
Chapter 1


"..ke up.."

I thought I heard something, but I decided to ignore it, so I shook my head and-


"Agh, que mierda?!" I screamed while holding my head tightly

"You're finally awake!" I heard a voice say, and when I opened my eyes, I noticed two things

1) I was not in my room.

2) There was a girl with light blue hair and eyes with strange clothes!

"QUE CARAJO-?!" I said suddenly, but the person quickly covered my mouth.

"SHHH! Quiet!" the girl said and continued with "Look, I'll explain everything, but I'll still have my mouth on your hand because I don't trust you not to yell, got it?!"

When I nodded, she said, "Okay, the reason you're here is that, while you were sleeping, you did not realize that blood began to come out of your nose and you drowned in it, dying in the process-"

"HMPF?!" I said shocked, which translates to "WHAT THE HELL?!"

"Look, I know it's hard to believe, but it's the truth, I'm your guardian angel Celeste, and the one above gave you the opportunity to continue your life while you wait for your family to die or something, so now you're in the last Anime you watched, during just before the events of the second episode" The supposed Angel clarified

'Why didn't they leave me waiting in heaven, hell, or whatever?!' I thought annoyed

"Because our lord wanted it, it's not your duty to judge him!" The Angel said angrily

'Wait, can you hear my-?!' "Yes, I can hear your thoughts," The being said nonchalantly.

'What happened to my family?!' I thought alarmed

"Oh, they are crying for your death, don't worry, you will see them in a few decades," said the angel as if that were nothing

'¡Hija de puta!' I thought while anger consumed me

"Ok, here is the material thing that the great lord gave you, take good care of it!" said the angel,and out of nowhere a Phone appeared in my hand.

"Well, that's all, any questions?" Celeste asked as she uncovered my mouth.

I was quiet for a moment, until I asked "I really can't see them again?" in a desperate voice

"No, and don't be ungrateful, now if you'll excuse me, I have to go, but don't do anything foolish!" said the angel, and after the light surrounded her, she disappeared

After a few minutes of silence, I dug my nails into my skin, while tears came out of my eyes.

"LA PUTA QUE ME PARIÓ! PORQUE ESTA PORONGA ME TUVO QUE PASAR A MI?! MI FAMILIA, MIS AMIGOS, MI VIDA, LO PERDÍ TODO!!" I screamed in anger and sadness, as my cheeks became wet with tears.

Finally, after crying for what felt like hours, I managed to calm down, and I noticed something.

I was in a very luxurious place,and standing up to look out the window, there was a volcano.

Remembering that the bitchy angel told me I was in the second episode of the last anime I watched, I tried to remember.

Then it hit me.

I was in Yugioh Gx!

"Oh dios, estoy jodida!" I said in panic

The seven stars, kagemaru, saio, yubel and darkness! All in three years!

"I need to see what kind of deck I have!" I said, but when I was about to go to see what deck I had, I passed for a mirror.

Stopping for a second, I turned to see that I looked a lot like how I did in my old life, with brown hair and eyes, but with some differences.

My hair was shorter, I looked like an anime character, and-ugh, I had big boobs.

"Yugioh always had a problem with boobs, but this is ridiculous!" I said annoyed.

Then, remembering what I needed to do, I searched for the room to see if I had a deck.

Finally, on one of the bedside tables, I found a deck of cards and my PDA.

First, i looked at my PDA, and saw that my name in this reality was Karou Yuki

Then, as I looked at my deck, I saw that it was a warrior one, with lots of staples like sangan, heavy storm, and even the legendary pot of greed.

It was good, very good for this era.


'The problem is that I need some kind of plot armor to survive! What can I do?' I thought worried.

That's when I remembered something.

"The reject well!" I said, snapping my fingers.

Quickly, I changed into the blue obelisk uniform, and ran out of my room.


I decided to go directly to Professor Daitokuji to ask about the reject well cards, since I would need the ladder to go down the well, and besides, I doubt that professor emi knew about it.

