
Winter’s Lament

Silent and deadly

With my frosty medley

Conquering everything in my path

No one can prevent this wrath

It's ok allow my cold embrace

I'll leave without a trace

Many fear what the unknown

Gives more room to be grown

That's usually how it goes

Very unforgiving, dear things

Covering you in rings

Pulling your heart by the strings

Yes continue those screams

Slowly feeling refreshed from icy deaths

You've barely even reached the depths

Let my gentle hands guide you

I'll be right beside you.

Everyone knows snowflakes are delicate and intricate creations, each one has a story to tell. Mother had told that to Flurry otherwise known as the second born. She was as pale as the moon and had lovely silky white hair that went down past her waist, icy blue eyes that would pierce the soul and a very soft voice. She was shy due to the fact Mother kept her isolated from the others, this in turn led Flurry to be a tad bit withdrawn from everyone. Allowing her to focus more on her talents, leading her to monstrous outcomes. Such as blizzards, frozen bodies of water, strange ailments and deaths! So many deaths, her fragile little hands were lapping in the pools of endless blood. Yet she was completely unaware of her transgressions.

Flurry wasn't like her brother, her powers were raw and untamed. When she slept frost and a ghost-like mist would emanate from her body, engulfing everything in its path. Breathing was even a challenge for her, every breathe she took would result in a temperature anomaly. In fact her powers were delayed for the first 5 years of her life. Which made Mother think that she had created a mistake and in turn caused a very painful life for little Flurry. My oh my Flurry, you seem to have failed me yet again, I've given you so much and the amount of opportunities you've possessed is otherworldly. You are a failure my dear and until you get it right, you'll be punished. (Flurry looked up at her mother with glistening eyes and sharp pains in her chest.) "Mother (she mumbled in a slightly inaudible tone) I do not wish to anger you and I only wish to please you." (Nature looked down at the small and frail child, then thought back to when Crisp had used his abilities to fight her off.) Flurry come with me I'm going to take you somewhere, this will possibly help you with your problems.

(As Flurry follows eagerly in hopes of pleasing Mother, something is telling her not to move any further.) You know flurry; although you've failed me I'm still very pleased with your growth. (Nature said this with a hum) I know I can come off strong little Flurry and by all means, it's not intended. You have such a beautiful gift that needs to be tended to faithfully every day. I have the means to teach you to do so; however you must do something for me first little Flurry. Once you perform this act you'll be able to control your powers better than ever all you have to do is trust me. (Flurry notices that Mother led her to a cliff and that caused her more turmoil.) Now Flurry I know you haven't seen humans before since I keep you isolated most of the time; although the humans know you quite well. They love what you do so much so that they look at your work like a spectacle it fascinates them. They play in it and relish in the joys of your labors, those beautiful white pristine blankets of snow that lure in small children and adults alike. Those cute little snowflakes that come down in an array of shapes and size, the lovely gusts of wind that paint across your face when you allow your worries to fade away. You create such beautiful and delicate things; however my dear your powers also have another effect one that may hurt you more than you know. (Flurry is in awe as she hears these words from Mother but everything halted when Mother stopped dead in her tracks. Flurry saw a desolate town with houses in ruins. The ground looked cracked and lifeless, not a single soul was in sight.) Now Flurry your powers have also brought pain to those who couldn't withstand the cold that you grow to love. Those blankets of snow usually lead to frozen lakes with a thin layer of ice, many fall victim to drowning because of that or the water source has been taken away. Or they suffer from strange ailments, that stem from temperature changes and not to mention the many famines caused by the storms you create. It truly is a shame that such a beautiful thing can also be so evil.

Flurry I do believe you should go down there and take a closer look. So you can understand the true horrors of your work, I want you to understand the pain and agony those poor creatures endured while being here. Now only do this if you trust me little one because once you go there you won't be the same I promise you that. I- trust….. you? Mother, why did you bring me here am I truly this disappointing to you? Do you wish to end everything here after everything you've shown me? Honestly do you want to start over with a new creation, just toss me aside like an unwanted cub. Constantly reminding me of all my failures.

YOU! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LOVE ME, YOU LEFT ME!!! I'M ISOLATED ALL THE TIME IN THE DARK! YOU'VE ALWAYS BELITTLED ME AND HURT ME, NO MATTER HOW MUCH I BEGGED! NO PLEADED YOU TO STOP ON A MULTITUDE OF OCCASIONS! WHY WOULD I EVER TRUST SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T EVEN CARE ABOUT ME? I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!! (She screamed in anguish and a thick ghostly frost like mist emanated from her the more she spoke, the sky grew dark and her eyes slowly started to turn into a frosty bluish white color. The winds were howling, hail came down like a barrage of spears piercing everything in range. The ground started to crack beneath them, streams of tears lapped her pale cheeks only to then be turned into trails of ice.) WHY, WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME? I DESERVE IT TO MOTHER, I DESERVE YOUR WARM EMBRACE AND SOOTHING WORDS! (She says as her chest is filled with pain it's overwhelming her freezing her from the inside out. Which in turn causes her to falters and falls to her knees.) It hurts s-so much why am I so cold? She says while choking out her words while trembling.

