

Back when Daniel was in his 100 level, he was often referred to as the 'Smallie' or 'Guru' based on the fact that he was smaller than every other person both in class and in his room, and also because he was a very smart and intelligent individual. On his first appearance in the hostel, he didn't have much anxiety in him simply because he had been in the hostel during his secondary school, so he already knew what to expect and was prepared for it. On getting to his room which was Room 303 Block C, he made encounter with some people who he greeted and they responded back. Then a guy walked to him and asked if he was waiting for his older brother who was in the hostel. Daniel on the other hand, knowing that things like this would happen, smirked a bit and then responded that he was a student in the school and that he owned a space in the room, they all looked astonished and welcomed him. He then went to freshen up and then setup his bed space before going to 'Night Class' to study.

On his way out of the room, he was confronted by one of his roommate by the name 'Kenneth'. Kenneth was a student of Physics, in the Department of Science and seems to have been in the school two weeks longer than Daniel, he was a really friendly person who was well known in the hostel because of his dedication to his book and to the church, he is a tall, brown skinned and handsome fellow who knew his way through with the females, and because of that had lots of them. He asked Daniel to wait for him to prepare so that they could go together. Daniel on the other hand, seeing this as an opportunity to know some places in the campus as Kenneth seems to have been in the Campus longer than him, agreed to it. After some minutes, Kenneth was done and they departed the hostel at exactly 7:45pm. On their way to the class, Kenneth showed Daniel the routes to each popular site in the campus and they planned on going there someday. They finally got to the class and after some minutes of reading at about 8:32pm, Kenneth received a message on his phone telling him that there will be a night tutorial for the 100L physics department students. He then told Daniel that he had to go and would be back before 9:00pm. Daniel, not knowing what to do, naively concurred to his terms and waited for him. After about forty-five minutes, after Daniel had finished studying, he started to become nauseous being the fact that he was on his own in the classroom and time was far spent without any trace of Kenneth, he tried calling him a few times but it didn't go through, so he decided to leave for the hostel without him. Just then Daniel noticed someone who looked familiar in his class sitting at the other side of the table, he then decided to confront her with the impression of getting to know her a little more. On getting to the seat, he said: "Excuse me, you must be…" "Gift" … she answered before Daniel could complete his sentence. "But you can call me Gifty", Daniel then confirmed that he knew her from the classroom and that she seem to be really dedicated to her books. Gift was a fair completion girl with an average height as Daniel was a bit taller than she was, she was a really friendly person to those who she feel are the right person to be friends with, and being the fact that she's very stuck to her books, she hated to be associated with unserious people, but seeing Daniel she gave a big smile and said to him "You are Daniel". It seemed that she have been staring at Daniel the whole time during the night class and seem to be friends with him. Daniel, not knowing where or how she knew him because he seemed to be invisible in his class, asked to confirm, she then told him that she knew him when the Mathematics teacher asked a question and he was the only one who got it, giving him a boost of five (5) marks out of the forty (40) marks given for CA, deep down in her mind from that day she had wanted to be friends with Daniel because he influence in her being that he is a brilliant student will be of a positive side and also because she kind of find him attractive, he then tried to hide his ego and ride along with the flow. So he asked her why she was out late in the class, then she answered that she needed to solve the assignment given by the mathematics teacher, Daniel knowing the formulas and easy ways to solve them, offered assistance to her, after helping with the assignment and then solving some other problems, they gist and laughed at things they said for another 1 hour 24 minutes just before Kenneth came by the hour of 10:42pm, then Daniel introduced Gifty to Kenneth and they decided to escort Gift to the girls hostel which was far from the classroom and the route was dark. Getting to the entrance of the girl's hostel did Daniel exchanged contact with Gifty and they departed to their various destination. On their way back, Kenneth teased Daniel that he had find a new girlfriend in campus and Daniel laughed to the joke, but deep down he was hoping that what Kenneth said was true and he could have her as his girlfriend, meanwhile Gifty was lying in her bed, thinking of the next time she would meet with Daniel as she was starting to have a crush on him.

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