
Chapter 2: Xander

Being patient is hard. Maybe it'll come today, maybe tomorrow, or even a week. But till it comes, I have to clean the dishes for another day.

I hate working here. I studied for two years to be a baker just to clean the dishes in a Mcdonalds restaurant. I did have a proper job of being a cake decorator 2 months ago. The reason why I'm not there anymore is that the cake delivery got mushed during their ride to a wedding. The place wasn't really that popular and sales were low. Their came a time where the owners had to close the place down. But at least they made a new bakery that gained a lot of attention to people.

And that brings us to where I am now. With the plates and bits of pieces of food that people are to lazy to finish the last bite on their plate.

I sighed and just continued working.

"Today's a special day, don't mess it up." I said to myself.

My girlfriend Eva and I are having our 6 month anniversary today. One thing I love about her is that she's simplistic. Every monthly anniversary I would surprise her with something big like how she was embarrassed that I sang outside of her apartment with her favourite song which was Emotions by Mariah Carey. When the high part almost came, one of the neighbours came out and threatened me.

I was continued washing till I was interrupted by my phone's ringtone.

I reached in to my pocket and grabbed my phone. I then check to see that mom was calling.

"Honey, you need to come home right now!" She talked loudly.

"Mom, I'm in the middle of work. I just can't leave like I can do whatever I want. Besides I have a date with Eva later. So I can't come home till tomorrow."

"But this is important!"

"I'm sure it can wait tomorrow mom. I gotta go now, love you." I ended the call.


After work I bought a bouquet of roses on one hand and rented DVDs of Titanic and The Notebook with a bag full of groceries on the other before I got to her apartment.

I knocked her door and waited for her to answer. The knob turned and she let me entered.

"Hey." She smiled.

She was wearing a shorts and a white shirt with the tag fight me. And the natural afro hair that she always pulls off so well.

"Happy 6th anniversary." We pecked each others lips.

"I love what you did with your hair."

"Thanks, it was a last minute call thing." I put the groceries down the counter.

"What are you planning for today?" She asked

"You didn't want me to go BIG," I exaggerated. "So I thought we would just have a simple dinner and movie afterwards."

"Well if you need me I'll be in my room where I hid your gift from you."

I laughed. "I'm sure it's great. Don't get out till I tell you to."

She rolled her eyes and walked away. "Alright."

I turned back at the food and started cooking.


I put two matching plates on the table and placed silverware on top. I grabbed one of the vase removing the fake Orchids, replacing it with the Roses I bought. I turned off the lights except the one at the dining table and placed scented candles around the room.

She then walked in.

"Impressive." I grinned.

"It's perfect."

I pulled a chair for her and I grabbed the mittens pulling out the Chicken Parmesan in the oven.

I sat down and we ate.

"How's your work today." She asked.

"Nothing special, I'm actually just waiting for the letter to arrive. In any day now I can be one step ahead and have my own bakery." I crossed fingers.

"I hope it never comes." She laughed nervously.

Silence aired in the room. I looked at her with all that joyful mood she had was gone.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just a random joke okay." She sipped her glass of wine.

"Eva." She gazed to me.  "We talked about this." 

"I know. It's just some awful joke, I'm sorry."

"Is it even possible." I asked her.

"You know, maybe it can. If you give it a try it might be possible for us."

"By the time I get back here, you'll already be interested in someone else."

She then looked down.

I sighed. "All I want to do is eat with you." I held her hand and she stared at me. "I mean, the future is unpredictable. Maybe I could be rejected. It's possible." She laughed and I smiled. "But if it ever happens, I hope we can still be friends."


After we finished, we talked about the simpler things. How our day went on, what made us laugh today, or even what we remember.

"Wait." She stood up and went to her room.

While I was sitting my phone rang again and grabbed it.

Mom was calling again.

I ignored it and Eva came back.

"Here." She handed me a wrapped box with a red ribbon on top.

I opened it up to see a pink fabric. I unfolded it to see that it's a sweater with half a heart on the middle.

"Wow." I looked at her.

"I know that pink might not be you favourite colour. But I just thought that it might look good on you."

"We'll see about that." I put on the sweater.

"How do I look?"

"Kinda cute." She chucked.

We gazed at each other spending every moment like we forgot all our problems.

"I still have the movies. Do you still wanna watch." I asked.

"I would be delighted."

We both walked to the living room and I held the movies I rented.

"What do you prefer. Titanic or The Notebook."

"The one that made you cry more." She laughed.

I rolled my eyes "Titanic it is then." I inserted the disk into the DVD player.

Titanic was a memorable movie for me. It's something I keep sacred in my heart during our relationship. I haven't really watch both movies but I have seen clips of both. After watching both of it for the first time, let's just say there was a lot of tissues absorbed with water.


