why are you so existed man"we are here on a serious meeting not for fun "kelin grab his shirt and start to pull towards the council community I laugh at his state "

father's said he's meet us inside let's go I said

" you all go first I'll come later Albert said" I don't know why he said this

ok but come on time Albert we don't want to be late on our First meeting he smiled at me and nod

"Klein are you sure Josef is 28 year old ?I said gritting my teeth like Josef is between them he was fucking running in the hall like he owns it ""and we're after him for to catch him now I'm out of breath

"stop running Josef we're in southern land you are gona make things difficult for us Klein said "hahaha it's ok we're inside the mansion he said and turn the corner and i lost sight of them now im standing alone in the hall dont know where to go

I take deep breath and start running on opposite direction and hit the wall I was falling when 2 pairs of hand hold me and stoppedme from falling into the ground my head was spinning around I hold my head and realise the thing I hit isn't a wall but a human

"Are you alright "he asked it's very dangerous for a human to running around so freely into vampire land miss he said smiling ""

I look at him he's a vampire with light blue eyes and golden brown hair set perfectly upward his skin color a little bit taner then normal vampires he was a pure blood vampier he was looking at me

I make a 3 foot distance between us and glare at him his smile get deeper and he open hi a mouth "(no need to glare at me honey I'm not gona attack you not now) "he said when he speak I catch a sight of his fangs or he did show it to scare me

I'm not scared of you I said a little bit louder and who's your honey blood sucker ?? I was ready to attack him

his smile dispare in an instant and he disappeared in front of me I feel myself hit against the wall his hands around my neck his face inches apart and his eyes clor change from blue to dark red (I dare you to say it again human)he growl looking directly in my eyes

"Fuck" he catch me of guard ...I tried to catch my dagger from my back belt just a little bit more and I got my dagger and smiled the best smile "fine if you Dana hear it that badly I'll say it again"(you blood sucker)her growl and show his fangs and I put my dagger on his chest where his heart is beating he stopped and looked down his eyes color change and let me go

I rub that area where he grab my neck and said looking at him "if you come near me again I'll make sure your heart don't beat anymore"and leave I don't want anything to do with him I'm already very angry with Josef and Klein for leaving me behind

ohh there you are Josef said while standing near the door "I'm gona kill him "i think and strt walking when i saw 2 man walk past me he's wearing hat so I couldn't see his face but the other man looks like I saw him somewhere but don't remember where soon he turn corner so I don't get a chance to look at him properly ...

when I got near Josef to grab him he hide himself behind Klein before I do anything kelin said "Anne father waiting inside for you"thanks Klein I said and shoot angry glare at Josef and enter the room where father is sitting on the chair ":Father" I shout and run to him he smiled and hug me tightly "I miss you Anne father said kissing my head me too Father I look at him he's my everything after mom .....


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