
Stressed Out

As night fell, news reports about the attacks flooded the internet and TV. Lesley, who was badly wounded, was staying in the S.A.B.E.R. Infirmary to receive medications. The others were in the meeting room, talking about how the attack. Gusion was on the top of the S.A.B.E.R. Tower, sitting alone. His memories about him and the Baroques were coming back.


"You'll pay for making my sister cry!" Lancelot shouted.

"I don't love her! What's wrong with that!?"

"You don't love her, then take this!"

The duel of Lancelot and Gusion begins, and their families' reputation are on the line. Gusion cast spell after spell, but the arrogant Lancelot dodged.

"Aqua Blast!"

Gusion knocked Lancelot down on the ground. He was wide open, and defenceless.

"Let's finish this! Fiery Thunder!"

Gusion cast his last skill, draining all his mana. Suddenly, Lancelot's blade absorbed the energy. Out of mana, Gusion was powerless, giving Lancelot way to attack. He slashed and thrusted continuously, until Gusion was down on the ground. The Baroque Family won the duel.

"Weak! You're a failure to your family!" Lancelot said, walking away with an arrogant smile.

Gusion was bloodied and badly injured. Cuts were all over his body. His brothers picked him up and began to beat him up even more.

"Loser! You suck!"

"You don't deserve to be a top mage like us!

"Get him near here! His father shouted."

His brothers picked Gusion again and brought him near his father, the patriarch. His father grabbed Gusion's neck and pulled it near to him.

"You're a disgrace! You've destroyed our reputation, and now, you're the reason why we lost to these peasants! I'm so ashamed to be your father, I wish you were never born!

Ever since that day. Gusion started to rebel and got into enchanting swords with his magic. Because of just losing to a duel, everyone in his family started to treat him badly.

*Back to present*

Gusion was filled with rage and fear. He then recalls the day he left the Paxley household and murdered his own father.

*Flashbacks again*

"I beat the test. Now I'm leaving." Gusion said.

Gusion's father got so enraged. He brought out his giant staff and spell book.

"No one leaves the Paxley Household, but me!"

Gusion's father fired a massive fireball, that nearly burned the household. Gusion came at his back with his speed, and recalled his blade.

"Sword Spike!"

With one skill, Gusion thrust his blade through his father's chest. His blade glowed as white as moonlit sky.

*Back to present*

Gusion was breaking down. He was crying and shouting curse words out. Lancelot was the real reason why his entire life got screwed.

"F*** this! Screw my f***ing life!"

Ruby overheard Gusion, and she went up the elevator and approached Gusion. He was covering his face, and he was so mad at Lancelot.

"Gus, I didn't like what you did earli..."

"What are you doing here?! Why are you here?! Wont you leave?!" Gusion immidiately replied.

"Hey!" Ruby said. "I just want to talk about that long haired guy."

"I'm not talking!!!"

Gusion buried his face in his arms. He didn't want to talk at all. Ruby sat beside Gusion, by the light of the full moon.

"I know you're upset, I know you don't wanna talk, but just listen to me..."

"Just leave me alone!!! F*** this! "Gusion got up and kicked the trash can in front of him. He went straight to the elevator and put his hands on the back of his head.


The next day, Gusion woke up from a phone call. It was Cyclops, who was busy downstairs.

"Pick up Gusion, pick up!" But Gusion rejected the call and went back to sleep. It was 6am in the morning, and policemen were everywhere around the building, studying more about the attack yesterday. Cyclops tried to contact Gusion again, but he had silenced his phone.

Next chapter