
Screw the Hero!

My life was mediocre, but that's okay. I got run over and died, but that's okay. I revived, but... wait... that's not okay! This miserable world, full of magical creatures, dangerous people and daily threats of planetary destruction. I know it --- this is the planet of that damn game! A doomed paltry world, whose salvation lay at the hands of despicable brainless characters! And, as if that weren't enough, I'm reincarnated as one of the protagonist's many romantic partners?! ''Long live the great hero!'' ''Stop calling me a hero!'' Why is everything falling apart? Sh*t! This is not good at all! [Volume 1 - ''Way Up to be Stronger!'' (On Going)] [The cover's photo is not mine. If you're the author and wants me to take it down, just contact me~] = Collections Goal: 95/100 (Bonus Chapter as soon as we hit it) = PS Goal: 17/100 (Bonus chapter for each 50 PS)

jonasjonasjonas · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Battle Aftermath (Interlude)

''Have you heard? They say there is a person utterly cleaning up the threats that have settled in the south.''

In the middle of a bar, interrupting the usual discussions about elegant women, high-priced drinks and aircraft models considered perfect, a man with an eye patch brought up a new subject.

His four friends, gathered around a circular wooden table — pocked with holes from wear and tear over time —, scratched their chins in bewilderment.

One of them, the oldest and most bearded one, took the lead and answered the man with the eye patch.

''Hmm... You mean the boy who saved Caltran from destruction?''

Filling the mug, pouring another bottle of beer completely, one more member of the group also joined the conversation, then.

''Hic! He… himself! A real hero! As strong and cunning as a lion! A legend to be praised! Hic!''

"I heard that he was so powerful that he defeated over a hundred hell wolves in less than thirty minutes."

Choking up for a second, another guy answered the old bearded man.

''I never thought I'd hear rumors of the emergence of a brave new hero. Even more so when I'm as old as I am.''

''Count me in this too, old friend.''

The man with the eye patch took another sip of his beer, quenching his thirst for alcohol.

At the same instant, he opened his mouth once more.

''By all indications, this man saved everyone without asking for anything in return. His humility and patience were described as magnificent."

The rumors that circulated everywhere of Juno claimed that it was out there, wandering in search of new adventures.

A wandering hero, endowed with great powers and who could defeat his enemies while yawning in boredom.

In essence, a next generation mysterious diamond in the rough.

He was also someone who carried the crest of the praiseworthy Dashner household, what made him someone influential.

Yet, in a modest way, he refused to reveal his identity to the public and set out on his journey once more, treading paths unknown to the people.

And, to add to his kindness even more, the man was shown to have fought with no gain in mind when he ran away from the proposed award ceremony that was offered to him.

''He danced while he fought! His sword shone like the night sky! Hic! He… he was very young… but his body was defined… Hic!… like… like that of a knight trained for years."

''Yeah, yeah. We believe in you, Geoffrey."

''I'm telling the truth, you goddamn— Hic!''

The man raised his voice drunkenly, claiming to have seen the hero and witnessed his deeds personally.

None of his friends believed his lines, brushing them off as if they were just lies.

At first, his descriptions of the so-called hero's techniques didn't even come close to what people who were actually inhabitants of Caltran said they had seen.

''I swear I saw it with my eyes! Hic! I swear on my life!''

''I already said: we believe in you.''

Angered, the man rose from his chair, only to fall unconscious shortly thereafter.

At the bump of his head, a dull thud resounded throughout the bar.

Glances from all directions fell on the unconscious man and the rest of the group.

"Geoffrey! Hey, you useless idiot! Wake up!''

A crowd started running in all directions, trying to understand what was happening.

From one second to the next, the bar was flooded with shouts and nasty, desperate comments.

But while this had reached the minds of everyone present, one individual in particular didn't even bother to get up from his seat.


Disconnected from reality, he was focused on just one thing: the rumors about the new hero that had supposedly emerged across the southern villages region.

His abnormally large body, covered by a patchwork hood, unconsciously moved towards the mug of beer, bringing it to his mouth.

The thin glove he wore showed off parts of each of his fingers.

''It must be him, for sure. But I thought Rodiel was smarter — didn't he, by any chance, follow my directions?''

There, in the middle of a small town on the edge of the province of Altero, was the soul of a warrior personified in flesh and blood.

Sipping small amounts of ale from his mug, Mael Dashner, the legendary Steelheart, the hero who saved the Kingdom of Juno from countless catastrophes, patiently relaxed.

As he got up and placed his payment on the barista's counter, he slipped out of the bar, taking advantage of the confusion going on in the place.

''A hero, isn't it? This kid must be shedding tears of blood with this title! Puhahat!''