All the while Nature looks at her creation in pure annoyance. Flurry I do believe that is enough of this, you are right I did bring you up here to end your life but I assure you that you'll come back much stronger and far more advanced, reaching heights you never could have imagined. Please join your siblings in this beautiful process Flurry, they all went through this same process. She lies straight through her teeth knowing only one of them avoided this process and proved her wrong. Mother slowly and calmly walks up to Flurry with devilish eyes and avoids everything that's coming at here. Your siblings have went through their trials and tribulations as have many others. Mother lifts her hands up as if she were going to hug Flurry. She even knelt down and lifted Flurries face to make sure they made direct eye contact. Such beautiful eyes you have Flurry so full of pain and agony, just like your siblings did. Although I must say you look far more beautiful than they ever did. So much rage and chaos in the air, look what has been brought out of you. This delicious storm in those pearly eyes of yours. Mother gently caresses her cheek with one hand all while she's drinking in this sight. Then she lifts up her other hand and caresses just beneath Flurries eyelids.

Flurry stayed there in awe as her mother did this was this some sick act she was putting on? The creature in front of her was anything but a mother, more like a monstrous demon. Laughing at her pain no relishing in her lament and openly exposing the heinous acts she's committed over the times to her. (Flurries eyes were agape and glistening from the shock as her eyes met her Nature's. Never has she seen something so empty dare she say desolate not an ounce of emotion in those green orbs.) Just as things seemed to get stranger she felt a sharp pain and she let out a blood curdling scream. Everything went black and she felt two things that didn't belong.

I'm sorry my sweet naive little snowflake, I know you'll never forgive me for doing this. (As she continues to plunge her thumbs into Flurries eyes allowing her fingers to be soaked in her daughters blood. Then doesn't take them out!) Making sure she doesn't have the same problem with this one as she did the others. This wasn't exactly how she planned everything but it was worth the try.

M-Mother why it hurts take them out please. This isn't right none of this! What you've done to me and my siblings, they don't even know about this or the other things you've done. Our entire existence has been a sick ploy for your amusement will your torment never end? Will we ever be free from your strings of deceit or will we continue to be your play things for the rest of our cycles? (After this Flurry went limp and everything lost control even more whether it was from blood loss or the fact Nature had ruined her to this point is unsure.

There now you can't hurt anyone anymore because your sight is gone and if your eyes are gone nothing bad will happen anymore so feeling sad or watching any more suffering will not trouble you. This is the small price you shall pay. Why you may ask my dear? Because beauty is pain and you're already familiar with one now it's time for you to learn the other.Your mistakes won't hurt if they aren't seen by you! (Nature then removes her fingers and allows Flurries body to fall. The Mother then leaves her now blinded daughter by herself.

(Flurry's body acts on its own by letting the place get covered in a pool of snow and ice alike. Her veins start to give off a frosty blue color and she slowly starts to levitate off the ground. The spot where she was just at is covered in blood yet it's starting to crack more and her blood stopped only to be replaced with pure ice. A bright light emitted from Flurry as everything turned white, then there was nothing but black. ) She was destroyed and was broken inside and out so far gone and broken that she couldn't come back. All that remained was a husk of her former self and her Mother's presence was gone. The ground finally collapsed beneath her allowing her body to be left crumbled at the bottom of an abyss. An abyss of pain and agony she never got to know her siblings nor did they get to know her. She was nothing but a forgotten memory waiting to be found. (Her body slowly begins to heal itself but she stops the process when it gets to her eyes.) Why would I give her the satisfaction of seeing my eyes again and relishing off of my emotions. She says as she makes her way out of her prison, my how pretty she claimed I was but all I felt was repulsed. Flurry then did the unspeakable and created a pair of frozen eyes made out of pure ice she couldn't bare to look at anything or anyone. She then tore a piece of her shirt in order to make a blindfold to cover them. I'm tired of all of this so maybe I should rest, just continue to disappear more and more as time progresses. I do believe I've exerted my powers until my next cycle. Then I shall be reborn a new.

Everyone knows snowflakes are delicate and intricate creations, each one has a story to tell. Yet this one has only just started for her a new chapter will begin for Flurry as she bonds with the cold and unforgiving nature that was given to her by her mother.