
Chapter 3: Miles

A Week Later.

It's already hard impressing my boss, but it's harder to impress the people around the company.

I entered a café called Express-so which was a five minute walk on the other side of street near the company. It was a tradition of the company for new workers to follow orders to people who worked before for about 2 weeks.

I was tasked by my coworkers to buy coffee and donuts early this morning. They even gave me money for their desire beverage and donut of choice. Screen shooting their orders which were either simple while others were plain out difficult to memorise.

After a minute or so I was waiting at a round wooden table for my order to arrive. Resting my cheek on my palm I was trying hard not to fall asleep. This week was brutal for me, I was asked around a lot and Wyatt didn't give me the slightest bit of rest. I didn't know how tough being an assistant would be.

My phone vibrated through my pocket and I grabbed it. Emma was calling.

"Hello." She said.

"Hey, What's up."

"You doing okay out there." She asked.

"Yeah," I yawned. "I'm fine."

"Sounds like a tough week."

"It was okay, but it wasn't really that hard." I chuckled.

"Listen, my friends don't mean harm. They're really just lazy to go out and but their own food."

"It's alright, it's just coffee and some donuts."

"By the way, come to me later after you're break. It's important." She hang up.


After claiming my order, I fast walked my way to the building rushing but being careful on the drinks. Pushing my way through the door and place a beverage for Karen on the counter.

"Hey Karen, can you watch the drinks for a sec. Their something else I have to buy." I put the drinks on the surface.

She nodded reading her magazine and I went on the donut shop. The place has really no name but my coworkers call it the D-Shop.

"3 boxes of donuts please, anything will do." I stretched my back.

Holding the boxes in both of my hands I used my back to push the door. Speed walking my way to the counter I grabbed the drinks and left to the elevator.

As the doors slid towards the left side I got in and put down all the things on my hand. I pressed the button for the 4th floor and leaned on the side of elevator.

So much is happening this week, but I need to work harder. I can get ran over tomorrow but I'll still be crawling my way to work.

As the elevator doors opened I grabbed the drinks and donuts putting them on the table in the center of the room. People gathered and grabbed anything they wanted. Some praised me, others pat me in the back, and one wrapped their shoulders over me. Which was Emma taking a sip on her hot cocoa.

"Nice work man, In a matter of time people would be respecting you."

"It's just donuts and coffee. They might go well together but not enough to make it to the top." I removed her hand.

"I mean, you don't know what might happen. All big thing came from one small part."

I chuckled. "Thanks. You sound like the life coach I never had."

"What time is it?Isn't Wyatt coming soon." She asked.

I opened my phone with the time being of 12:45.

"I gotta go. Wyatt's car might be here soon." I walked to the elevator and pushed the button for the top floor.

After reaching his office, I started organizing. It's one of my daily duties for Wyatt and most important. I see it as a way that I can be great at being spotless.

I sat at his gray lounge chair to take a break until my phone rang.

I looked at the phone on who was calling me to see that it was written mom on the screen. I rolled my eyes and decided to call her.

"Hi Pumpkin." She said in a sweet tone. "How's your first week at the company Rose if I remember?"

"It's fine mom. What do you need." I said with a monotone voice.

"Oh yeah. One of my friend has a daughter on the same city as you and-"

My eyes widened, I ran and open the door before she could her sentence.

I slammed the door. "Sorry mom, my boss is here. I have to talk to you later. Bye." I hang up.

I laid back on the chair and groaned. My family is what I would consider problematic in my perspective. During college they would be strict on my grades. They would consistently tell me to reach for at least third honour or above. I would always study hard cause I've already been punished and I don't want that to ever happen to me again.

But one thing I don't like about my parents is their consistent calls on blind dates. Somehow they find ways to hook me up with a random girl with their parents, and I hate it. I haven't addressed my situation to my family yet cause they're very opinionated. Thinking about it still terrifies me today.

The door behind opened and I quickly stood up. "Take care of this for me will you." Wyatt removed his coat and handed it out to me. I hang it up and walked back to his desk. That's where I noticed red pigment on his lips.

"Um." I spoke.

"What." His eyes were piercing through mine with his glare.

"There is something on your." I tap my lips indicating the lipstick.

He looked to a mirror and whipped the red pigment on his face.

"Who's the lady." I asked.

"None of your business. We have a pretty busy schedule next week, things better be finished before Thursday."

I then opened my phone and prepare myself for a wave of responsibilities hitting my face in the next few seconds. But I am hell as determined to finish them all.

