
SEASON OF HOPE: mysterious heirs

[Warning:Mature Content] A story of a Black dragon demon king and his White snow snake girlfriend that were reborn in a humans world "My lord,your heart disease can only be cured by finding your true love,i think it's good to visit the humans world" Miss the task you have given me is already finished,what's the next move? I will wait for your return even if it will take to one to ten years or even lifetime. Throw the corpse in the see to feed the fish. Kill her on her wedding day. Make him said that he is the one who embezzled the money not me,and don't live any evidence behind,destroy everything I want you to marry him so that our family will become more powerful in the city. I'm already dead can't you stop crying,it hurts me when i saw you crying,no matter what difficulties you encounter in life,i will accompany you,I wish I can come back to life and make you the happiest queen in the world but that's impossible,our destiny is like a powerful demon that we can't control. DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT MY WORK AND COMMENT ALSO FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM PAGE:@FATIMAMAINA.AUTHOR

Moonstone_novels17 · Urban
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Chapter 2:Can we be friends?

Twelve years later:

Today was Gu shen first day at high school,Gu shen was a handsome and intelligent guy.

The door was knocked,

"come in"

Gu shen greet the teacher

"good morning sir"

"Morning how are you and what's your name?"

Gu shen replied

"I'm fine,my name is Gu shen,I'm a new student"

"不客气 (you are welcome) i heard the director saying that there is a student which get a scholarship to study in this school,are you the one?"

Gushen said

"yes it's me"

"Ok my name is Mr. Wu I'm your physics teacher, you can find a seat and sit down"

Gu shen replied with

"谢谢 (thank you)"

The teacher says

"ok the class begins now,today we will talk about projectile"

The teacher explained to the class,he asked many questions and Gu shen answers 90% of the questions.

It's lunch time gu shen went out for lunch,before he enter the cafeteria,some guys called his name,when they approach him,the guy try to slap gu shen but gu shen holds the guy's hand,then one of the guys says

"How dare you holds his..."

Before the guy finished his sentence gu shen punched him on his face

Then gu shen says

"You guys have to know your limit"

When they are busy arguing,lin yousu and du sitang came

Lin yousu says

"why are you guys arguing like kids,and you xiaonan you always look for trouble"

Xiaonan turned around and grabbed her hair then he said

"How many times have I told you to stay out of my business,just because I have crush on you that doesn't mean that you can do what ever you like"

Seeing that,gu shen punched xiaonan

"Who gave you the write to bully girls,live this place or i will break your legs"

Xiaonan and his friends left,when gu shen is about to live then lin yousu said

"Thanks for saving me,can we go to the cafeteria together?"




After lin housing,Gu shen and du sitang finished eating their food,gu shen stand up, du sitang ask him

"where are you going?"

"I'm full I'm going to library"

Then du sitang says

"I saw that you are very intelligent,please can we be best friends"



Then lin says

"Let's know more about each other"

"My name is du sitting,my father is the president of du group"

"My name is lin yousu,you can call me chuchu,my father is the president of cristal hotel"

Then gu shen says "nice to meet you all"

After some couple of times,Lin yousu,du sitang and gu shen became best friends not just best friends but like brothers and their little sister.

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