
First date

Even though hua was not really into min but as a soon 18 to be girl has a feeling to know what does a date feel like.

Its a fine evening the sun was setting the red sunlight was complementing the scenario of mapel leaves.

Mo hua has wear a sleaveless top with jeans short her hair was on her shoulder on both sides and her bangs were settled on forehead with a cute hairband.

while min wore a white shirt with black pants.

his sleeve was folded and was wearing glasses. He looked super hot and mature.

Looking at him hua's hearr skipped a beat.


Both walked around the roads then sit on a bench.

Suddenly a mischievous grin appeared in min's face as he said" well,baby you know in a first date you should kiss your date"

'what!!!!!!!Is it true then i shouldn't have agreed to this mans request when he last night massaged me' hua was feeling dilemma.

"well then baby you don't need to if you don't want"

"you don't have to unwillingly even if its our first date"

This guy who was cold and calm is actually planning to Honey trap hua to fall in love with him.

"umm i,,, i don't know how to kiss" innocently hua replied.

It was his chance.

"Mind if i teach you, then you can kiss me"