I went into where the osiris eating room was, and saw Daitokuji preparing food, who was surprised to see an obelisk student in the kitchen.

"Oh, good morning student, I'm the dorm teacher, can I offer you something?" asked the man with glasses kindly

I sighed, and said "Yeah, I heard a rumor about a place where duelists go to throw their cards, is that true?"

The professor looked at me, and said "Yes, it exists, why do you ask?"

Making an act of being outraged, although to be honest, the thought of people getting rid of cards in a well annoyed me by the stupidity of it, I said "Disgusting, all cards have value, and if they don't see it, then I'll do it! Please, professor, tell me where those poor cards are!"

The teacher gave me a surprised look, but from there, he gave a big smile, and said "I like your enthusiasm, student, I'll tell you where they are'' before exiting the place and going to his room, where he gave me a rope ladder and a map.

"Well, here you go, student, I hope it helps you" Daitokuji said.

I nodded, and said "Thank you very much, professor" before going to my room to leave my things.


As 8 went inside the dense forest, I had two backpacks with me, one with the ladder, and the other to grab the cards.

Suddenly I saw two transparent creatures floating, which I quickly recognized as White Magician Pikeru and Ebon Magician Curran.

When they saw me, Pikeru looked like she wanted to run and Curran like she wanted to give me a whiplash.

I quickly decided I didn't want any of that, so I said in a friendly way "Excuse me, but can you two help for a second? We need to find the reject well"

Curran narrowed her eyes, and asked "Why? So you can throw away some cards-?"

Quickly, I shook my head, and said "No way! I just want to make decks, that's all, besides, I would never throw away a card!"

The girls looked thoughtful, until pikeru said "Alright-" and Curran cut her off "but we will watch you to see if what are you saying is true"

I nodded, and then followed them to the reject well.


After the sisters showed me the reject well, I grabbed the ladder, and after putting it on the ground, I started going down.

As I went down the hole, I couldn't contain my shock at seeing so many cards in the place.

Touching the ground, I looked at my surroundings, watching lots of cards that people of this era considered 'bad'.

But for me, this is a gold mine!

"Free cards!" I said excitedly, making the spellcaster monsters sweatdrop.

Looking to the cards, i was surprised to see royal magical library, ameba, Chaos Necromancer, and-

"Espera, que mierda?!" I said when I saw a copy of relinquished in the floor.

My scream seemed to wake up the spirits, because then lots of transparents figures appeared, all looking at us.

Nervous, I said "Uh, hi! I wanted to see if any of you wanted to be part of a deck-"

I couldn't keep talking, because then lots of spirits, including the ojama brothers green and black, shouted at the same time "REALLY?!"

Confused, I asked "Uh,is something wrong?"

"B-but we're useless, why would you want us?" One of the spirits, jerry beans man, said with sadness in his voice

I turned serious, and said "Alright, i will say this only one time, no monster is useless, as rebuscaded as their utilities may be, they have at least one"

I learned that while playing the tag force games, and how all have at least one utility.

The spirits looked at me in awe, until one of them cleared their throat.

I turned around to see someone I hadn't noticed before.

Insect queen, Haga's old boss monsters, and a very infamous card.

I couldn't help but gasp at her.

"Even me?" Insect queen said mockingly

Not liking her tone, I said "Of course, why wouldn't you?"

"Well, after Jonouchi Katsuya defeated my old owner and battle city, he had no use for me, so he sold me at auction to a very wealthy family for their daughter, all for that brat to throw me here a year ago!" The big insect said angrily

"Then she was a moron that didn't know how to use you, that's all" i said firmilly

"Oh?" The queen said with disinterest, and said "Then how would you use us?"

With determination, I looked at the floor, searching for cards to exemplify how she can be useful, and grabbed some of them before showing them to her.