"I have a meeting with Orbz production next Thursday and I would like you to accompany me during the trip. Also ask the company driver to arrive here 12pm sharp. If everything goes to plan, we might have another company working with us."

His phone rang. "Hello."

I just stood their waiting for any instructions he wants me to do.

"Everything is alright. Why?" He then stood up. "What are you saying?"

"Is everything alright sir." I stepped forward.

He scooted me away and I nodded and walked myself out the room. Does this mean it's already my break?" I thought to myself.

My question was answered when I heard his palms slamming on his desk. He then started shouting through with words that aren't really safe for work.


Arriving through the 4th floor I walked my way to Emma's work station.

"Hey." I sat on her desk. "How's the hunt for a partner."

"Great news actually. I've been chatting with one. I'll meet you downstairs after my break, which is about probably 6 minutes or so."

"Alright then. If you say so." I stood up and head downstairs to our usual spot.

Reaching the ground floor, I head to the donut shop where she daily buys a box of donuts. As I was waiting for Emma I checked my phone to look at post of people meeting the other half their shirt. Their wasn't many of them but I still found it interesting to look at how they met.

Emma walked in and before sitting right beside me, she bought half a dozen of donuts. This is how we start our conversation. She has this non stop habit of eating of donuts and I'm kinda worried about. I mean she looks healthy but that doesn't mean her habit is.

"You ever gonna stop." I asked.

"With what?"

I then stared at the box of donuts and looked back at her.

"Probably anytime soon," crumbs fell of her mouth, "maybe if I get sick of it."

I rolled my eyes and placed my shoulder on the table with my face resting on my hand. "Why'd you call me here for?" I asked.

"Oh right." she took out her phone sliding it to my side of the table. "There's this guy I've found 3 days ago at the cafe and asked if he would like to sit next to me. Things got odd at first, but we kinda hit it off."

"That's, great. I'm proud of you." I held her hand.

"Also he has a friend who's single. And we've thought if you could join us this Saturday."

My eyes widened. "You want me... to go on a blind date."

"Yeah! Is something wrong." She had a worried expression.

"No! No. Is just that. Um. Well. Damn it I'm sorry." I face palmed. "I don't know, it's my first time dating. And I am unprepared with a lot of things. I mean, I don't even know what the guy looks like. How can I even trust him to be with me."

"Miles relax, it's just a date. Nothing bad will happen to you." She reassured me with a smile.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I'm new to all this and to be honest. It's terrifying." I sighed and stood up. "I need to go Wyatt's asking me to finish some of his task today."


I was behind the building where the company driver stays. He looked like he was in his mid 30's wearing a white polo with his black vest on the counter. Lighting up a cigarette and exhaling the smoke which was spreading throughout the area causing me to cough.

"What do you need." He asked without looking at me with his monotone voice.

"Mr.Wyatt is going to attend a meeting next Thursday and he's asking me to arrive at 12."

He blew out again releasing a gray misty smoke. "Can you stop." I coughed and covered my nose, removing the strong stench around my face.

"Is he bringing one of his female friends again." He dropped and stepped on the cigarette.

"Female friends?" I acted confused to what he was saying.

"You're new here aren't you." I nodded. He sighed and turned to me. "Listen junior, one thing I can't stand about this company is your boss. He might act tough, but hell as I know he's just desperate. I have never seen a man such as him to try so hard to get a girl on his hands. Everywhere I take him, there at least be one girl joining."

"Well you can't hate the guy for finding a partner." I leaned on the car.

"Who said I was. He just needs to suck it up and admit he won't find one with his attitude."

My phone then ringed finding a random number messaging me out of nowhere. Are you miles it said.

Who are you. How did you find my number. I started panicking wondering who this person is. A hacker, serial killer, stalker.

Your friend emma gave me your number. I think this is about my friend's date this Saturday. I then relaxed realizing that this guy must be my double date. I just want to know who I'm gonna be with. He inserted a laughing emoji.

Don't expect much, I'm gonna be one hell of a mess. I also inserted a laughing emoji. What's your name? I asked.


I smiled and typed back. Let's chat again later. So much I have to do. I put a sighing emoji.

I left and came to Emma. "What the heck!" I crossed my arms.

"What?" She turned around and looked at me.

"You gave someone my number without my permission. That's just plain out shady." I hit her shoulder.

She groaned and stretched her arm. "How was he?" She asked.

"It was fine. He seems like a nice guy. But I got freaked out when he suddenly knew my name."

She laughed. "I chatted with him for a while. He's a funny guy, trust me."

My phone rang again to see that my mom was calling again. I hang up and put it back in my pocket.

Their is a point in our lives where the people we need to love doesn't feel right.