
chapter 1

"It's time you wake up Tid." a black hair boy said as he was shaking his roommate awake.

"What? It's already that time Umbra," the boy named Tid said.

"Yeah, we have to hurry so that we can reach the awakening ceremony."

" I feel like it's only at times like this that you have a needless amount of energy, Umbra."

"that's for sure, we are going to finally awaken our mana cores, how can i not be this excited." Umbra exclaimed as he dragged Tid out of the room and they ran together to the ritual site.

On the small pathway paved through the forest the two children scurried along towards a huge mountain that held the ritual site. Finally the children could see a huge plaza filled with all the villagers living in their village.

Nobody was allowed to not be present during the annual day of the awakening ceremony. The children hurriedly moved towards all the other children that were waiting to experience the awakening ceremony.

Finally after some time the tribe leader came forth, "welcome everyone to this year's awakening ceremony. This time we have a lot of new potential warriors amongst the younglings. Thus lets get this awakening ceremony started."

Next chapter