"Queen, your attack may not be amazing, and the fact that you need a tribute to attack may be a bit costly,but is not really that hard to summon you, with cards like Pinch Hopper to summon you for the hand, or by using insect imitation to summon you for the deck by tributing a level six monster, not to mention that you don't have a restriction on being special summoned for the graveyard, so just sending you there with foolish burial and then reviving you with cards like call of the haunted, monster reborn and others can be enough" i explained while i showed her a copy of pinch hopper, insect imitation and a call of the haunted.

Then, I turned to the rest of the spirits, and grabbed some other cards for the ground.

"Magical library can be used in a nasty ftk with exodia, butterfly dagger-elma and gearfried" i explained as i showed the spellcaster monster, then showed the other cards i could use "Castle gate and ameba can be used in two differents burn decks, and Griggle can belong in the ameba deck or as part of the life point burn deck strategy with fire princess and white magician pikeru"

Then, i grabbed law of the normal,enchanting fitting room, sword of the soul eater,heart of the underdog, and human-wave tactics, adding "And with this low normal monsters support,some of you can be in the field and either be used defensively, or with the sword of the soul eater, one of you can be a formidable monster!"

Realizing i was rambling, i blushed, and turned to apologize, but i stopped when i looked at most spirits

They looked shocked, but then their eyes shined

"What's your name, human?" Insect queen suddenly asked me

I turned around, and with determination, i said "Many may call me Yuki, but the name that represents me is Luci"

With a nod, the big insect said "Alright then, Luci, i hope we may be useful to you" before an light appeared around it, and transformed into a beautiful card

This inspired the rest of the spirits, who transformed into cards as well.

Pikeru looked at me, and said "Big sis, are you really going to use us in a duel?"

I looked at the little girl with determination, and said "I promise with my life"

"You better, because if not I'll make you pay" Curran told me seriously.

I couldn't help but laugh at that,and started grabbing all the cards possible off the ground.

I started grabbing all the cards possible off the ground.

But then, when I was flipping the cards, I found a continuous spell card named "My Precious Queen!" whose artwork showed insect queen about to eat an insect monster named Leghul.

As I read it, I was shocked by how good the card was for insect queen, especially for this era.

But this only confirmed it, Insect queen was destined to be my boss monster with this card.

After putting the cards in the backpack, I started going up the ladder.

Then, when I exited the hole, I put the ladder back in the backpack.

"Well, time to go to the dorm!" I said, and started walking away


I finally managed to go again to the red dorm, and after returning the ladders to professor Daitokuji, I was about to go to my room, when I heard someone going down the stair, and I turned around to see Sho and Judai going away from their dorm.

They both looked surprised to see me, but Judai quickly approached me.

"Oh, hello! My name is Yuki Judai!" said the protagonist of GX

Sho gave a shy "Marufuji Sho" after Judai 's introduction.

I was too shocked to talk to the protagonists for a second, but I quickly regained my composure, and said "Karou Yuki"

Judai looked at my back, where I had my backpack with the cards, and asked "Why do you have a backpack? There are no classes today"

I debated whether to tell the truth for a second, but I took a breath, and decided to be honest "You see, there is a place where duelists go to throw their cards, so after asking Professor Daitokuji for directions, I found them in a well, abandoned, so I decided 'Fuck it, I'm going to make decks with these cards' "

Both guys looked at me surprised, until Sho asked "Uh, that sounds great, but why exactly? Don't you already have a deck?"

"I always liked using more than one deck" I said, which wasn't a lie.

"Good for you! Hey, do you want to go with us for a walk around the island?" Judai said

I thought about it for a second, before nodding, "Sure, besides making decks with these cards, I have nothing to do."

"Sweet! Let's go then!" Judai said before running off, making sho and I have to run to catch up with him.


As we walked through one of the academy's hallways, Judai was talking about there being a duel nearby, much to Sho's confusion.

Meanwhile, I was making three decks with the cards i found:

First, a deck that focused on changing the type of monsters to insects thanks to Dna surgery, both the opponent's and mine, since I didn't have many insect monsters, so I could use insect queen.

Then a law of the normal deck.