Halfway through the film already and she's already asleep in my shoulders. My phone vibrated on my pocket and I picked it up.

It was mom again.

"What do you want mom!" I whispered through the phone. "What is it so important that it can't wait tomorrow."

"The letter." She said.

I felt my heart pounding through my chest. It arrived. The letter that I've waited for weeks to come is here. My thoughts about this letter is mixed. Possibilities of me getting rejected are high than me getting accepted. All these emotions are loose and I couldn't contain it,

I breathe in and out to calm myself. "I'll come home tomorrow. Maybe around lunch or earlier if possible."

"Love you sweetie."

"Love you to mom." I hang up.


I reached my house around 10:34am. I knocked on the door and waited for either of my parents to answer.

The handle turned and opened. Mom was there with open arms waiting for me to hug her. I put my arms around her shoulder while she puts hers around my waist.

"Where's the letter I asked?" I asked.

She handed it to me on her right hand.

I held it. My hands were shaking and sweat was falling down on my forehead.

"This is it." I swallowed.

It was either I made it or broke it. The envelope was maroon with a gold like stamp at the center holding it all in place.

I gently opened the envelope and read it out loud.

"Dear Mr.Fox, we are happy to say that you're one of the few of the hundreds of people that made it to work at più che gusto. If you want more information about this letter, please call us with the number below." I looked at mom where her eyes widened. "I made it."

She held me tight and started jumping in joy. "I'm so proud of you son!"

"Thanks." I sat on the couch looking down.

In this case I should be feeling happy about this. But I'm not.

"What's the matter." She sat down holding me.

"I am but," I scratched the back of my head. "I don't know. It feels to early." I laughed.

"Early for what?"

I looked around the room. "Leaving I guess."

I looked at the letter, having this feeling of guilt calling me out. This piece of paper in my hands means I have to renew my life in the city. And it's terrifying.

"Maybe I'm not ready." I stood up. "I should probably cancel the whole thing out."

"Don't say that," she held my hand. "You think moving out for me was easy. The first time I washed my laundry, all of the pink shirts I had turned pick." She laughed. And I chuckled along with her. "All I'm trying to say is that you don't know what might happen there. And you'll probably learn new things as well." She held me tight.

"Thanks mom, I'll think about it."

"Are you gonna tell Eva."

I sighed. "Yeah, I am." I walked out the door.


I was outside her apartment holding a bouquet and movies on my hand.

I took a deep breathe and knocked.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"There's something I would like to talk about. May I come in."

She opened up the door, and I got in.

"What's going on?" She had a worried look on her face.

"You probably need to sit down."

She then got to the couch and I gave her the letter. After a few minutes of reading it she looked at me. I didn't know how to describe what emotions she was having. They were all mixed of sadness and joy.

"I'm happy for you." She smiled but her face seems otherwise.


"It's okay, I just know that you'll make a good baker out there."

She then wrapped her arms around my shoulder. "I'll be fine."

I put mine on her waist.

We were both hurt. The months we've spent together will just end.

I recalled back the memories we had. Like the first time we met. I was still a cake decorator that time. It was her aunt's wedding that time and she asked for the cake her mom ordered. I was a mess that time but we got to know more of each other after.

We were just there. Holding each other for a minute or two. After letting go, we just had smiles on our faces. The ones that say, it's been a long run.


I was carrying unfolded cardboard boxes on my left shoulders to my house, knocking for my parents to answer.

I looked at Eva who was beside me the whole time.

"6 more days." She said.

"Yeah." I gave a chuckle. "And I'll be in New York."

My dad came up to me and gave me a big hug. "I am so proud of you." He held me tight.

"Thanks dad." I hugged him back.

I went inside looking around the house. Remembering all bits and pieces throughout growing up here. Like the kitchen where I would help mom stir some of the ingredients of desserts and the living room where I would watch episodes of chowder and the crazy dishes they prepare.

Both inspired me to see the fun and cooking.

I got to the second floor going opening the door to my room. I never knew how much space I used to fill the blue walls with posters of things I used to like in high school.

I sat down on my bed and put the box down.

"You okay." Eva asked.

"Yeah." I took a breathe. "Just a little bit overwhelmed I guess."

"What's on your mind?"

I looked around the room. "All of this. It's just one small room with big ideas I got from growing up."

"Where do you wanna start packing?" She asked.

I got up walking to my cabinet. "Let's take our time. I don't wanna rush things a lot."

She then handed me the sweater she bought. "Let's put this first." She said.

I chuckled then looked at her. "I'll miss you."

"Me too."

I put the sweater inside the box.

Next chapter