He laughed when he realized the situation Rodiel was in.

Having lived with Rodiel for years, the man knew how the young man hated ''uncomfortable things'' like that from his heart.

Ever since he was little, the boy never liked the idea of ​​becoming a hero or anything like that — his only goal was to be strong in order to live a peaceful life.

Nevertheless, Mael was proud.

Slowly but surely, Rodiel Dashner, his only and trusted son, was finally beginning to blossom for the world.

And that would mark the beginning of a new era.


In the heart of the majestic continent, the royal capital of the Kingdom of Juno rose majestically, surrounded by mountain ranges and dense forests.

However, to the astonishment and confusion of many, this very location had housed a dungeon since ancient times, causing high-ranking monsters to periodically spawn here and there.

Even so, like the beautiful shimmering roses, the royal city flourished amidst the shadows of that same ancient dungeon, where dangerous portals skulked stealthily, lurking among the darkest and most decrepit of places.

Royal guards, trained in the arts of magic and war, kept the city safe, watching the portals and preparing for any threat that might arise.

At first, the dungeon posed a real danger.

However, in the present day, it turned into a gold mine of resources, which were needed for the production of materials, weapons and other items.

Explorers and adventurers ventured deep into the dungeon in search of riches and glory, while royal guards ensured the city's safety.

Like any other dungeon, although monsters haunted the depths of the caves, they also held a priceless treasure: the demon stones.

These precious stones were the kingdom's main source of income and power, and thanks to them, Juno grew into a powerful nation.

Looking from the outside, it was evident that this place was vast and full of riches, with numerous springs of sea water and fertile soils.

The huge floating island attracted salt water and spread it across the land, a mystery to many.

I didn't know how they filtered the water, but I didn't delve into it anymore.

As long as it worked as it was, that was all that mattered.

It was worth mentioning that Juno was also known for its natural beauty and harmony with nature.

Honestly speaking, the scale of the royal capital was imposing, with an urban population reaching over three million people.

Besides, unlike the villages I passed through and the mansion I lived in for so long, it was also a modern city.

It had sewer systems and electricity, alongside with other sophisticated implements for its time.

But, foremost, it was where nobles and other capable students attended the Discipline Academy.

The true pinnacle of training and education in the world.

Why was I thinking about that, though?

First of all, here I was on a cheap flying boat, sitting in one of the seats furthest from the crowd as it departed towards the capital.

Model Cavage A-43; this was the aircraft I was on now.

With its submarine design and with a kind of belly underneath, it was an example of the oldest model aircraft in this world.

''Brother, carry this for me! Don't be a damn weakling like the others and help me!''

A girl woke me from my thoughts.

By her side, a young man, who appeared to be only a little older than I was, was carrying several suitcases onto the deck.

He looked tired.

With the same hair color and uncannily similar face shapes, they argued among themselves.

''We finally arrived straight from our house after days, and all you have to do is complain?''

Her younger brother, tired of carrying the bags, seemed irritated by her complaints.

Watching the siblings fight, while I was lost in thought in that poorly maintained airship, I began to analyze everything.

As a first-year student at the Discipline Academy, I immediately recognized the veteran students by the identification cards around their necks.

Clucking her tongue, the girl was not willing to be treated with discourtesy, and scolded her brother with a sharp tongue:

''Hey, don't you dare talk to your big sister like that! Have some respect, you bastard!''

Black purple hair and crimson eyes like red wine.

They had a look worthy of Hollywood movies. It was something truly enviable.

''Dear sister, can you please stop embarrassing us? So, please shut up.''

The girl in the middle of the seats, who had casually said those harsh words, was attractive but lackluster.

Brandishing her fashion magazine in her hands, she showed her willingness and determination to keep up with trends and improve her appearance.

''You bastard! Come here! Now you'll see!

''Hey! Hey! Hey! Hang on-!''

While the family of natural bullies quarreled for no apparent reason, I, an ordinary passenger aboard a dilapidated airship, admired the huge floating island that rose a few meters from us.

'So delightful...'

''I will kill you, motherfucker-!''

''Stop! Freaking stop, you crazy bitch!''

Frighteningly, making my hair stand on end, they reminded me of my brazen, little sister.

Fortunately for me, the disturbances were stopped when we heard the sound of the dock being released and the airship slowly parked in the installations placed on the floating island.

'May they graduate far away from me.'

When I finally set foot outside for freedom, I silently prayed — asking to whatever god there was — that my school year would be free of people as troubled as those brothers.

But I was about to find out that my wishes had not been heard...

Once again.

I'm making some corrections to spelling mistakes here and there in all the chapters. The Prologue is almost complete, the other chapters will be done soon. If you liked it, vote with your PS and share your thoughts.

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