This deck consists of using level two or lower normal monsters to use cards like "Enchanting Fitting Room","Heart Of the underdog", "Human-wave tactics", "triangle power","Sword of the soul eater"

and "Law of the normal".

There were lots of level two or lower normal monsters, and there was enough support for it, So making the deck was easy.

I decided to put relinquished in the deck along with advanced ritual art.

Yes, I found advanced ritual art in the well…people in this place really didn't know the value of some cards.

The next one was a low direct attackers deck.

This one is incomplete, since I need some stall cards to make it work.

But basically,I use most of the direct attackers from metal raiders ,one from pharaonic guardian, and king of the swamp with two fusions, Empress judge, and Reaper of the Nightmare, since the spirits of the materials gave me the fusion cards.

I also put some equips spells I could find, and for now they substitute the stall cards, like black pendant and stimpack.

Finally, the three of us stopped in front of the dueling arena.

"Hey Yuki-chan, I saw you were putting together some decks, how about you try them against me in a duel?" Judai said

Before I could speak, someone said "We can't allow that."

I had to swallow a groan when I saw Jun's lackeys appear.

"This is no place for drop out boys from Osiris red-" The brown-haired lackey started, but I decided to interrupt.

"What, are you saying that because of that obelisk crest? Please, that doesn't mean shit besides Kaiba's obsession with his Egyptian god, sho and judai are students at this school like anyone else, and I would tell you to shove your superiority up your ass, but your head seems to already occupy that place!" I screamed in annoyance

While Judai was holding back his laughter, and failing, Sho was looking at me in shock, as for those extras, well…

Their faces were red with fury, but before they could yell at me, someone else spoke.

"Looks like someone has to be put in their place" Jun's recognizable voice sounded from above.

We turned to look up, and yup, there it was in all its arrogant glory.

Manjoume Jun, before his character development.

"Ah, I'm Yuki Judai, it's a pleasure!" Judai said before adding "Who is he?"

This seemed to bother Jun, who looked at us with disgust.

"You don't know Manjoume? He's also a first year, but he's the number 1 of the super elite, a dedicated player who's been in the program since middle school!" Lackey with glasses said as the brown haired one looked at us with a smug face.

"The great manjoume is considered to be the next king of the games-!" Lackey with brown hair started, but a fit of laughter stopped him.

A fit of laughter that came from me.

I wiped away a tear of laughter, and said "Please, if Seto Kaiba himself lost the position of someone more humble, what can we expect from his wannabee?" I said in the most insulting way possible.

"Yes, besides, the one who is going to be king of the games is going to be me!" Judai said

"Huh?! Maybe I should go there and teach you two your places, drop outs!" Jun said angrily

"What are you guys doing?" a female voice said out of nowhere, and we turned to see Asuka with her arm's closed.

I decided to take advantage of this moment to leave without anyone noticing.

After all, I have a pending talk with my spirits.


When I got to my room, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally alone, guys, there is something I have to tell you" I said seriously.

As I sat on the bed, the transparent figures of the duel spirits appeared.

I inhaled deeply, and said "I am not of this world"

Confused, all the spirits looked at each other, until Ojama Black said "Uh, what are you talking about boss?"

I sighed, but suddenly I had an idea, so I quickly grabbed my phone and showed the spirits the thirty five episode of gx in Japanese.

When I finished showing the part in which Judai and Jun were in the reject well, the spirits were in shock.

"W-what was that?!" Ojama green said

"I already told you, I am from another reality, and while in my world there is duel monsters, there are no dueling spirits, nor was it created by Pegasus, but the game originated from a manga called Yu-gi-oh" I explained

The spirits looked shocked, but quickly had a question.

"I don't understand, why are you telling us this?" Petit dragon asked

"It's easy, I need help" I said sincerely.

"Help? with what?" The unhappy maiden asked

"You see, there are going to be lots of dangers on this island and the world, and I need to be strong if I want to survive them" I said.

"Y-You're telling the truth! We can feel it!" The Ojamas said in shock

"I'm going to tell you all about these dangers, and I don't plan on leaving anything vague" I said seriously.


And so, an hour happened very quickly for me, and fortunately the spirits calmed down, and surprisingly accepted what I said.

As Insect queen said "Luci, we are not exactly normal, if we can accept the existence of other dimensions we can accept that another earth exists."

Besides, it looked like, so long as they were used in a duel, they were happy.

I was telling them of the dangers of gx and 5ds, until I decided to drop the bomb.

"So, guys, i was wondering if someone wanted to form a bond with me" I said

No one said anything, but suddenly, someone raised a paw.

We all turned to see catnipped kitty raising its hand.

I smiled, and approached the cat.

"Catnipped kitty, do you want to bond with me? You're not obligated, just do it if you want" I said.

The cat meowed excitedly, and gave me his paw.

I grabbed it, and the room was filled with light, and I felt a sensation in my body, until I opened my eyes, and saw that the kitten had disappeared.

"Kitty, where are you?!" I said desperately

"Calm down Luci'' a voice resounded throughout my mind, causing me to whirl around again looking for the duel spirit, "I have taken up residence in your soul, but until you adapt to the bond and grow more powerful you won't have the power to manifest me outside your body." the duel spirit explained to me.

I frowned, confused and said "I don't really feel any different"

"I'm a very weak spirit, remember? As a mere kitten that can only be protected with other beasts and that can only transform the defense of a monster to zero, there won't be much benefit to a bond with me as I am now besides allowing your soul to grow a little bit more powerful."

'Oh, well that was useful at least' I thought

"Thanks!" the spirit within my soul agreed.

'Wait, can we communicate without having to speak out loud? Cool!' I thought excitedly

Suddenly, someone knocked on my door, and I jumped.

"Hey, if there's anyone there, the welcome dinner is about to start!" a voice said before hearing footsteps

I sighed, and said "Well, I have to go, otherwise I won't eat."


While other girls chatted up while drinking orange juice, i was grabbing as much food and sweets i could and putting it in my backpack

Then, like a ninja, I went away to the red dorm.


With my backpack in hand, I knocked on the door of Judai, sho and Hayato's room.

"I'm coming!" said a voice, and Judai opened the door for me.

"Hey Yuki! Come in!" Judai said as he gave me room to pass

I murmured a "Thank you" and as I passed by, I saw Sho sitting on the floor while Hayato was in the bed.

And then, grabbing my backpack, I gave each of them some gummy bears, chocolate and more candy.

The boys looked at their hands in surprise, but then Judai gave a big smile.

"Thank you, Yuki-chan!" Judai said as he puts the candy in his mouth.

"Y-yes, thank you" Sho said, also putting some candy in his mouth

When the two finished eating, I grabbed two of the decks I made today and gave one to each one of them.

"Wow, this is pretty well done for being done with cards in a well-" Sho started, until he said very surprised "RELINQUISHED?!" while looking at the ritual monster

"I know, right?! Whoever threw it has brain damage" I said with annoyance.

"And this deck has some interesting fusions! I've never heard of any of them!" Judai said while looking at my direct attacker deck

I couldn't help but smile, and said "Thanks, I don't want to brag, but I know a thing or two about building decks."

Suddenly, Judai's PDA makes a sound.

He opened it, and saw that it was Jun.

"Hey, Drop out boy, I challenge you at midnight in the Duel Arena, and to make it more interesting, we will be betting our rarest card! Come, if you have the courage" The message said before going out

Judai got excited, and sho looked nervous, but i suddenly said "This boy has guts to do this, well, I better accompany you, Judai-kun" while putting out my duel disk in my left arm

Judai gave me a big smile, and we three got going.


As Sho and Judai chatted up, i was concentrating, duel disk in my left arm

I was deciding which deck to use, but after some serious thought, I decided to use my direct attacking deck, since I will probably fight one of chazz minions, and they aren't really hard in the video games.

As we approached the arena, we saw Jun and his two minions.

"I'm impressed that you'd come, number 110, yoy even brought out your girlfriend!" Jun said mockingly

"When we heard there was a duel, we had to come" Judai said, and we both walked

Jun turned to one of his minions, the one with glasses, and nodding, the minion put a duel disk in his arm too.

As Judai was about to duel Jun, minion with glasses and I were looking at each other, ready to duel,and he was looking at me with a smug face.

"You should give up now and give me your rarest card, honey" Minion number 1 said smugly.

I simply gave him the middle finger, causing a loud gasp to sound from the boy.

"Duel!" We both said at the same time as our life points activated.

Konami (Luci) LP: 4000

Taiyou LP: 4000

"You can start" I said

The boy drew from his deck, and smiled wickedly.

"Very well, I summon Luster dragon in attack position!" The boy said as a purple dragon appeared into the field.

Luster Dragon (Level 4/Wind/Dragon/ 1900 Atk/1600 Def)

I couldn't help but gasp at the hologram, since this seemed like a dream come true!

"It ain't over yet, get a hold of this," Taiyou placed another card on his duel disk, "I play the equip spell card Dragon Treasure and equip it to my Luster Dragon, boosting its attack and defense points by 300 each!"

There was a flash of green light around Luster Dragon's head, that died down to reveal a small green orb gleaming form its place inserted within the purple dragon's forehead.

Luster Dragon (2200 Atk/1900 Def/Level 4/Wind/Dragon/)

"And I set a card!" Minion said dramatically while facedown card appreciated in the field

I just nodded, before drawing my card, and i smiled when i saw Waboku

"Okay, first-" I said, before my opponent interrupted me.

"I activate my trap, Disturbance Strategy! Now you must shuffle your whole hand into the deck and draw that same amounts of cards" said the boy smugly

I grunted in annoyance, but obeyed, and shuffling my six cards in the deck, I drew six cards...and got a better hand than the previous one.

'Wait, what the f-?' I thought before Catnipped Kitty broke into my mind.

"Luci, there are many duel spirits in your decks, these can make you draw good hands as much as possible" The purple cat told me

'Cool! Thanks for telling me my beautiful kitty!' I thought, before smiling wickedly at my opponent.

"Alright, I'll start by activating polymerization, and fuse my king of the swamp with Queen's double, to summon Empress judge!" I said while activating the magic, and after fusing both monsters, a dark-skinned warrior with red hair and a green and black dress over a red shirt, holding a magic staff appeared on the field.

Empress judge (2100 Atk/1700 Def/Level 6/Earth/Warrior/Fusion)

Before the guy with glasses could mock me, I said "And I equip it with Fusion weapon, giving my level six fusion 1500 attack and defense!."

The hand that is not holding the cane became a weird electric weapon.

Empress judge (3600 Atk/3200 Def/Level 6/Earth/Warrior/Fusion)


Asuka and Sho were focused on Jun and Judai's duel, when the blue haired boy remembered that they were not the only ones in a duel.

He turned around for a second just to see it.

And he let out a gasp, making Asuka look at where he was looking

They were impressed to look at a monster with almost 4000 attack.

"W-Wow, Yuki-chan really knows what she's doing!" Sho said surprised.

Asuka was about to talk, but then Taiyou's monster was destroyed by an earthquake

Then, as if that weren't enough, a small cyborg monster appeared on the Osiris side of the field.

Jinzo #7 (500 Atk/400 Def/Level 2/Dark/Machine/Effect)

"Empress Judge, attack him with Royal Judgement!" The obelisk girl said dramatically

Obeying her master, the judge attacked with an electric beam from her hand, making the obelisk scream.

Konami (Luci) LP: 4000

Taiyou LP: 400

"And to end this duel, Jinzo #7, attack him!" said the brown haired girl.

The little monster gave a much weaker attack, but was enough to get the life points of the obelisk to zero.

Konami (Luci) LP: 4000

Taiyou LP: 0

"She did it!" Sho said excitedly.

Asuka couldn't help but be impressed.


While my opponent was very shocked, I was more busy watching my PDA when it made a loud sound.

Name – Karou Yuki

Year – First Year

Dorm – Obelisk Blue

Day – 02

DP – 1,580

"Cool! This definitely will help!" I said excitedly

But then, the blue obelisk boy approached me with fury.

"You may have won this time, brat, but next time I'm going to beat you!" The boy said before taking out his deck.

"Now choose a card!" said the angry boy

I looked at him with surprise, but remembering what he said before, I decided to start searching.

But when I saw baby dragon, I could see a transparent figure coming out of the card.

"Hey! I saw the whole duel, you were incredible!" Baby Dragon's spirit said

I was surprised for a second, but I quickly grabbed the card, and said "I'll take this one."

They were both surprised, but then Taiyou said "Yeah, whatever, that's my weakest dragon, it's useless."

Seeing how the baby dragon gets upset because of what his former owner said, I was about to yell at him, but just then I heard footsteps.

Remembering the security of the place, I quickly ran and followed Asuka, Sho and Judai.


We all sighed when we were outside and security didn't catch us

While Judai was telling Asuka and Sho how he could have won against Jun, I gave a big yawn.

This attracted the attention of the three, and Judai said "Oh, that's right, how did your duel go,Yuki?"

I just shrugged, and said "Eh, I won, it wasn't a big deal, but hey, at least i got DP out of it"

"It wasn't a big deal?! You managed to summon a monster with almost 4000 attack points!" Sho said.

While I was blushing, Judai looked at me with literal stars in his eyes.

"Really?! If that's the case we should have a duel!" Judai said excitedly.

I sweatdropped, and said "Judai, it's after midnight, I think we should go to sleep."

Realizing the time, both Judai, sho and I said goodbye to Asuka.


After saying goodbye to the boys, I went into my room, and on the way, my spirits explained to Baby Dragon the fact that I could see duel spirits.

"Hey kiddo, do you want to be part of a deck?" I said in a kind tone

"Heck yeah!" the orange dragon said excitedly

"Very well, in that case you will be part of a dragon deck along with your fusions, do you have them on hand?" I asked

Nodding, the dragon glowed for a second before handing me two cards.

Checking the fusions, it seems that, even though it had a different effect in the anime,alligator's sword dragon can only attack directly if there are only earth, fire or water monsters on my opponent's side of the field.

Then, I remembered that some cards change their effect in the anime sometimes to look more like their counterpart in my world.

I shrugged, and said "Alright, everyone, tomorrow classes will start, and this week is the promotion exams, and i paln on ace it! ."

I started writing a list of cards on my cell phone, and showed them to my spirits.

Then, remembering something, I said "Ojama green, black, can I talk to you two?"

The two spiritus approached me, and Black asked, "Is something wrong, boss?"

"You remember how I'm from another reality, right? Well,thanks to that I know who's going to find your brother Yellow," I said.

Surprised, both ojamas said at the same time "R-Really?!"

I nodded, and said "Believe it or not, he's at North Academy, and it's going to be Jun Manjoume, the boy who challenged Judai and me to a duel, who will find him."

"Wait, isn't he an obelisk? why would he be at north academy?" Green asked

"It's a long story, the point is, you will be the only spirits I won't bond with because Jun obviously needs you, the poor guy doesn't have good brothers, and you can teach him that all cards have value." I said in a serious tone.

For the first time, I saw that the brothers looked serious, and they said "We understand, thank you for telling us this, boss."

I nodded, and after putting the cards on my nightstand, I took off all my clothes until I was in my underwear.

I got on my bed, and said "Good night everyone", but before I closed my eyes, I decided to add "Thank you all for being here for me."

I could hear "Aww" from some monsters before sleep made me unconscious.

Hi, i got inspired by "Stacking the deck", and i thought "What if i made a yugioh isekai fanfic where the protagonist is a girl?"

So yeah, i hope whoever reads this ejoys it.

Lucia_Leibovichcreators' thoughts
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